Disconnecting Issues

Instead of making disconnecting penalty greater, why don't you make the penalty for camping and farming off hook the greater? People disconnect because of lag switchers, camping, getting farmed, and just plain internet problems. Get it fixed plz.
So you have spoken to every person that has disconnected and they all have said they its because of those reason?
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I am so happy the disconnect penalty is enabled. 100%. Red rank survivor and killer. It is fine and the complaints I read on this forum are poor examples of griefing.
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I agree. Granted it does suck if you have to disconnect due to a ingame issue but i do not think it is as common of a problem as people let on.
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You dont need to do that anymore bruh, now "DC" es like this:
1-Enter the game.
2-Make noise (drop pallet, vault window, etc).
3-When killer is near, find a hook.
4-Teabag under the hook.
5-Get hooked.
6-Take your chances off the hook.
7-U ARE DEAD. CONGRATS! (it takes you 1 min and wins some points meanwhile)