Legit question for survivor mains... re: Deathslinger.

Hi, I mainly play KILLER, but dabble with Survivor on a 70-30 basis.
I occasionally come up against the Deathslinger and just have my ass handed to me as soon as we meet, but I keep seeing threads saying that he's weak and needs buffs???
Level with me here, #########? What am I supposed to do?
Keep it real guys!
I truly don’t know lol. I am a survivor main and he beats me 99 percent of the time if he sees me . When I do happen to beat him the 1 percent of the time it’s because I zig zag run if he’s behind me and I try to get to pallets to where he can’t hit me down if he shoots me and I can get away breaking the chain . He’s difficult for me because he’s new but I do see survivors that just waste him and my hat goes off to them .... I just can’t do it .
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He isn't all that good at looping really. Basically he is the huntress...only not as good. He is also slow at reloading the chain gun and pretty much slow at everything frankly.
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I play both killer and survivor and you will begin to understand that if u just throw down the pallet he can’t do anything, so loop the pallet until you get injured and then throw it down as soon as you get to it next, throw down every pallet as soon as you get to it and he can’t do #########
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OK... True story.
We start in the shack and hit the gen.
We hear the Terror radius kick and a sense of panic hits. We barely get a chance to respond as he enters and I get hit in the ensuing panic. He turns his attention to me and harpoons me... I am hooked... Obviously, if he decides to tunnel etc, it's GAME OVER.
Hints and tips welcome!
Or do I just stick to Killer?
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His looping is dogshit for the most part. I play him often and sometimes I get lucky and spear someone before they reach the pallet or when I mindgame them at the pallet gap and I shoot them there. Best things to do are like said above to zig zag and hug as many trees and walls and LOS blockers as you can when running or being stealthy. Oh and look behind you for God sake when you're running if you know the path ahead that way you can bait out a shot or two or predict when he's gonna aim and fire.
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Deathslinger is one of the strongest gest 1v1 killers. Someone with good aim (and crosshair) will "noscope" quick shot you as soon as the opportunity is there. Seriously, there is no reaction time for the survivor. You can only hope that his aim is off.
I think he is absolutly fine where he is. More buffs will make him just very frustating to go against, frustating like going against spirit I guess.
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OK, so, drop the pallet early, or you're F***ed?
Any further constructive suggestions are welcome.
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A good Deathslinger will beat you in a 1v1.
Thats his only strength.
But He cant pressure gens at all.
Also he has little to no Snowball potential.
You can use dead hard for a save dodge of the harpoon and you can try to run out of LOS.
Many Deathslinger look on the survivors movement before they shoot so you always can pretend to be dumb and walk in a straight line.
You can try to not look behind and move unpredictable , not looking behind you means you have no idea if hes aiming at you or not so that makes your own moves unpredictable for both sides.
Every shot is a mindgame.
Pallets are super safe against him.
Dont try to escape a chase, just make it last long enough for your teammates to do gens.
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Spine Chill and hide.
He's basically Old Legion, if you ever played against them.
Getting in a chase against a decent player will result in you being downed. So be immersed, rush gens, and Escape.
Post edited by TheRockstarKnight on0 -
The hitbox on his harpoon is very small and survivor's hitboxes are not always clear. Missing shots with him is really bad, so dodging and being hard to hit is a must for survivors going against him.
His slow movement speed is very slow (110 instead of 115) so he suffers with long chases. He's fun, but not very effective all the time.
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Strong in 1 v 1, but very weak in 1 v 4.
When i play as him, i can get downs just fine. But without pop, i can't really protect the gen and by the time i get 1 kill, it's already 1 gen left or all gens are already.
So if you want to win against him, do gens.. he's pretty loud when he's chasing, so you can do gens to your heart content.
PS: if i can suggest a change to him, give him the ability to sprint outside the chase.