Pop is really strong

I've been running Thanataphobia Legion for a while to some success, but I finally just bought Clown for Pop Goes the Weasel. OH MY GOD. It's night and day. The Gen Pressure and synergy you can have with Legion+Discordance+Pop is phenomenal.
Now I can scare people off generators and buy time to commit to a chase without automatically losing an important generator. So strong, honestly.
It's such a good perk end game as well.
Enjoy. =]
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They're going to nerf it down the road, since it's a go to perk now.
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Same is going to happen to Corrupt too, then Thrilling, then GearHead again...
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Pop is the most overrated stall Perk in the game. You can undo a PGTW kick in 20 seconds, if that.
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Pop rocks! See what I did there.
No pop is my go to slow down perk.
@Demogordon_Ramsay so you are saying you'd be ok with gens being 20 seconds longer to complete. Lot of killers would support that I believe.
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20 seconds is literally nothing and I would rather run a Perk that would actually do something like Corrupt.
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Sometimes 20 seconds is a huge advantage.
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If the Survivors are silly enough to let it be, sure.
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Never cared for pop, too singular. I run Ruin/Surveillance, now that crap is a dream.
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Corrupt just mean't I just sat near a generator for 2 minutes as other joined me then all 3 of us hammered it in seconds.
Pop only works if you let the killer kick it, just sit on the gen until it is done with others before making the save and usually it is done before the killer can kick it.
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Yes, its a fantastic perk, way better then old ruin for example.
Combine pop with corrupt - you will never ever get genrushed again.
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They will leave the strong perks alone and keep adding the weak ones that synergies with other existing perk (or not at all) to give a medicore effect.
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Every time I work on a killer adept, it is a reminder of how useful PGTW is.
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20 secs per hook is better than maxed out Thana tier3
and what's wrong with running both Corrupt and Pop? that's basically all there is to keep the game over 4 mins
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So a useless Perk is slightly better than another useless Perk. Wow.
Pop won't extend the game to any decent time if the Survivors just hold M1, so I'd rather bring a Perk that lets me have fun in those 3 minutes instead of extending those 3 minutes to 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
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Out of curiosity, if you consider Pop to be a useless perk, what perks in the game do you consider not useless?
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Corrupt, and... that's it, really. The only one that deters the M1 button strong enough is the one that prevents M1 entirely.
The simple fact that there are 4 Survivors and 1 Killer means that unless you play someone with high map pressure like Oni, Demo, or Billy, they can collectively curbstomp any and all of your gen slowdown as soon as you take half a second too long to find and down someone.
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I don't really thing corrupt is much better in that regard though? You either just hide the entire time rendering the perk useless or you just go to gens that aren't blocked while someone gets chased. It's true you have less gens to patrol in early game but you can't be in 4 places at once and gens will still get done just as fast unless the survivors aren't doing anything for the 2 minutes.
I'm just not seeing how you can consider it good and the others bad when it has just as much counterplay and can be completely denied like the others.
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Corrupt reduces the area needed to patrol by a very large amount. It is much easier to pressure than normal when that Perk is up and you can easily force people off gens while you're in the middle of chasing, or after you get a hook.
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How does it stop the M1? It just moves it closer to you.
Pop >>> Corrupt IMO.
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Because you can actually pressure gens that are that close together? How hard is it to understand?
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I love PGTW as a perk, it legitimately saves me when it comes to stopping generators, that’s 25% of a generator gone and then it’s normal regression rate goes by, but I do prefer Ruin, I like that more by a LARGE margin.
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Nowadays generator slowdown/regression seems to come in two main flavors.
Ruin/Surveillance - This is the best combo for those pressure killers like Freddy and Billy that can use their mobility to push people off generators constantly and let the passive ruin regression do it's work. It also gives you the benefit of seeing when survivors return to previously worked on generators giving you much more efficient movement.
Pop Goes the Weasel/Thrilling Tremors - This is probably the best combo for those killers that can end chases quickly but may not have the map pressure to run Ruin/Surveillance. Tremors blocks generators not being worked on and shows you exactly where to go in order to maximize pop.
Corrupt Intervention isn't really in either of these categories as it is not regression or slowdown, it's early game generator removal. Absolutely essential for trap classes and useful on all killers. The best thing about Corrupt Intervention is that it works with either of the above combos and provides an early game breather for many killers.
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I vote Pop Goes The Weasel / Brutal Strength for slowing the game down. I also am not a believer in Corrupt Intervention but I will test more.
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then gearhead again
girl I-
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I'm sure this is part of the reason why Ruin was changed. PGTW and Ruin combo could make some killer-players very oppressive in average-skill lobbies. PGTW by itself is still good and I use it frequently.
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You remove 20 seconds and it will continue to go down more than just 20 seconds as if you're smart you'll patrol that area or be in a chase nearby (usually from the survivors you found at the gen)
Sometimes for two red ranks one will get in a chase with you and the other will return to popped gen and continue. If you're good then you can down the survivor quickly and maybe even get another pop in.
The perk is nothing only if you don't pair it with good gen pressure.
The way you're describing it is as if you're just kicking a gen with pop then never going back to that gen for the rest of the game.
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Yeah this not why Ruin was changed. The devs literally said their rationale for changing ruin was to help "new players" because going to look for totems or hitting great skill checks was too difficult.
Even before Ruin's change, running both PGTW and Ruin was usually a killer planning for early and late game. Most killers never expected ruin to last more than 2-3 minutes and PGTW takes over as the generator regression tool once ruin is found.
