Leaving DS Alone



  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403

    by the time you down 3 people the 4th guy ds is already gone lol.

    its only 60 seconds, it very easy to avoid ds

    you dont need to ignore the ds guy you can still down him because he have to get healed....

    but try and hit the person who is going to unhook so you can down, then easy once they unhook now you down unhooker then you can just down the ds person hook the unhooker.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306

    Thread about DS with hidden complain about NOED. 👌

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    So basically you are telling killers that they have to stop, because they are playing too good? Lol No its not always gone. And 3 people was an extreme scenario, it shouldnt happen with 2 people either.

    You can down him? Oh wait, DS + Unbreakable is a thing.

    And oh wait, he can just go to the locker too.

    I know I can go for the unhooker. But no matter how many unhookers I catch, that guy's DS still doesnt go away. And that guy can fully open an exit gate, escape through hatch or do 50% of a gen (without toolbox) while being protected by DS. Unbreakable and lockers make DS uncounterable.

  • Rygarr88
    Rygarr88 Member Posts: 13

    I now specifically run NOED on all my killers at all times in every game. Since Ruin was nerfed I enjoy ruining (haha) the game for all survivors at all times and until it is returned to its old way I will continue to bully all survivors, laugh at death threats, give my address but never get any visitors, and collect salt. Nothing anyone can do about it either.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    If only a killer could disable DS like survivors can disable Noed before it activates...

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I rarely get his with DS, when I do, it is in end game when there are only 1-2 survivors left. The only thing I'd like to see done with DS is have it deactivate once gens are done. At that point, you can't complain that you did not get to play the game, or were tunneled out immediately. No, all that perk does at end game is penalize killers who did not tunnel you down to exhaust it.

    Seriously, I think it should be deactivated when the 5th gen is done. It has no real place that late in the game. It would be like having NOED activate after the 3rd gen. Way off kilter.