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General Discussions


Member Posts: 64

I was at the end of a game as survivor against death slinger and the doors got opened but the killer had a Dwight on his shoulder and I was going to try to get him , the game froze it said that I dc’d and that the killer dc’d . I know I didn’t and I have a hard time believing that the killer did and I got a ban for it. They need to fix this ASAP .

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  • Member Posts: 464

    It is really awful when that happens and you get a ban. Apparently you lose connection to the server and the game thinks you dc'ed. Chances are the killer was really still in game. You see a dc sign next to your name and the killer's name and maybe show the remaining survivors had escaped. In reality all those still playing are still playing--except you. Once I was destroying this killer...I had unhooked a bunch of people, was now on my third gen (and it was the last one) and then...boom...loading screen. I would have double pipped. Instead, I lose all my BP and depipped. Beyond frustrating. Can't image how much rage it would cause if I also got a dc time out.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I am sorry this happened but others before abused the disconnect and thus the problem is not that you got dc'd but did you report the crash to behavior with your logs? or did you just not worry about it and relaunch like most people do? If you do not let them know when you crashed, give them your logs in order for them to look at they can't see what is going on. It is also possible the issue was your computer but without the logs I do not know.

  • Member Posts: 255

    It's one of those unfortunate things, The system can't distinguish between all forms of DC as too many varibale exits. It's why they say if you DC due to an internet fluxation please make sure it's stable before playing again.

    Realistically it shouldn't be an issue unless you purposley DC quite often. A once of DC is 5 minutes, grab a drink, bio, and it's pretty much over.

  • Member Posts: 961

    I just switched video cards and my case and encountered some instability. Even though the crash report came up, still got the ban. Scared to play now until I'm certain the card is stable, don't want to get a major ban.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    The Devs don't care. They just want to cash in on overpriced cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 64

    Yes I did report it so they would be able to look into it . I hope it gets fixed .

  • Member Posts: 6,344

    Interesting what is this crash log thing you mention, how do i send such in? I've this happen to me several times, showing two dc's, one the killer and the other apparently me. I definitely do not wish to get dc penalties and/or banned once the ded servers are back up for Xbox.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Let's be honest. The people who used to disconnect instead just kill themselves on the first hook now. That's IF they aren't just eating the first five minute penalty within a 24 hour period or a 15 minute penalty if they happened to disconnect twice. "But hey! They killer gets more bloodpoints this way at least!" not a lot more, and they could've solved that by just giving everyone more bloodpoints for a disconnect and maybe combined it with a 15 minute penalty instead of one that escalates.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    If the game fully crashed as in completely stops a window pops up and you can ignore it or click send report. then there is a log you can get information oh where the other log is in the bug section here on the forum. also you would submit a ticket and attach that log there.

    I'd rather they use in match functionality than going out of the match to disconnect. survivors have a chance to save them even then. hell you can save someone suiciding on second hook if you're right there!

  • Member Posts: 6,344

    I have never seen a window pop up on my Xbox when DBD freezes or crashes or whatever it does when this happens

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