SWF ruining this game
SWF groups are ruining this game so much. When is the issue going to be address by the devs to make it fair for the killers and also solo survivors?
Why are new players being punished by being put up against the pro SWF groups?
Where is the balance in this game?
This is exactly what DCUO did when their game died. Put any player with any player because of the lack of players in the actual game.
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"You've seen the world. You've seen the state it's in. You're smart enough to know that someone, somewhere has lied to you. There is no plan. There is no balance. It's all lies..." - Pride, Darksiders 3.
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Even as solo surv i no want to play with three people SWF. SWF potato can't run out from EW1 Myers and dropped god/save pallet. One minute after i'm dead because this potato dropped pallet, for nothing. So i accept my lose and suicide on first hook, let them fun.
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Just watched a Tru3 Talent vid last night with him running an insane speed Wraith build and he couldn't keep up with a very good SWF. He even stated there's nothing you can really do against them. They all had dead hard (as they should), and decisive strike. They mostly looped properly as well. He was flying through the map applying crazy pressure on gens, getting hooks, and it still wasn't enough. He only got two kills because someone went AFK and the other let Tru3 kill them.
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and the other let Tru3 kill them.
By "dancing" at the Exit Gates for one second too long.
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I've taken 2 penalties today from dcing as the killer because of it putting me up against SWF groups. I think I'm a few bad games away from quitting the game tbh. It feels like I'm always going up against people who have so much skill in the game.
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Hang in there- I think the devs will address SWF at some point this year. It's getting out of control and everyone is complaining. I believe there was a newly posted SWF complaint thread posted above yours, around the same time- yesterday. lol
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Wow DCUO, that takes me back!
Ah the good ole days :D
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Gen rush is a pain in the ass , so imagine if any of the guy play with show what you can do he just has to be with one guy to completly destroy all the gens while the other loop the killer , its clairly Unbalance right now .
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I had to take 3 penalties yesterday because of SWF groups being to over powered. A 3, 4 and a 13 minute penalty. After the 13 min penalty I turned the game off and didn't play again last night.
Come on today and choose killer to do a daily challenge and it puts in a SWF group againt. I hit a survivor and they disappeared, I then hit a 2nd survivor and they disappeared. 1st genny has just popped and boom I DC'd out the game again because am done giving these pro players better stats. I've not got a 14 minute penalty for it.
Why do we have to hold out because the devs refuse to look into balancing the games.
If all you get when playing the killer is SWF groups, I don't think it's worth actually playing as the killer in this game.
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Just DC'd again as the killer because of an unfair SWF group once again. Wow! How bad can this game actually get? 30 minute penalty this time.
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Wow! Another ban for 30 minute ban for DC because it puts me in with yet another 4 man SWF group. Cmon this has to be a joke now? This SWF group is killing this game off.
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I just dcd out of a game because of another pro SWF lobby and didn't get a penalty this time. get in there.
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Maybe stay out of Red and Purple ranks? This is a social game, people play with their friends. Killing SWF could actually stop this game. Remember, just DC and let the survs have a laugh.
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In your case SWF isnt the problem. At first its the matchmaking, cause youre obviously much worse than those SWFs. Second, obviously your mindset isnt suited for playing competitive games, if you DC just because the other side is better.
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Obviously the other team is better. If they're rank 1-9 red and purples with thousands of hours of game play compared to me rank 12 killer with maximum level killer at 15 with green perks and about couple days worth of game play.
How can it put me into SWF lobbies like this?
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Fair enough if people play with their friends but SWF is to over powered to go up against killers in this game. There needs some mort of buff to killers or nerf to SWF when people are playing together.
I DC as killer and get a penalty because of unfair SWF lobbies all the time. Why should SWF lobbies get easy matches to pad their stats, why is it the SWF lobbies only be put up against rank 3 killers for once instead of us rank 12 noob killers.
I've resorted to tunnelling the same survivor and face camping just to get at least 1 kill in the game. Is it fun for me? No, it's not fun for me having to do this. As soon as I go after someone, I get led around the map lopped over and over again by the SWF groups. So camping and tunnelling has became my only option now.
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Quit dcing you will never get better by giving up. I was a rank 12 killer getting stomped on not to long ago but didn’t give up and it made me a better killer. I’m rank 4 now and still have a bad game every now and then but mostly 2k or 4K every game. As for swf they usually have one sometimes two good loopers who will follow you around and keep you chasing them. I go for the ones doing gens first cause they usually can’t loop very good just watch for the flashlight saver hiding near.make sure to pick them up facing a wall or something if you can.
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I;ve just been in a lobby with yet another SWF group and guess what. ######### game again that I had to DC out of. Another 30 minute penalty because the game puts me in another unfair match. Wow! How can this game hate new players and solo players so much?
Dead game
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Are you a meme?
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Has SWF lobbies been nerfed yet? Not been on game for a few days and played one game with 4 swf, played a 2nd game and just dcd out of it because it was another SWF groups again taking a 4 minute penalty.
Why am I being punished for not wanting to play unfair matches?
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After the 4 minute penalty was over, I tried to join another lobby. Never guess what... I could already tell it was another SWF group so I just turned the game off. No wonder this game was free on PS+. It's not very well balanced.
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Don't worry devs are buffing solo survivors soo everyone is op
If every survivor is op, no one is op!
