Deathslinger, is it worth it?

I have been recently playing Deathslinger solely (I know it is quite surprising, isn't it?). I have serious doubts about this killer. Let me quickly explain. Deathslinger has one single shot, which makes him reload constantly if he was to miss the shot. While all the ranged killers, such as Huntress, Plague and Clown, have an ability to use their power multiple times in a row without recharging it (unless you play iridescent huntress with no extra 2 hatchets) during the chase, Deathslinger is missing it. He only has one shot, which if missed during the chase, sets him back and creates too much distance between you and survivor. This can be lessened by having two reload speed addons, but even then it still punishes you way too much in my opinion. Now, one shot opportunity mechanic would make total sense if it would actually be strong. However, it is simply not. You can hit a shot and get absolutely nothing out of it. Survivor can brake the chain, other survivors can help them brake it, etc. I just don't understand why does he have only one shot to use. He is not getting an equal amount of value from having just one shot in his disposal when using his power. You can not correct yourself if you were to miss the shot, unlike huntress for example. With huntress you can miss the shot and still hit the person with your second/third/fourth/fifth hatchet. Risk/reward for Deathslinger to use his ability and get something out of it it too high and honestly unfair for no reason in my opinion. Next, not only one shot is what bothers me after playing him. Hitbox on this harpoon is ridiculously small in comparison to that of the Huntress. Not only he has one shot, but he also has to aim way more precisely than Huntress to hit the shot, and even then it might very well be not worth it. He is fun to play, don't get me wrong, but is he worth it? I do not think so.


Deathslinger having a single shot does not pay off for his relatively weak power. Hitbox on his harpoon is too small for some reason and does not match with the value you get out of hitting a shot.


  • AddictedToMosh
    AddictedToMosh Member Posts: 116

    Agreed. Spent 9000 shards on him and, man, would I love to get a refund.

    Not only is he too slow, but everything he does slows him down even more (reeling the chain, aiming, reloading, getting stunned if the chain breaks). Playing him is rather frustrating, as you get gen rushed like crazy, and, having no map pressure, there's nothing you can do about it.

    Unless they do something about it, I'll consider the Deathslinger a huge disappointment. Looks good on paper, but he's too weak (mid tier at best).

  • walrusthemighty
    walrusthemighty Member Posts: 28

    Agree with you on this as well. Everything about him is slow, and as we all know, speed of action/power is what plays a huge role in dictating the power of the killer in my opinion. Look at Oni, HB, nurse, spirit.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    He is difficult to play, definetely not for everyone, but I wouldnt call him bad.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,105

    Biggest issue with him is if you can't aim efficiently he becomes very bad.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    I'd argue his biggest issue is not downing someone with a spear hit on an injured survivor. Zero reason someone is allowed to drop a pallet early, get hit, and act like nothing happened.

    Spear hit vs injured survivor should down them, period.

    If a bear trap can automatically put someone in the dying position, no reason this couldn't (if you want to try the coding route).

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,105

    I'd assume it's because you can shoot through things extremely easy compared to a huntress hatchet or something. It is kind of ridiculous but i've not had too much of an issue playing him aside from "safe" loops and missing shots.

  • walrusthemighty
    walrusthemighty Member Posts: 28

    The problem, as I stated in my original post, is in fact his gun. Missing a single shot you have can be game changing and I don't necessarily agree that getting better at shooting with him is the way to go. Nurse can correct herself with the second blink she has, Huntress can correct herself after missing the hatchet, all of these killers are 110 and they need "second chance to correct for the missed first attempt" since they have a hard time catching up to survivors by chasing them.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    He's a good killer. Things about him go unnoticed. He's not as good as Huntress but he's a good killer when utilized correctly.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    He's a fairly balanced killer. I've even seen some people love playing as and AGAINST this dude. I would consider getting him after unlocking decent perks for him, however.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I like Deathslinger a lot better than I did Oni. I faced him before I went to work today. You absolutely cannot be missing shots when you play him.

    It's a lot easier to backrev people with Hillbilly than to do Deathslinger's shooting, but I like yee haw. Yee haw is fun. He make pew pew.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    No. He 100% isnt worth it. Save your cash.