The problem now is there is no early game generator slowdown, Corrupt can help but often survivors just wait out the 2 mins and hide from the killer since they know they can still easily get done five generators with no penalty if the killer doesn't find anyone in those 120 seconds.
It's almost impossible unless a killer gets very lucky to find and down a survivor, locate the generator being worked on, and kick it with PGTW in less than 80 seconds, which is the amount of time it takes for a SOLO survivor to complete a generator, doesn't even take into account pairs or triples.
Honestly the devs don't seem to realize that by breaking ruin they broke the early game for so many killers, and many killers now just have to go into every game already looking for a three gen to defend.
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do not say that it is a good perk because the main survivors will say that Devs have to nert it, remember Devs love survivors
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Pop kinda blows against swf as legion. Even if you have discordinance and bbq. Survivors on comms can either sabo you the right way or just finish the gens and just give the survivor as they open the gates and save the survivor. But thats mid to high rank. Screwed more so if there is a competent obsession. Then the game just regressed into a slug game just to get 3 kills, 2 sacrifices, and one escaping.
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Yeah, for, like, two minutes. :P
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Pop is really good on legion, i agree.
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Yeah let me just pressure this one gen while three or four other Survivors are doing other gens somewhere across the map and the fourth is immersed. Great idea.
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Oh I'm sure that it being difficult for new survivors was part of the reason too but I'm unconvinced that it was the only reason considering they could have changed it a long time ago. There had to be something that changed their thought on it. Whether it was Pop+Ruin or some other factor, it was something. As far as what Ruin is now, well that's another topic. PGTW+Ruin *was* very good and PGTW by itself is good too, better on particular killers and/or coupled with Thrilling Tremors.
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I used to always use pop, but I find it bad now. It was only super useful when stacked with old ruin. These days it's only really good on ridiculously high mobility killers like freddy, who can use whatever perks they want anyways.
It's worthless if you are not quickly downing survivors, and if you are doing that, you are going to win anyways. It usually needs a secondary perk like BBQ or thrilling tremors to locate the best gens to hit, both of which are a waste of a perk slot.
The gens go so fast that in many cases they get finished before I can even get to them with low mobility killers. I get significantly more value out of straight chase perks now, like spirit fury / enduring / brutal strength.
Corrupt is just straight up better than it. Survivors spawn on the gens it blocks and it gives you some breathing room that any low mobility killer is going to need.
Pop is only godly if you are in a 3 gen situation, and if it's down to the wire you are probably going to be slugging because there will be no time to hook people.
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Corrupt isn't even a proper stall perk, it just helps survivors to spread out and and deny 3 gens strats, it's really trash honestly.
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What an odd hill to die on.
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You do realize almost every change in the past few months has been helping killer except ruin and nurse nerf. Stop being bias smh
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Pop is great. I combine it with corrupt on my Myers. Its a great combo to help stall the gen rush.
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I don't really agree with this.
Sure if you played a high mobility killer then you usually wouldn't need 60 seconds. The problem is that the moment you get into basic M1 killers like Legion, Wraith, Clown, Trapper or Myers for instance, even 4.4 m/s killers without great mobility like Spirit (without addons), Huntress or Deathslinger then you'd end up with some situations especially on larger maps where you just couldn't reach a gen on time if you got unlucky and the one you checked had no progress or it'd pop before you even got there.
60 seconds is also totally fair for a few reasons ;
- Pop requires you to not only down but also hook a survivor, this means being rewarded for successfully completing a part of your main objective, something we should see more of in perks.
- Pop also requires you to spend time traveling to a gen you suspect has progress on it, there's still the risk that the gen pops before you even get there.
- When you reach the gen, you have to waste time kicking it which can often give survivors who were near the gen a large headstart to their chase.
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Uh.. yes.. 25% of a 80 second gen is 20 seconds. And that is exactly what it’s meant to do. Multiple pops can take a 80 second gen to 120 or 140 seconds to complete.
Congrats on being able to do basic math AND not understanding what removing 20 seconds from a gen does.
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20 seconds is literally nothing, but okay.
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It is when 20 seconds becomes 40 becomes 60 becomes 80. Meanwhile, Corrupt Intervention is 2 minutes of not stopping Survivors from working on gens.
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Yeah, the counter to Pop is working separate generators and that's just something a SWF will do more easily than solos.
It's still solid though.
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Going to other gens?
Drawing the Killer away from the other one?
Finishing the gen before they can kick it?
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You go to other gens and kick them, and boom, instant regression equal to 80 seconds' worth of regular kick regression + whatever extra comes along before they tap it.
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Unless the Survivors, you know, do the gens, of course.
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No, duh. :P That's like saying "Survivor can jump off the hook for free with Deliverance unless they are hooked before they rescue someone."
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Sure, until you get a massive map. Even if you didn't have an issue with it just being 30 seconds, it doesn't exactly discredit the points I provided as to why 60 seconds is justified. An extra 30 seconds to use this perk isn't necessarily the end of the world considering you can't just collect tokens with the perk.
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I think pop being better than corrupt is a valid argument for two reasons
A. It gives you trial long ability to control generators, rather than being regulated to the begining of the trial only and being useless the rest of the trial
B. You actually have input and control over the use of pop. This is powerful because in most maps, it allows you to pick and choose generators you want to protect, leading to potentially strong 3 gen scenarios, and if played correctly, strong pressure all game.
I understand why you would choose Corrupt over pop at the same time. Depending in the killer, it may be more useful (although I would run both if I were planning on running CI at all, but that's me) but don't be so quick to call out others for the opposite opinions, were all on the same side here.