What types of buffs would you like to see to weaker killers

DeadByDedicated Member Posts: 134
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

Putting aside gen speed/map pressure, what buffs to killers would you like to see. Personally i wish trapper would start out with multiple bear traps by default so he doesn’t have to waste time in the early game looking for more traps.


  • memiieko
    memiieko Member Posts: 187

    Completely rework Legion, rework or find a way to buff clown, reduce the time for reload on Deathslinger, make pigs TR 24m again, and do something for Wraith and cannibal idk

  • Blister987
    Blister987 Member Posts: 54

    Removing tier 1 from Myers, or make it so only Scratched Mirror activates it. Myers needs an update, his early game is one of the worst now that ruin is nerfed.

  • dhealy646
    dhealy646 Member Posts: 462

    Where do I start. Bubba and legion need reworks. Trapper needs all traps a bag by default and set times at which survivors are in a trap. Deathslinger needs 115 move speed. Wraith needs some chase potential. Perhaps a longer lunge out of cloak. Myers needs to get out of tier 1 faster and tier 3 should give him more such as faster break speed reduced stuns and built in stbfl. Pig needs to be much more consistent with the traps and she needs to move faster when crouching. Clown needs faster reload and a secondary power.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Trapper starting with all 6 traps in hand and being able to carry all of them at all times.

    why on earth is he the only trap based killer in this game who needs to travel over the entire map just to get his power? and then he cant even use it, if he already has one in hand, its so stupid... and on top of that, its immediately giving the killers identity away .-.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Trapper should start with all his traps open. Plague's buff will be a good change. Myriad of small Pig changes to do with numbers. Lower the abundance or range of the Demogorgons's sound queues.

    Lots of small changes to most of the killers.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    I think with clown his addon that causes exposed should be baseline on direct hit, new active ability 'Jack-in-the-box' tag any chest/totem/generator, any interaction with Chest/totem/generator springs the jack-in-the-box and causes the survivor to yell, showing their aura for 5 seconds and causing the oblivious status for 30 seconds. 3 charges, replenish after 1 springs.

  • EthanW
    EthanW Member Posts: 82

    One change I would like for Pig is that once a survivor has a trap that has already been started on their head, if a gen is completed, a quarter of their timer is depleted.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Bump up Trappers base amount. If an injured survivor gets caught in a trap, double the time it takes for them to get out. If it's 2 - 8 seconds for a healthy survivor, depending on RNG, bump that up to 8 - 12. As it stands, if an injured survivor falls into a trap on the other side of the map, it doesn't really effect them. Traps need to do something to injured survivors.

    Remove Nurse's cooldown, or or fatigue.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    It would be cool if Clown could regress/explode generators with his bottles. It will further increase his skill cap and allow him to move quicker around the map without having to tend to chores.

  • Groxiverde
    Groxiverde Member Posts: 767

    Clown having an additional power.

    Maybe he could ride his pretty horse for a few seconds to gain a ms boost?

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I don't like this idea as a Pig main. It wouldn't really convince most solos to stop doing gens. I'd much rather see them have a longer timer, but also be much harder to get off. And maybe instead of having just 1 for each survivor, have 5 total as base, with 5 boxes. I've always liked the idea of having two keys in two random boxes. That way they have to search minimum two boxes. That'd be a great slowdown method that relies less on RNG. And they could increase the timer to compensate.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Here is my list!

    Trapper - Can carry 2 traps by default. Traps are no longer affected by the survivor's Luck stat.

    Wraith - Moves at 5.2 m/s by default while cloaked (up from 5.06 m/s).

    Myers - Evil Within 3 lasts 15 seconds longer. (And please, fix the bug that causes his power meter to regress after a stalk).

    Hag - The Hag can teleport to a tripped Phantasm Trap within 48 meters.

    Cannibal - Acceleration while swinging the chainsaw is drastically increased.

    Pig - The Reverse Bear Trap can no longer be disarmed on the first box the survivor found.

    Clown - Hindered effect increased to a 20% speed reduction (up from 15%).

    Legion - Increase Feral Frenzy duration by 5 seconds. Decrease cooldown by 1 second.

    Plague - Slightly reduce Vile Purge's and Corrupt Purge's cooldown.

