Why do people care about the first 3 gens?
When i get 3 gens popped instantly instead of crying on the fourms i actually "apply pressure" by slugging or camping as ghostface its really not that hard since most survivors at red ranks are bad and i dont tunnel so no ds. Honestly i have no idea where these gen rushing survivors are i litrally never see them. Am i just lucky? Do you gen rushed every game?
Because we don't want to have to camp/tunnel/slug to win, and having 8% of your objective done when the survivors do 60% of theres is very stressful.
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There are 8 gens and 4 survivors, it’s common sense that the first Gen will pop
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It depends on which gens get popped. If the last 4 gens on the map are split 2/2 across a big map? Good luck applying pressure successfully. That pretty much guarantees the game is on a shortened timer unless you are a killer with insane mobility, especially if there are still 4 survivors.
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Because they dont understand the game.
There s enough of good players in red ranks. The thing is that if killer plays good he will perform good.
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If you always find a survivor the moment the game loads in, you're luck is freaking amazing. If not, then I guess you're wasting time travelling to gens to find survivors just like everybody else.
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Killers dont want to use optimal killers, optimal addons , optimal perks, mori, eliminating survivos as fast as possible, slug, brains to win. Seems like the only thing you want is to make killer overpowered.
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You do know you quote a post that talks about camping. I had a game where a plague just stare at a person they got on hook until they died. The minute the others learn that. The three remaining players, did the gens and open the gates. Leading to three people getting away. All due to the killer wasting time ensuring one single person died. Camping can be a very questionable tactic. Since the minute others notice it and are willing to give up on saving that team mate. They can get alot done and escape.
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Camping is not viable unless you camp for about 5 seconds to force survivor to reach second stage. I didnt mention camping at all in your post.
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Maybe because 3 genning every single game can get boring fast and when this happen the killer dont have a chance to play the game unless for you playing the game is setting up for a 3 gen from the start then defending those gen for 10 minute or so
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You should have just asked why do killer mains care about game balance.
And my answer would be every player should care about balance.
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maybe because more than half of the gens needed to open the exit gates are done. ######### is serious now, it's ######### go time 😂😂😂
But remember, the game isn't over yet. Just stay calm and try to kill survivors...if they escape, take the loss and move on
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Some would say things being unbalance can be fun. Of course that case i have normally seen apply to games where single player is a thing. Which in online only games. Yeah balance i would say it important. Since ideally both sides should have a fair chance to win. Since a victory is more fun, if you have to earn it. Rather than it being handle to you on a silver plate. Which is why games like dark souls are fun. Challenging and normally fair once you understand the game.
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Because basic math tells me a 60% head start for survivors to complete their objective is stupid. No one said it was impossible to come back from this, but for your casual killer it’s hard and extremely frustrating and unfun to start a game and realize that 60% of the survivors objective is practically given to them.
If you have never seen 2-3 gens pop early game then you have some questionable teammates.
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After 3 gens are done and you have 1 hook there are 3 survivors free to either finish both remaining gens in around 80 seconds or split to save the hooked guy and still finished the gens.
All of that depends on survivors staying in the same spot or heavy slugging and lack of coordination between remaining survivors.
I'm not saying most of survivors aren't terrible but... some killers are terrible as well, why are we ignoring them and their fun?
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Every time you post your username gives you away, it's like a sign around your neck.
As others have said, 60% of your objectives completed while I accomplished (being generous here) 16% of mine (and that's an optimistic estimate assuming I'm just trying to 2k, forget 4k at that point) is going to immediately put me in a terrible position where I will need to employ harsh tactics (slugging, juggling, proxy camping) in order to get back in the game.
Also I like your little gloss over "I don't tunnel so no DS". As if DS is ONLY for anti-tunneling and not a free 60 second immunity from getting picked up and at worst getting slugged only to be picked up either through unbreakable or a teammate.
Finally, if you aren't seeing gen rushing survivors at red ranks I would question whether you're actually playing at red ranks, because at red rank as killer I see optimal survivors constantly.
Did you ever wonder why you see a lot of certain killers at red ranks? Freddy in particular? That's because Freddy can find a survivor, down them, hook them, and immediately teleport across the map to a generator to hit it with pop goes the weasel. THAT is the type of map pressure and generator regression necessary to slow down optimal survivors and sometimes even that doesn't work.
Also as others have said the amount of stress killers get put under to likely get screwed out of pips anyway thanks to the terrible emblem system just isn't worth it for a lot of them, which is why survivor queues are off the charts now, killer has gone from being one side of an equal balance to survivor's chew toy and a lot of players just put their hands up and said "I'm out".
The irony is that the ones that remain at red ranks as we are usually the ones you DON'T want to go up against, as they often use the same tactics you describe in this post. And if after-game chat is any indication red rank survivors aren't too fond of slugging and "tunneling" either,
The amount of games where I get into a long war of attrition with 2-3 survivors on a 3 gen is mind-numbilng.
The worst one I ever had was on Yamaoka against an "immersive" team who of course brought a thick reagent and no map offering, so they get lucky with the greatest map ever for immersive types. Thankfully they literally five gen themselves somehow with even having a map so I eventually whittle them down to two remaining and just two megs remaining. The result is the most painful 7 minutes of me patrolling three gens, them getting close and immediately using sprint burst to the other side of the map where clearly I'm not following one of them to let the other do a gen unimpeded. So they run off and wait for sprint burst to come off CD to try again. Rinse, repeat, for at least a good 5 mins of just that alone until I finally just give up and chase one down and hook them, leading to the other getting the hatch and proceeding to tell me how much I suck for getting a 3k and a pip for "playing like a #########" because I wouldn't leave my 3 gen. /headdesk.
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My name has a story behind it im not actually toxic. I personally enjoy slugging alot which is probably why i dont get gen rushed. I dont use gen slowing perks because i dont have any yet ): and can still consistently 4k as billy, ghostface, myers and hag ifyou want proof i can play 10 games and show the resaults but im currently not at red ranks cause i havent played since rank reset. And as for ds i just slug them 2 times if i see them then if i see them the third time i hook them. i use a strategy of tunneling 2 people and only going for the other 2 if i have to and it's been working very consistenly. And its not like ranks matter considering i can get put with 2 rank 15s and 2 red ranks.
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Survivors rather focus on a Gen to make it done, is to make their Objective 20% complete, permanently.
Killer hook 4 times, once each Survivor, is like Survivors doing 25% of 5 Gens, its 0% Objective complete.
The key word Gen rush, not just about Survivor ignore totem, healing, or even unhook their mate to make their Objective complete permanently, is exactly the same as Killer tunneling a single Survivor, to make their 25% Objective complete permanently.
I truly believe a simple way to make Gen rush stop, is to let Killer able to kick completed Gens (though they will only regressed 5% max after Gen is completed once)