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You guys need to chill, I love going against teams that actually put my skill to the test. Full squad Swf are very very rare, but when I find them I have veey good matches. Some grief of course, because DBD has a toxic playerbase, but they are still good at the game and give me highly interactive matches. Swf are not the problem, having broken areas in multiple maps is - infinites for example. But even then, most killers can shut down infinites anyway if the player applies their killer unique power well. Being forced to play really well or end up losing is not an issue with the game! It's a welcomed challenge that pretty much most of the dbd community shy away from, because most players in this era of DBD are boosted to F and wouldn't know any kind of skillful pressure if it slapped them in the face.
The issue with matchmaking is purely that. The devs messed about with rank reset one too many times and now ranks mean diddly-squat, low level players are being paired with higher ranked survivors, it isn't that swf are the cause of this issue, it's the devs terrible matchmaking changes. Do not blame something that is highly uncommon for everyone to vs as the cause of all your pain in DBD.
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lmao, SWF is the only reason this game is still alive.
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SWF is the strongest "role" available in the game, mostly because communication is extremely powerful (making a lot of team and killer tracking perks unnecessary in a lot of cases) and killer will have to lose a lot of time dealing with 4 competent survivors running second-chance perks (mainly DS, Unbreakable and Dead Hard).
The problem is, balancing killers around these good SWF players will make the solo survivor experience really rough (it IS the weakest role of DbD). Most players actually still do play by themselves with random teammates.
If they boost all survivors to have the tools of SWF by default (probably by just enabling gamechat), then the argument against balancing killer around this powerful side falls away and would hopefully be a step towards making killer feel more capable in these trials.
...Of course the maps themselves and the matchmaker's map selector will also need some attention, but it could be a start...
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bla bla bla
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Wraith got 3 kills against swf on comms. Tru3 is just bad. The game starts at 55:21.
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The SWF lobbies are absolutely ruining these games now. I'm only just scraping by at rank 10 killer and getting put in with ranks 1,2,2 and a 3 SWF groups. How is this possibly fair? Why are the devs allowing this to happen? When is this going to get fixed?
Why should us new players be punished like this? Does the devs not care at all about new players? Balance the game out.
Should be a box you have to tick to be put up against SWF groups because I'm about done with this rubbish now.
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You would even lose against solo players of these ranks. Your rant is completely unlogical.
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We should have the option as to whether or not us new players want to go up against fully decked out veterans on this game with thousands of hours of game play.
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Can someone give me a date on when the new match making will come through please?
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I'm confused by this entire thread. Nobody is making you disconnect, you choose to. Whether the game is bad or not just get through it. You may even learn something in the process. Disconnecting only makes the survivors laugh at you, especially if they keep seeing you do it and it holds you back from improving. A lot of people claim to be against SWF a lot more than they actually are. I have been accused of being SWF many times when playing solo. Just suck it up and get better through experience
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This is the message I just got off a person on the Ps4 and quoting them.
" Get rekt with ur 1 kill "
Do you think us players should get messages like this because SWF are way to overpowered?
SWF should not have been put in this game.
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This is the message I just got off a person on the Ps4 and quoting them.
" Get rekt with ur 1 kill "
Do you think us players should get messages like this because SWF are way to overpowered?
SWF should not have been put in this game.
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Swf will never be balanced because survivors will never give up their unfair advantage they have threatened to quit if you take their comms they want easy wins they want to use comms i a game where it wasn't designed for it or intended for it and its still not designed or balanced for it but who cares about fair play survivors should have cheats
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Apparently the next update is to balance the game out to stop the groups being to powerful. I just had a match and done what I dislike doing and got quarter dollar coin for it, hard times when needing them quarter dimes in the UK. I'm hoping it comes out faster so it's easier for killers instead of the game being 1 sided.
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Or you could just, play the game idk
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Third Seal and Knock Out are awesome perks! Too bad they're also useless 75% of the time....
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Honestly the fix is pretty obvious and not hard to implement. Just add a debuff to the game when you utilize SWF. Just put a small tooltip when entering SWF that says something along the lines of "Playing Survive with Friends encounters an x% reduction to certain action speeds such as generator repairs and healing. The percentage increases by x for every survivor in the group. Bloodpoints for this mode are increased by 100%" It still encourages players to use it, but gives them a "hard mode" for doing so at an increased reward. Once this is implemented, they can work around it. It wouldn't deter SWF from doing so, cause if you wanna play with friends your gonna play with friends. You are challenged more to work together, and you get rewarded for doing so.
All of this works for both sides of the game, Killers have an actual fighting chance, don't have to play as toxic, and SWF actually get rewarded for playing a harder version of the game.
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Something like this has been stated lots of time but has not yet been introduced. I don't know why, but maybe in the future something like this will be implemented.
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The maximum number of people per group would have to be 2, currently it is a game of 4 vs 1, 5 engines vs 12 hangs, there is absolutely no balance in this game.
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When is survive with friends nerf coming?
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Actually i believe this would indeed balance it so its little less hard to play against SWF. I do both sides. But you can for sure notice. Lots of killers seem to not want to play anymore because you instant queue against a group two times higher rank. That can only happen because the devs are scared the wait time for them gets to long
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I personally would rather wait longer in the queue for a game that's balanced. I don't want to get chucked in with swf who want the game done in 5 mins because they want to gen rush. It's making the killers not want to play that side anymore. 2 games I've had in the last 3 days.
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i don't think it's ruining the game but it's definitely annoying
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IM not asking for SWF dissapearim asking for balance