    Demogorgon - Slightly increase tunneling speed.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited March 2020

    As Trapper main

    • Able to carry 2 traps by default, but still 1 trap in hand.
    • Traps spawn around the middle of the map
    • Trapped Survivor need 3 tries to escape, 5 tries with Green stone. Injured Survivor escape cause deep wound.
    • Disarm traps trigger a skill check after 2sec of trying, success will disarm trap, fail will cause injured if Healthy, abandone skill check also cause injured. Coil add-on increase the time of trying (Brown 2.5sec, Yellow 3sec, Green 3.5sec, Purple 4sec), Red coil makes survivors trapped with fail skill check (not cause injured if success)

    I will tell why able to carry all traps at once and having all traps at the start is OP

    • You save at least 90sec from collecting traps, find place to setup before picking another traps.
    • With all traps in hand, its easy for him to pick 3 Gen to traps and make 3 Gen strat right at the start of the game.
  • Duskk
    Duskk Member Posts: 92

    Legion needs a complete rework, they are pretty awful rn, And he is pretty unfun to play against. Clown needs buffs he’s currently one of the if not THE worst killer in the game. he should be able to reload bottles individually, instead of having to do a full sluggish reload just to get 1 bottle back, And make the slowdown after he throws a bottle a little less. He needs a lot more, but that’s ones I can think of.

  • Duskk
    Duskk Member Posts: 92

    Toning down Demos STOMP STOMP STOMP footsteps would help as well.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893


    1) Just make ruleset number 2 base kit I have not heard any valid reason not to do this.

    If you say it could be detrimental to have it base then let me post this why is something that is detrimental an ultra rare.

    2) make the new ruleset number two anytime a generator is completed whilst a bear trap is on a survivors head that trap will lose x amount of time.

    It will match up with theme of Saw. Pop generators and potentially increase your own chance of survival but at the same time you're severely decreased the survival of anyone who has a bear trap.( ultimately if you're too selfish you put yourself in a dangerous position cause your other teammates are dead or on the brink of death now you have the 1v1 Pig)

    3) Amanda's secret has got to go the add-on is the worst add-on in the game and it is literally shooting yourself in the Foot for no reason. Hell at least the other shoot yourself in the foot add-ons give you a bloodpoint bonus Amanda's secret doesn't have the common decency to do that

    4) Buff the range of Amanda's letter even if you have to completely take away her bare traps to do so.

    With one trap and two jigsaw boxes it's not even efficient time waster and since traps in endgame no longer do anything you can't even use it to keep someone in the game longer whilst you deal with other people.

    5) Allow Amanda to grab survivors from crouch mode. But Volfa that's too overpowered how survivor cope.... the same way you deal with Michael and ghostface use your eyes. Pig will literally be moving slower than the both of them when she's crouched.

    This also gives her an option on whether an ambush or a grab would be more viable. For example they have a clear enough visibility to notice you going up for a grab use the ambush instead.


    1) give a benefit for double stabbing. There is literally no reason why a double stab should be punished.

    The only benefit that double stabbing head after their we work was the ability to get extra stacks of things like remember me or Save The Best For Last and since Legion got hit with the basic vs power split that one benefit is gone.

    2) Pins linking back to the statement your changed to the pins was amazing however it would be nice to add if you smack someone again it would apply the status condition.

    This will make it a lot more helpful if you don't get killer instinct to proc as no one is close enough you could just smack the person again to give them the status condition.

    3) Reduce the stun time for Legion so far is the only killer who can be extremely punished for successfully using their power.

    Nurse blink miss stun is perfectly fine you messed up.

    Deathslinger can use a basic attack to cancel out this chain breaking if he thinks he's going to get stunned unnecessarily so even if he does miss up he has a way out.

    Legion has nothing hey you successfully chain all four people too bad you're still eating that 4 second stun or maybe you cancel the power out of your own volition to avoid a miss, double tap or before the power ...... too bad eat that four second stun.

    4) Missed swings should cancel out the power with whatever progression it had left rather than completely resetting it. If that's too much then have it cancel it out but only take away 25% of the current bar

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited March 2020

    These are the things I would like to see for various killers. I've posted these before in one way or another but this is just a shortened version of what I'd like.


    • Increase Trap Capacity (Not starting traps only capacity)
    • Make it so that when re-arming traps they are moved to where they originally were set if they were stepped on by a survivor. BHVR mentioned if there was demand for this they would look into it I believe.


    • Increase movement speed while cloaked and adjust addons similar to the changes made to Pig Ambush addons. This is to make him less addon dependent.
    • Passively give Wraith faster vault speed while cloaked


    • Remove all speed penalties Clown receives while throwing bottles or cancelling bottle throws
    • Increase Clown's Reload Movement Speed to 110% and rework Reload Movement Speed addons to something else.
    • When Clown reloads he only reloads for one bottle and the reload time is adjusted based on this. This will still be the same time to reload if you were out of bottles. It would also be a balance adjustment to addons that increase bottle count as you're reloading per individual bottle. To clarify let's say all bottles missing is 5 seconds to reload because they're one second each. However if you end a chase early and just need one bottle you'll just spend 1.25 seconds reloading instead. Simply hold reload for as long as you need to get more bottles.

