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General Discussions

It's been 4 months now. When is Myers going to get fixed?

Member Posts: 83

Michael (and Ghostface, too) have had broken stalk mechanics for over 4 months now. A survivor can be right next to you, right in the center of the camera, unobstructed, and the outline to stalk just straight up does not appear. It is ######### broken. I have lost countless games to this bug because it has prevented me from activating Evil Within III before they can reach a pallet or window, when I had them way out in the open. Please, this is ######### bullshit, if Survivors had a bug like this it would be fixed in 12 minutes yet Myers and Ghostface players have been waiting 4 ######### months.

I am putting this here instead of bug report threads because it has already been reported hundreds of times and is well known.

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  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Remember when everyone was excited for dedicated servers? Yeah, good times.

  • Member Posts: 720

    I’ve seen no problem with them acquiring evil within 3. That needs to be slowed down anyways imo. It’s hella OP 😂 Especially the ad on that gives Michael infinite evil within 3. Complete bs. Complain, complain, complain, complain... hmm. Just have fun and get who you can. Is rank 1 really that serious to get that these people need to come onto a forum and complain about nonsense? Complain because survivors actually survive because killers think they should just be able to spawn in and deal death to all survivors by looking at them for just a few seconds? I think that needs to be nerfed it’s just not that serious😂 it’s filthy to throw ebony Mori on with that. I don’t want to play a game where someone thinks they deserve to run on me every game while im playing as a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 720

    Same as you guys don’t want to be ran on as a killer. Most of the time I don’t survive though. Some Killers still be OP 😂 they ought to rework that damn ebony Mori. Make it more rare if they’re gonna keep it the same. But I believe every survivor needs to be hooked once before ANYBODY can be Mori’d.

  • Member Posts: 568

    Every time anyone mentions Mikey, some survivor brings up infinite EW3. Against a decent group, you MIGHT get infinite EW3 just as the last gen is done.

    If your group just holds W, doesn't try to block LoS, and lets him stalk you on a gen, well... git gud.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    As soon as the devs delete the dedicated servers, their issues with stalking will be gone.

  • Member Posts: 83

    This reeks of a salty player who doesnt understand how Michael works. You're missing the point of this. His stalk mechanic just doesnt work sometimes. And if you really want to play the survivor main side of things, sometimes it lets Michael stalk through walls. Fixing it would benefit both sides.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    This. That last statement you said is what I've been pushing for, for a long time.

  • Member Posts: 720

    I know right? I just don’t want to go out like that. You know I understand killer players believe it helps them catch up and all. But not when it ruins someone else’s experience. I mean I just feel like I wasted my time coming into the game and you don’t need to make people feel that way I don’t care who it benefits for what reason. That’s just upsetting that I spent money on a game to please some random killer that is allowed to bring an ebony Mori in every single game because it’s not even ultra rare item. It’s more like “common” with how much I saw it in my blood web past like... level 40. I saw them too much to where I was like, might as well bring this in every game because I got the points to get more. No worries. Screw everyone that queues up to play this game, and the next, so on and so forth. I just don’t think you understand that gen speed being too fast is the reason Mori’s are used is a viable excuse for this because, well, killers can still 4K without an ebony Mori. Bad killers can’t 😂 besides, I think gen speed needs to be fast for that reason. Killers can down and hook people too easy as well if killers are good at searching for them. I’ll admit I’m not the best looper, but that really means I deserve to go down, get hooked and Mori’d? That’s what I paid for? To please the killer? Especially since the killer walks out with 20-30K BP at the end of the match? Interesting. And they think survivors should be treated the same when it comes to losing ad ons and offerings. Killer ad ons are so much better. A brand new part doesn’t guarantee gen progress and even then its progress can be negated with ruin. An ebony Mori is almost a guaranteed ez kill that survivors can’t counter. How is it not counter able ? What about survivor offering that insta completes a gen to make up for it or something? Think about how hard it is for someone to get a hook off on someone when there’s hooks like every 5 feet. Not only that but how easy it is to either go undetectable and wait for someone to unhook or be the billy/spirit that goes away and comes back so fast you can’t even get away. Then you just get Mori’d? Nah.... that ain’t the type of game I like to play. It’s not a fair offering and I think it gets abused.

