Gen rushing still persists ... because of the mentality of the players

I'm playing killer in these days to do the challenge of tome 2, today I happened 4 games of ######### ... they make me toxic by trolling and debugging me, they have nerfed the charges of the cassettes but no nserve to nothing ######### continue to ruin the game on the killer side making your life hell, I do not pretend to always win by killing everyone, but at least I pretend that you do a clean game where games don't end in 5 seconds! in the last 2 games for the stealing and the outburst I also started to insult them in chat because in my opinion these types of subjects believe that the killer is a nabbo, when I am convinced that these cabbage psychopaths playing hours and hours mentally calculate the tepo away from the window and the animations of the survior and the killer to be able to always sneak away from my shots! is absurd! then when I play survivor the killer always has the hook close and my teammates are always nabbi who don't even make a gen! there is will be because i will be italian and we italians are unlucky ... but it is not possible that in a game where the survivors should be afraid and terror, you find yourself being trolled and gen rushing to ######### all the time, and ridiculous RIDICLE! and Dbd is not even a difficult game that you say which keys it takes to learn are only 2 commands in the caper cross yet, as usual there are always rude and uncivilized players who must always ruin the fun of the other players ... I know both these words that I am writing will not help even because I don't think I'm the only one here in this community..toxic who continually complains about the imbalance of the game, as if I were shouting wolf wolf but nobody wants to listen to me .. so I conclude by saying that if it were for me the repair speed of the generators must be slowed down somehow otherwise the killer does not have time to think about a strategy, and on the survivor side the killer must give the surv a minimum of time to be able to play because otherwise being killed immediately is not fun.


  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Can i get a TL:DR please? That' a WoT.

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    TL:DR: They are very frustrated with gen rushing, toxicity, & bad manners while playing Killer.

    TL:DR +: Toolbox nerfs did nothing; Survivors don't experience an appropriate level of fear from encountering the Killer

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Out of curiosity, what killer were you playing when this gen-rushing problem occurred? I understand that many killers have issues with quick generator times, but I cannot offer help unless I understand what killer was used.

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    I'm so sorry you're this level of frustrated. It's painful in Italy right now, and getting gen rushed and bad manners from people isn't going to help you decompress.

    Maybe take a break from playing, for a little while? Your assessments aren't wrong, but it takes time to fix so many issues (maps, generators, etc.)

    Please stay healthy & take good care of yourself!

  • HunterRayder93
    HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 33

    Yes, I think that's what I've been doing for two days now and the 2nd day that I no longer play Dbd, even if I personally wanted to try to reach level 70 of the pass to take the head of the set of purple Feng ... but I don't know if in the end I will want it.

    I was playing the Wrath ... I wanted to play something other than the doctor (which for the moment I am feeling really good and I can slow down the generators easily) but I think the spectrum unless you are a good one to play it the survivor they kick your ass, but I think it is basically a problem of mentality of the players ... and it is clear that ... if people play as if it were always a race to get out more violated from the Trial well ... it is no longer a problem of the game but of the players playing right now then.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Sabotage I never see used either. Everyone saying it's op and OH there's another hook nearby lol.

    Gens you only need 2 people on to go twice as fast. Diminishing gains only apply after the second person.

    And squads on comms never have to leave a gen. So that's even less time.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Well the real issue with generators right now is that in most (The number I'm pulling out of my rear is 80%) matches you'll see almost 0 totem interaction so every second you are not chasing a survivor if they aren't healing or saving they're repairing.

    This "There's nothing else to do." problem is why I keep calling for more objectives like gas cans that have to be brought to the generators before they can be repaired implemented. Unless you play Legion and use Feral Frenzy on the survivors ASAP I fail to see how the majority of the cast has anyway of slowing down generators.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Our jobs are pretty much to do gens as fast as we can and to basically make your life hell as a killer and your job is to stop us. Had a game where we had 2 tool boxes and three people on a gen and we literally did that gen in what seemed like 10 seconds. Then we did the second gen in seconds...and then...well we never did another one and we all died. If EVERY GAME is like this for you...well maybe it's you and not the game. Stop your crying.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I just cannot do blocks of text. And the problem is I’m relying on other people to interpret your ideas instead of your words.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Not even going to bother reading the entirety of what you just wrote honestly, too much for me. Yes, Gen rushing is a thing. No, it's not the players mentality. I say this as a Killer main who plays Killer all day, everyday. To "win" the game, survivors must escape. They complete the appropriate number of gens needed to escape through the gates or hatch. That is it, nothing else to it. To get MORE points, survivors must conduct acts of boldness, altruism, and survival. Stuff that ISN'T mandatory but is highly encouraged. The more you put in, the more you get out. Yes, in a perfect game, I would love it if Survivors actually did EVERYTHING while in the match. Breaking totems, Searching Chests, healing other players, etc. This prolongs the game and gives me a chance to enjoy myself and possibly win.

    It's not a mentality, it's how the game was designed.

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    Devs just read survivors comments, killers don't have to discuss. Please read the survivor rules book , so you can understand that the game is ok. Hehe

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I do totems--mostly because I use IS and I find them because I take detective's, I search a chest if I am not brining a key, I heal people when I find them, I unhook people...but at heart I am a gen jockey and I find them (detective's helps here too), do them as fast as I can and find the exit, open it and stay until I am chased out or there is nothing more I can do (if by chance there is rancor or noed or some other foul thing waiting for me...I'll go sooner).

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    No the gen speed is fine. Killers can kill people really fast too. Toolboxes got hit hard. Why should they slow gen speed and make survivors look at A PROGRESS BAR for longer? That’s not fun nor fair for survivors. Thanatophobia and Dying light Plus ruin make things rather annoying. I don’t find looking at a progress bar holding down a button fun for me. Yet here you are complaining about something that doesn’t need change. Ebony Mori’s need a rework. Every survivor needs to be hooked once before you should be able to do that. Even then you’re still cutting survivor experience short too. Once again killers literally only think about themselves.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Aside from the insane hit boxes...yes the game is fine...generally speaking and you even got the toolboxes to become basically useless and before that you got the medkit add ons made useless and before that got BT ruined and before that DS...shall I go on?

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 256

    Repairing gens is the survivors job so blame the devs if you think they are able to do that too quickly.

    This has been a problem for the longest time and the void that old Ruin filled hasn't been replaced with any noteworthy balancing to extend the game.

    Toolboxes didn't get hit hard at all, they are more useful at endgame then they have ever been.

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    Haha toolbox sabotage a Hook in 2 seconds, you can do generator in less time, BT is strong I have 16 seconds to killer hit me, DS you are 1 minute immune if you get in locker, shall I go on?

    Hahaha I am main survivor and the game is broken for survivors you can do a generator in 12 seconds. Came on. You have 14 pallets per map , Do you want DBD easier?

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Hooks come back nearly instantly. So yes if you are in the right spot at the right time you can kill a hook in front of the killer's face...and when that happens it is funny as hell...but mostly sabo is 100% useless. You can do one gen maybe in 12 seconds if more than one has a toolbox and you are both on the same gen...then what?

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    Gen speeds are not fine, go play killer because I can tell that you never play killer

  • soGood
    soGood Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2020

    Gen speeds are not fine indeed. They should be increased, but only slightly, otherwise we may end up with issues worse than this.

    My suggestion is adding one extra generator that needs to be done (6 in total) or increasing the time it takes to repair one. (10 extra seconds perhaps)? Of course adding extra objectives is the best option but also the hardest.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    I personally think gen speeds are fine. Larger maps need tweaked.