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General Discussions

What is the best DLC for you?

Member Posts: 1,131

I like "Hallowen" chapter the most for these reasons:

1) Myers looks nice, and he can moonwalk.

2) Myers's power is definitely not useless. You can beat decent solo Survivors as him.

3) Myers has got some very game changing add-ons (Scratch Mirror, Tombstones, Fragrant Tuft of Hair). Scratch Mirror makes Michael a completely different Killer.

4) Myers's perks are amazing (except Dying Light).

5) Laurie also looks pretty well.

6) Laurie has DS, the best perk in the game. And Object of Obsession is... you know, strong.

7) Laurie's voice actress made a pretty good job so far. Her screams when she gets hit are awesome and so naturalistic.

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  • Member Posts: 4,467

    Spark of Madness. It came with the best character in DbD.

  • Member Posts: 662

    Stranger Things. gotta love my boi steve <3

  • Member Posts: 711

    Stranger Things probably. I also like Nightmare on Elm Street since I like the franchise and it was a bit of a meme DLC back then, mainly because of Freddy's old power and Quentin's face.

  • Member Posts: 806

    Yeah, I agree so far. Spark of Madness and Halloween are great.

    For me, besides those, it's kind of difficult to decide.

    I'm going to blow everyone's mind: A Nightmare on Elm Street.

    Freddy is a great killer. His perks allow him to be stronger as the game goes on (Fire Up) and even let him to close the gates temporarily (Bloodwarden) if played well. He lags for me, though. And believe me, I have a good PC.

    Quentin. Oh boy. People say his perks are useless. In reality, they're just stupidly situational but good for solo players.

    - Pharmacy is great when you remember the spot of a chest, hope that nobody will open it and once all your teammates are dead and EGC has little time left and you're also injured, you heal yourself and you can escape because you can take an extra hit.

    - Wake Up literally saved me 4 times in a row, with the extra speed it gives on opening Exit Gates. It also reveals your location when opening an exit gate. Perfect for solo players!

    - Vigil, I haven't found a good use for it yet. But seeing as the recovery speed of certain status effects goes down faster, I think that's quite nice but I don't really see a big difference.

    Don't kill me for choosing what I chose, pls

  • Member Posts: 232

    Halloween and Demise of the Faithful, without a doubt.

  • Member Posts: 479

    I can not choose between Curtain Fall and Chains of Hate. Both of these DLCs have great killers and I do not know which one I like more.

  • Member Posts: 830

    Cursed Legacy for me. It has my girl Yui and my big boy Oni. I just love them

  • Member Posts: 642

    Do you only say that now because of his Rework and the fact he is I wont say OP but certainly much higher on the killer list than he use to be? lol

    I mean had they asked this before the rework when people hated him do you think you would still like that DLC?

    Sorry just asking because personally I like the Clown DLC and I know he is not the best killer but I liked the Clown from the start. I even liked the Doctor BEFORE the rework and now he is just crazy in a good way. rofl

    I do not mean to question your DLC like and I am sorry. =(

  • Member Posts: 97

    Cursed Legacy. Oni single handedly reinvigorated my interest for this game for atleast another few months.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    No, I’ve been a Doctor fan since I started playing in September 2017.

    It’s ok, I know a lot of people didn’t like him back then but he’s actually what got me to upgrade from the free weekend to the full game. When I saw just how good the rework made him, I was ecstatic. My favorite Killer was now going to be one of the stronger ones.

    She’s a pretty good patient. I don’t normally have a problem with her. She takes her treatment without many complaints for the most the part.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Clown was a must have for me. First, I like playing as Clown. Two of his perks are very strong (PGTW is meta imo). Bamboozle is useful in cornering survivors with instadown killers and 110% killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,737

    Curtain call. The (then) new killer's perks were good, and the survivor's ones were not game-breaking.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Halloween chapter for sure. As a huge Halloween fan its a joy having Michael Myers and Laurie Strode in the game. Its also helps that Michael is a solid killer with some great perks.

  • Member Posts: 642

    I am actually happy to see your response. I too liked the doctor before the rework because I felt he was still pretty strong. You are right with this rework though holy potatoes everyone seems to love him because he is a hard killer to counter.

