So, can we do something about this?

So, had a game as legion. I started off strong and hit all 4 survivors who were grouped up. I chased one, downed them. They gave up on first hook, downed another one, they gave up on first hook, then downed another one AND THEY gave up on first hook. Found the hatch and closed it. Guessed wrong on exit gate and last survivor escaped. I was like, “I got a 3K. I should pip.. right?” But no, because I didn’t get enough hooks because they all gave up. I saved pip. What can I do about this? When survivors can literally dictate wether I can pip or not? It feels wrong to me.
Killer experience is only pain.
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It is wrong, the emblem system is hugely flawed and everyone knows it. Fortunately, something is being done about it, we just don't know precisely when.
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My thing is though, did the devs just... not test their emblem system. Like.. I know they do heavily before releasing it. but It just makes me wonder how that they just keep letting these flaws get through. This is something I feel like YOU WOULD have had to have tested.
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Exactly. It’s a shame. I took a few months break from this game and I expected a lot of the issues that were there when I left would be fixed by now. But, quite a scary amount are left un fixed. I don’t get it.
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This is the same dev team that let this game go live at one point where sabotaged hooks didn't regenerate so all you were left with was the basement, LOL
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I made a thread detailing this same issue.
basically TL:DR the easiest fix would be a disconnect or survivor dies on the first hook for any reason the game should award three hooks to the killer automatically. That way regardless of survivor action your devout score doesn't go into the tank. I also proposed fixes to gatekeeper and malicious.
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They make it so easy for you so you’d think so right
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You know, that’s an excellent point. I’ve been playing this game since release on PS4. Taking few month breaks every once in a while. And it’s funny just to see a lot of stuff go unfixed everytime I return.
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Another one of these, if they’d do away with ranks completely like they need to there’d be nothing to complain about.
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Yes, another one of these. The emblem system is heavily flawed. Just reinforcing it so maybe we can get a fix. That’s all.
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As much as that sucks, it is no different for a survivor. Survivor enters match, takes 2 steps and hears TR. After a 30 second chase, they get downed and camped. Non-BT survivor farms them, they get downed right after getting off hook and no time to move. Hooked and dead. Less than 3k BP and a depip. Nothing they could do. But wait, they can not get downed. Wrong. Even the best survivors get downed.
It sucks, but it is still 1000X better than being camped/tunneled from the start and getting crap BP and a depip. At least as killer, I get to rake in some decent BP in even the most annoying matches.
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No. That just encourages camping more. Survivors have the right to die on first hook. I have had only one do it in over 20 matches. When I play survivor, I see it happen a lot, but almost always in matches where there is some serious tunneling or camping going on. If the survivor wants out of a match vs a camper/tunneler, they have every right to die on first hook. If anything, give killers a way to forfeit the game if they have less than 2 hooks and 1 gen left. Boom, slow down the gen rush or risk a very short game with crap bp.
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Wow, could you be more of an obvious survivor main with the nonsense pouring out of this response.
So let's break this bullshit down piece by piece.
"Survivors have a right to die on the first hook"
I never said they shouldn't be able to, I said that if they choose to do that, the other two hooks of value should be given to the killer automatically, so they aren't now immediately screwed out of iridescent devout just cause someone either failed to kobe or decided to ragequit.
"I have had only one do it in over 20 matches"
Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal, I've had it happen in at least 5 of my matches today out of 15, one time it was directly linked to a safety pip instead of an actual pip. Your experience is not fact, and does nothing for this argument.
"But almost always in matches where this is some serious tunneling or camping going on"
How can someone tunnel or camp ON THE FIRST HOOK . By definition, no one can camp or tunnel you to down you and put you on the hook for the first time. What are you talking about here?
"If the survivor wants out of a match vs. a camper/tunneler, they have every right to die on the first hook"
Refer to above response, you're such an obvious survivor main it's actually painful, to be tunneled, you would have to be downed TWICE at least, herp a derp, and to camp you in my solution would take over 4 mins of the killer sitting there which would be an auto-forfeit for the killer and rightly so. If anything this solution makes camping completely useless.
"If anything, give killers a way to forfeit the game if they have less than 2 hooks and 1 gen left. Boom, slow down the gen rush or risk a very short game with crap bp."
This is so stupid I think you actually gave me a migraine, we are talking about how survivor actions screw a killer out of a rightful pip because they clearly dominated the match and you're talking about a surrender option for killer? Yeah I'll go with stupid statements that have nothing to do with the conversation for 500 Alex.
"Slow down the gen rush"
Seriously you're just spouting cliches at this point. Seek medical attention for that brain injury you have clearly suffered.
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So we're just gonna pretend that DS isn't a thing? If you haven't actually looked into options to prevent tunneling you shouldn't be spouting off in forums about tunnelers/campers. It's so painfully obvious you're not only a survivor main but one who plays at low ranks where some killers will do this kind of behavior. Sit down junior we're talking about pipping at high ranks where emblem requirements are way higher and killers have ot play almost perfectly to pip. Meanwhile survivors can do 1.5 gens, get chased for 30 seconds, unhook 1-2 times and easily pip, even at red ranks.