    To clarify on this and tl;dr here's fake numbers to better explain what I mean

    Current Reload - 5 Seconds = Replenish any missing bottles no matter the number of missing bottles

    Suggested Reload - 1.25 Second Per Bottle = Replenish all bottles over 5 seconds however can replenish just single bottles in 1.25s


    • Chainsaw Sweep automatically starts when the meter is full to avoid accidental early releases at 99%
    • Movement speed penalty removed when cancelling Chainsaw Sweep to enable mindgames

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Give every m1 killer 3 monster drinks. They need a little boost. Make them Oni for 60s.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Deathslinger - Remove or greatly reduce at least 2 of the 5 slowdowns he experiences for using his power. (ADS, Cooldown for missed spear, Reeling for successful spear, Striking a speared survivor wipe animation, reloading.) The most slowdowns/stuns any other killer experiences for using their power is 3, and for a killer who is already slower than the average, and has an 18m limited range on his power to boot... 5 slowdowns is excessive and far too lenient on survivors (6 if you include the 4 second stun he gets when survivors break the chain).

    Demogorgon - Limit the range of most of his global sounds to 40 meters at maximum. Currently facing him he gives way to much information on his whereabouts and whether or not he's attacking anyone. It was cool at first, but overall a major disadvantage for him that makes him very easy to deal with (examples: if I hear he's attacking someone, I know to immediately start hitting the gens. If I hear him teleporting, I know to get off my gen for a few seconds, etc...). Also lower his Loud Footstomps range to 8 meters, and Change the Red Moss add-on so that it also silences his teleporting roar (the one that gives him 10 seconds of undetectable status; this should be a no-brainer since Having him announce to the world that he's teleporting pretty much defeats the purpose of an add-on that gives him 10 seconds of stealth afterwards).

    Deep Wounds - Since its no longer killer specific, and the timer stops for both mending and Running around, There's literally no reason it needs to be a 30 second timer. Cut it down to 15 seconds, and maybe it will be a bit more of a threat. Still not much of one mind you, but at least it'll make the add-ons that reduce the timer actually mean something. Borrowed time can keep it at 30 seconds, but in general the DW status needs a much shorter timer.

  • Pennosuke
    Pennosuke Member Posts: 100


    • Start the trial with 2 bear traps by default.
    • Remove luck mechanic from bear traps, now it takes survivors 12 seconds to fleeing themselves from bear trap and it takes survivors 3 seconds to rescuing trapped survivor.
    • Some add-ons rework to fit with his new bear traps mechanic.


    • Increased base movement speed while cloaked from 5.06 m/s (126%) to 5.6 m/s (140%)


    • Increased base movement speed from 110% to 115%


    • Both his power and add-ons need massive rework but I still have no idea about these.


    • Reverse Bear Traps also active when any gate start to opening (If survivors got caught in a RBT after the gate is opened, it's still inactive)
    • Rework her add-ons, give more add-ons that make her ambush stronger or make her crouch movement speed faster.


    • Increased The Afterpiece Tonic bottles carrying capacity from 4 to 5.
    • Remove speed penalty while enters a cool-down period.
    • Decreased base reload time from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
    • Fingerless Parade Gloves add-ons nerf : now can only decreased reload time for 0.4 seconds(from 1 second)
    • Thick Cork Stopper add-ons nerf : now can only decreased reload time for 0.6 seconds(from 2 seconds)
    • Tattoo's Middle Finger add-ons rework :
      • Any interactions that intoxicated target are performing are immediately interrupted and put on a cool-down of 2 seconds after leaving the Gas Cloud.
      • Intoxicated target no longer from a Hindered Status Effects penalty.
      • Reduces The Afterpiece Tonic bottles carrying capacity by 4.


    • Hitting a Survivor with a basic attack while Feral Frenzy is not active will no longer deplete the Power gauge.
    • Decreased base cooldown duration from 4 seconds to 3 seconds.
    • Stab Wounds Study and Frank's Mix Tape add-ons need rework but I still have no idea about these.


    • Remove the global sound effect when start to teleport.


    • Rework the portal mechanic
      • Every portals always activated since Demogorgon start to place them.
      • Now Demogorgon can travel through the Upside Down to arrive at the targeted portal from anywhere that at least 4 meters (both horizontal and vertical) away from portals.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
    edited March 2020

    Clown bottle by default instills exhaustion for X amount of seconds would be a nice start.

    Oh and being able to reload a single bottle at a time, if you miss and you need a new one fast during a chase.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    For Bubba, he should get the Oni treatment, instead of Blood Fury he gets a Tantrum bar, hitting, breaking pallets or getting stunned increases his Tantrum bar, once filled he unleashes his anger, running around swinging his chainsaw.