    I will say though as much as I love him and the clown I was kind of mad at the most recent update with the madness levels not decreasing anymore. I mean I love the Doctor but he was already strong enough without that addition. I use to leave his terror radius just so my madness level would decrease. At this point it is almost pointless to escape his TR other than not to be zappy zapped. lol He is still a good killer and the hag is right up there in strength. She shouldn't be but many survivors even when they see it do not learn to CRAWL over her traps.

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    Curtain Call. This is the 1st DLC that was released after i started playing, it has Kate in it and the Horse!

  • Member Posts: 1,791

    I bought all of them. Half off of course for the older ones.

    Why pick one?

  • Member Posts: 1,640

    Shattered bloodline

    Sure it came with the less used survivor, but it comes with a great killer, great killer and survivor perks, and a decent map

  • Member Posts: 338

    Nightmare on elm street, the first thing I got in this game around Christmas 2017. Freddy was my first match, 4k. Quentin my second, escaped. Hate baddham tho. The perks on either don't bother me, I'm just attached to the characters, considering my Quentin is p3 50 and Freddy p2 37

  • Member Posts: 51
    edited March 2020

    Rating DLC Killers, Survivors and Maps in order of release, rating them from ☆ to ☆☆☆☆☆.


    Old Nurse ☆☆☆☆☆ / New Nurse ☆☆☆ | Nea ☆ / ☆☆☆ (after perk buffs) | Map ☆

    Myers ☆☆☆ | Laurie ☆ | Map ☆

    Hag ☆☆ | Ace ☆ | Map ☆

    Bill ☆☆☆☆

    Doctor ☆☆ | Feng Min ☆☆ | Map ☆☆

    Huntress ☆☆☆☆ | David ☆☆☆ | Map ☆☆☆

    Leatherface ☆☆ | Map (Grim Pantry) ☆

    Old Freddy ☆☆ / New Freddy ☆☆ | Quentin ☆ | Map (Old version) ☆ / Map (After Rework) ☆☆

    Pig ☆☆ | Detective Tapp ☆ | Map (Old Version) ☆ / Map (After Rework) ☆☆

    Clown ☆☆ | Kate ☆☆ | Map ☆☆☆☆☆

    Spirit ☆☆☆☆ | Adam ☆☆☆ | Map ☆☆

    Old Legion (play as) ☆☆☆☆ / Old Legion (play against) ☆ / New Legion ☆ | Jeff ☆☆☆ | Map ☆

    Plague ☆ | Jane ☆☆ | Map ☆☆

    Ash ☆

    Ghosface ☆☆☆

    Demogorgon ☆☆ | Steve ☆☆ | Nancy ☆☆☆ | Map ☆

    Oni ☆☆☆ | Yui ☆☆ | Map ☆☆

    Deathslinger ☆☆ | Zarina ☆ | Map ☆☆

    RESULTS (stars out of 15, only counting the current version of Killers/Survivors/Maps, LF, GF, Bill & Ash excluded):

    A Lullaby for the Dark: 10/15

    Curtain Call: 9/15

    Shattered Bloodline: 9/15

    Cursed Legacy: 7/15

    Last Breath: 6/15

    Spark of Madness: 6/15

    Stranger Things: 8/20 as a whole. 6/15 or 5/15 depending on the Survivor (for the sake of streamlining the rating).

    A Nightmare on Elm Street: 5/15

    Chains of Hate: 5/15

    Darkness Among Us: 5/15

    Demise of the Faithful: 5/15

    HALLOWEEN: 5/15

    SAW: 5/15

    Of Flesh and Mud: 4/15

    A Lullaby for the Dark the best overall DLC; Of Flesh and Mud is the worst. Best paid Killer is Spirit; Best paid Survivor is a toss between Adam, Jeff and Nancy (though really, the best Survivors have to offer is either on the base game or available as free DLC).

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    Halloween,Curtain Call and Demise of the Faithful

    No I can't pick one

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Demise of the Faithful. I just love Plague, so of course it's going to be my favorite. Could do without Jane's Head On, though. . .

  • Member Posts: 687

    Halloween > Demise of the Faithful > (probably) Chains of Hate > Spark of Madness

  • Member Posts: 816

    Curtain Call is my favorite. I permanently re joined around then after playing for the first month, and it drew me back into the game. I also really love Kate Denson as a character, she seems like a solid final girl archetype.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Was before I started play but SAW chapter since I love playing Pig, and love two of Tapps perks in Tenacity and Detective's hunch.

    After that the DLCs that gave us Clown and Plague.

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