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Yeah emblems don't really work at high ranks.
The current red rank emblem requirements (or even more demanding ones) would make sense at rank 1 itself, as pipping (the game saying you should be a better rank) at the "best" rank in the game should in my opinion be almost prohibitively difficult, and the ability to "save" pips at rank 1 so you don't instantly go to rank 2 after one depip should come back. To me that sounds like it'd make the act of trying to keep rank 1 a bit more interesting and meaningful. Should be adjusted for both killer and survivor.
But for every red and to some extent purple rank it's not really compatible with the 2k balance goal of the devs at all, unless the match is some sort of clownfest where the killer farms the hell out of Malicious and gets iri Gatekeeper or something.
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- DS is not run all the time. Some people don't want to be stuck running one perk at all times.
- DS is avoidable easily. You can slug them and leave them while proxy camping them. Still a crap match for that person.
- I don't care what you think I am. I've been playing killer for more than 2 years now. I would rather see the game balanced through proper buffs than listen to the constant crying of the communities on this forum though. Killers are the biggest whiners on this forum while survivors tend to rule the Steam forum.
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If you ever paid attention to the posts I've made on this forum, you would know how silly your "survivor main" stupidity is. Just because I tend to look at things from a balance standpoint and you are clearly overly biased does not make you right. Honestly, I want lots and lots of survivors attracted to the game so my killer ques are instant. I know that happens only if there is balance. I don't want it overly survivor sided, and seriously want to see something to assist with the insane gen speeds when using low mobility killers - such as my choice of killer, Trapper.
The fact you can't see how your complaint is biased when you take the full picture into account says all I need to know about you. You are blinded by bias.
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Honestly if you are high rank, you are at the mercy of the other side to pip or even de-pip. the emblem system is not working perfectly but it's better than using blood points to determine if you pip or not. There are also issues with it on survivor side. one of the emblems survivors get assesed on specifically says "the ability of the survivor to not be seen by the killer" it only rewards you well if you are right next to the killer and he doesn't notice you. this should also reflect those that are on gen duty or end up on gens because they tend to get hooked across the map from where you are on a gen and others are right there for the save so why get off the gen when others will get it before you get there and thus a gen was not finished and ruin regressess it or the killer kicks it?
Thing is it should not be as easy as it is to pip up into the high ranks. It should progressively get harder to pip up and be hardest in the red ranks. sure you get people that suicide on hook but if you play a great deal it ends up not being such as big of an occurance till it is time for rank reset as seen in this past rank reset. you let someone get out that is why you didn't get a pip (you were 1 emblem level away from pipping. you had 12 out of 16 possible emblem points you needed 13 to pip up 1 pip.
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Me and a Myers double pipped at red rank once by him carrying me on his shoulder all game and just meme'ing while he slugged people, dropped me to hook someone else, then picked me back up again.
I was with SWF so don't worry. Emblem system makes no sense.
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- Same can be said for all meta perks, you don't have to run them all the time but people do, stupid argument is stupid.
- Even slugging is still immunity from getting hooked twice, meaning you can't be tunneled by definition, which is getting put on the hook over and over. Not to mention someone can easily pick you back up once the killer looks for someone else.
- If you have been playing killer you are clearly playing it at ranks where you don't understand the balance against playing optimal survivors, which is what we're talking about. Red ranks require multiple iridescents to pip, and a survivor killing themselves on the first hook screws a killer just because the survivor wanted to not play anymore and it's garbage. And no, there's plenty of entitled survivor mains on this forum, staring at one right now.
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I'm not going to delve into your post history, it was the language you used that I pointed out, which clearly came from a place of bias. Survivors should have the "right" to kill themselves on first hook and screw the killer, nuff said. You don't look at things from a "balanced perspective" you just claim you do for some kind of nonsensical legitimacy. And again your ignorance is obvious, killer queues are already instant because nobody wants to play killer, particularly at high ranks which is why green killers end up against 4 red rank survivors. Anyone with a brain would know this.
You claim to want a change to help gen speeds on low mobility killers, when in my linked post I specifically address this with changes to gatekeeper, if you had read the post you would have realized this.
And thanks for the passive aggressive ending "you're biased so I'm going home and pretending I won". Bye felicia.
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Just pips. Ive found out you have a lot more fun if you stop worrying about pips. Youve probably already hit rank 1 and know where your skill rating lies. Stop worrying about the game rewarding you and and just know you did better than them.
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Both sides dictate if the other can pip or not. On the survivor side if you play boosted, don't down anyone and survivors do gens then they can depip even if they escape.
I always say why do people care? There's no reward for ranking up and getting to rank 1 isn't anything special in this game. People who have only been playing this game a month can reach it easily.
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So your argument is to repeat mine? Ok, nowhere left to go here. lol
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So you make a point to respond just to say nothing? Ok then.
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Survivors DO have the right to kill themselves on first hook, it's just a douche canoe move to do so. Then again, sometimes I do it because I get distracted by something I need to attend to in real life. Sometimes, I just don't feel like beating the crap out of my A or × button because I can see my "teammates" doing absolutely nothing. Rarely does it have to do with the killer.