  • Member Posts: 720

    I do understand that Michael has an insta kill without a hook. I understand that Michaels evil within ... Well, actually isn’t that bad. I don’t mind it as much as ghost face just looking at you for like 3 seconds and getting an expose off on you. That’s not okay. I mean, I think they give killers too much. You wonder why people DC. You never want to make people feel like they didn’t have a chance. The less hook chances, hits I’m able to take and ability to escape killers due to lag, vault hits I don’t think killers should have gotten, the less people are gonna want to play. I understand the DC. You don’t make people feel like they can’t play your game 😂 I get it killers are trying to get their 12 hooks, but they get to cheat it by a whole 8 hooks Down to 4 with ebony Mori 😂 Okay... where’s our objective cheating offering that the killer can’t see on the loading screen? A shroud? 😂 so I can spawn as far as possible from the killer which is not even that far on some of these maps because they’re so small? Yeah okay. Or we can all spawn together and go down together because the killer can spawn in your face? Okay. Nah man don’t give me any reason why ebony Mori’s should be okay or Michael Myers evil within issues. Survivors have a whole other longer list of issues.

  • Member Posts: 383

    This game is about killers, they have to be strong,

    Myers is ok.

  • Member Posts: 83

    like the guy above me said, this isn’t a thread about moris. It’s not about balance either. It’s just the fact that this game doesn’t work properly when trying to stalk as a killer who is already only mid tier.

    but since you asked, keys are your cheat to let you cheese the objective. You can escape without completing all the gens when one person has died, just like one person can escape through the hatch for doing literally nothing all game when the killer got 11 hooks at 5 gens

  • Member Posts: 3,426


    I'm fine with one or two if the killer is new, because everyone wants to see that mori, but then it just becomes annoying after I've had a 15 minute queue time. Atleast if it took some effort I could actually not be tunneled.

  • Member Posts: 1,946

    It does a lot more good then harm, same for DC penalty so yeah, im happy.

  • Member Posts: 720

    Nooooo. Don’t even compare keys to a Mori. Don’t compare keys to ANYTHING because it still requires the survivors to DO THEIR JOB down to the last gen and that’s if someone’s died already😂 they still have to put in ALL or almost all the work for hatch to even spawn. Wheras killers only have to hook once with Mori, EASY! survivors have 3 sacrificial stages, Which is supposed to be 3 hook chances. The key (if you even still have one after dodging franklins demise or you weren’t dead already) is an alternate escape if survivors 3 gen themselves or sometimes that doesn’t matter because the gens can easily be patrolled anyways to the point where it’s guaranteed death if someone can’t distract the killer long enough. Alternate escapes have always been a thing. F13 has more of them. Such an addicting game for that reason lol Besides can you just open your eyes as a killer and watch for hatch as you’re plowing through the map scouring for survivors. Memorize the locations. Map knowledge. Be good. Don’t be lazy. It’s not that serious to even Remotely compare a key to anything EXTREMELY game changing like Ebony Mori where you’re literally allowed to delete someone without that person having much of a fair chance at all 😂

  • Member Posts: 642

    I assumed he was already fixed. He hasn't had a kid ever! I will be here all morning! lol

    Now that is funny poop lol

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    @SurviveByDaylight @CheersTC

    Stop derailing the thread if you are unable to comprehend what it is about.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Check how long it took them to fix DS.

    Check how many bugs nurse does suffer from and what was fixed with the latest patch? Yeah the one gamebreaking bug, gamebreaking for survivors and the rest was ofc left as is. Sounds are broken since i dont know when.

    So an estimate is when those bugs will affect survivors in a bad way so probably never.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Ok onto the thread then. Personally they need to properly fix Ghostface, and with that comes Myers. Ghostface is ######### on both sides. He can be stalking you and it doesn't work, ans you could be staring him in the face and it wouldn't work.

  • Member Posts: 83

    The crying emoji spam tells me you’re either a kid who doesn’t know what he’s talking about or an obvious troll.

    Gens are ######### easy to do. If you aren’t getting 4 gens done by the time someone is dead it’s on you.

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    Yea thats a dedicated servers thing if it was a norml bug it would have been fixed by now. From my experince as ghostface on xbox my stalking is just fine

  • Member Posts: 7,164

    Michael's stalk bar regresses back sometimes when stalking. That and sometimes you can't stalk someone even when they are right in front of you.

    Those are the two issues I've encountered.

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