
Recently, I've been playing as killer (The Trapper) a lot. But I have been playing, and everytime I win the match, the people call me camper. But I don't know why. I look for the generators, put some traps, when I get someone I try to hide and try to look for someone and walk a little bit to see if something's happening. I use my perk (Insidious) sometimes to camp (THAT'S THE ONLY TIME I REALLY CAMP) to try to get the guys saving the hooked one. But that's only it. I think those guys get annoyed because the fall into my traps. But isn't that what The Trapper does? Traps people to get them? I don't know why people call me that. Are they raging?
Edit: I know that the Insidious doesn't hide the player model, I actually once thought it did, but it just hides the heartbeat. I think those guys think that I camp, because I stay in the sides of the hooked one. I think that's it.
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Don't listen to much to what survivors say. To them, if you spawn in the same map as them you're already camping.
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But I won didn't I? If I win this way, why should it be a bad way? Of course, if you cheat, you're winning the same way, but I am not.
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Playing insidious seems to indicate a tendency to camp.
With that said play how you want. I got facecamped last night by a billy shaking his head at me for 2 minutes until I die. Cost him 4 gennys.
I just took my 3 thousand pts, sent him a gg and moved on. We really gotta stop getting mad at another's play style. It's just a game.
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@ZeroCelsiuz In Dead by Daylight it's generally agreed upon that if you're lurking within 8-10 meters of a hooked survivor that you're camping them.
In terms of efficiency with hook sacrifices, on most killers this is a bad call since you'll generally get more points for perks and add-ons by chasing survivors, even if they get away. However, you are free to do whatever you want in game as a killer as long as it doesn't break any rules. If my memory serves me right, the game Director himself, Mathieu Cote was(/is?) a camper who originally used the "beartrap directly under hooked survivor" technique when it was still a thing. I mean last time I saw him play he was playing Hag in Korea so I still think he's a defensive killer player.
What I'm trying to say is, if you're lurking around a hook and you don't know anyone else is there, then you are camping, but, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Play however you like.
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I just won a game, here is what I did: Start of the game, put some traps in generators and stuff. Mid game, 3 generators left, already hit 3 guys once, some fell into traps and stuff. Later game, 2 guys alive, 1 generator left. They fled together, got one and hooked him. So, I stayed with Insidious in another side of the room (because I knew those guys were trying to save each other everytime). That tactic is good. If they wanna save each other, and I am lurking in the rooms, it's a win for me. The other guy tried to save and I killed him. Is that camping for bad? I just did what was the best to do.
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There is nothing wrong with camping and you made a good call camping in that scenario. The only reason I said camping can be inefficient is due to the fact that some killers will camp hooks from the very beginning of the game and end up wasting a lot of time (2 mins per person) lurking at the hook.
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Yeah if it the kind of camping. Where the killer just stares at the person on hook while everyone else does the objectives. Since i saw a killer do that in a game before. They just stare at a person until they died, letting the three of us do the objectives and than escape. Not a smart play. Yet if you know they will be coming for them. Be it due to spotting one of their friends before or one of your perks tells you they are nearby. Can be a good idea to perform a clear loop around. To see if they will come and save their friend. Yeah that when it be can smart. Since that way you might be able to get two for the price of one or trade one for one. That or have a very fun case of the whole team dying, just trying to save one person in the basement.
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I'm just kidding. You don't sound like a camper, you're just dealing with petty survivors. I played last night and there were campers galore, even Pig was camping.
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"Recently, I've been playing as killer (The Trapper) a lot. But I have been playing, and everytime I win the match, the people call me camper."
Camping is when the Killer is still on the map after hooking a survivor. Apologise and let them drop a pallet on your head NOW!
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I know dude, I know what's camping. I just didn't know why people called me it.
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As already said, don't worry about it. It's a common thing in gaming for people to find something to blame no matter if it's true. You'll see accusations like camper, tunneler, toxic, SWF and more even in situations where the accusation is objectively and provably incorrect (or just so subjective it basically has no value, like with "toxic", "sweaty", "tryhard" and so on).
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The survivors is really saying "You won :(" when they say "camper"
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That's not camping, real camping is leatherface's hook staring or insidious basement lurking.
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I see you too are a man of culture and Samination.
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Just finished a match, and as always: "nice camper"
3 Gennys, 3 killed.
Last one escaped by the vault.
I've putten a trap in the basement when 1 guy was hooked. One fell at it. 2 hooked in the basement. Was hunting another one and bang, another one fell on it. Came back, he rescued both, but got down by me. Pute the trap again, another guy fell, 2 on the basement. Used insidious a little bit and got another one trying to save. 3 HOOKED IN THE BASEMENT BY THE SAME TRAP.
"nice camper."
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I used to think Survivors who complained about campers and tunnelers were just whiny babies, but after a few days of playing this game with the lock down that we are in, 6/8 games have campers and tunnelers. It's just making the game miserable and makes me switch to killer and play nice and meme around with survivors.
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