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not denying that. Killers can definitely screw over survivors that way. But, with that being said. That just shows how flawed and busted the emblem system is.
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I had two games in a row like this the other day.
Game #1: It was on The Game, and I found survivors pretty quickly. I put an RBT on one of their heads, hooked them and left. Used BBQ to find the next survivor, put an RBT on their head and used BBQ to find Survivor #3 to do the same thing. Then I got the first guy (who had gotten their RBT off) and downed him. Hooked him, and.. he suicided on the hook. Found the other two who did the same thing, last guy got the hatch. I safety pipped off a pretty decent 3K with maybe 2 gens done.
Game #2: I forget which map, but I found Pink Feng near the basement and managed to down her. I put an RBT on her head and hook her in the basement. On my way out, I see not one, not two, but THREE survivors rushing for the save. (Keep in mind these are all purple ranks, same rank I am). Now what am I supposed to do? Go patrol gens I know aren't being worked on? Pop a gen with ZERO progress? I went for the Adam first, cause I saw him first. Hit him, hit purple feng (I wanted my STBFL stacks) and then downed Adam. Claudette gets the flashlight save, Purple Feng gets the save. I go and down Adam a second time. Put an RBT on his head and carefully watch for Claudette and her flashlight (which are right behind me). I hook Adam. I go to a generator and pop it (they've still only got one done at this point). On my way, I see Purple Feng hiding, preparing to go to rescue Adam. So I chase her, and hit her again and put an RBT on her head and hang her too! While leaving Purple Feng, I see Pink Feng -- she's already got the RBT off -- and hook her. She commits suicide on the hook and it spirals from there. I run into Claudette, having enough STBFL stacks, and down her quickly. Adam saves Purple Feng, and I hook Claudette who also gets an RBT on her head. Using BBQ I see that Adam and Purple Feng are together. So again, at this point my options are to go to generators I know aren't being worked on, or toward the two survivors grouped together. When I get there, I see Adam still has his RBT while Purple Feng got hers off. So I go for Feng. I down her. Adam sticks around I guess for his protection hits, so I hit him and he runs off to save Claudette. I hook Purple Feng, and Purple Feng also suicides on the hook. By then, Adam is in the process of unhooking Claudette, at which point I again only have two options: Patrol gens that aren't being worked on, or go for the two people I know where they are. I chase them both, but Adam loses me for a bit. So I go after Claudette, who vaults the pallet the wrong way, I down her and... she too commits suicide on her second hook. I manage to down Adam before he finds the hatch, and hook him, and its game over. Pretty well played in my book. But nothing but a safety pip.
I've had games where for some reason its says I only FOUND three survivors, when I hooked all 4 of them and got a 4k. I play pretty fairly. I mostly don't tunnel, and I rarely camp. I try making things fun for survivors, but at times I still don't pip however well I play. The system is a bit confusing. I guess some of my chases weren't really chases because the survivors were standing still or something, and I snuck up on them and downed them thanks to Make Your Choice. But I feel that should've counted in those games.
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There new ranking system is coming out soon why are you still complaing about the emblem system when they litrally said there changing it
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This is the same as survivors who just do all gens and have no interaction with killer.
Both sides can't pip from games like these
Unfortunately that's just how Dead by Daylight works. No one pips from quick games where either side pub stomps the other. They want you to have a slightly longer match!
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Failed to entertain the Entity enough.
Its the same for survivors dude, if the killer sucks and cant get hooks, you wont pip either as survivor, even tho you won clearly.
This ranking system is not really a ranking system but rather a "entertainmend system". Treat it like this.
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Damn you brought an ebony mori and still didn't get the 4k
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They never said they were changing emblems, only adding MMR. For all we know they are using the Emblem system to determine if you gain MMR or lose MMR. Ideally they make the game dead simple - You win as a team or you lose as a team. 2k is tie. 3-4k is a win for killer. If you get face camped and the other three escape, then you win also. This game trying to determine individual skill in a team game is stupid.
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Déjà Vu is more useful than a PIP unless you’re doing for an achievement. Just my opinion.
ps. Deja, bond, and better together is almost kind of good on maps like Lery’s and the Game if you solo queue
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I agree that ideally MMR should be based solely on wins, but that's a bit of an off-topic can of worms that I'd prefer not to go into right now.
As for the new system, while they didn't explicitly say "we will be replacing the emblem system", they did say "We’ve attempted to address this in the past with the Emblem system, but upon further review, we’ve concluded that rank does not directly correlate to skill... we will be making two changes. The first is a new system to better reflect a player’s skill level." From that, we can fairly safely infer that they will be designing a new system to replace the current one for matchmaking purposes.
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very true. And it’s sucks it can play out that way, that’s why I’m hoping fixes coming to the emblem system can help fix these issues.
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i know. And it sucks, that’s why we need changes to the emblem system because of how flawed it is.
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I think it's silly to focus on something that's borderline meaningless like pips when they don't do anything, when there's actual problems, like Pig being able to essentially be a less efficient "old Legion" (where they used to moonwalk "chase" people and bleed them out) with her helmets and ######### like that. Actual gameplay problems.