List of annoying things survivors do

Starting with 1 being the worst..
1. Working with the killer to help kill other survivors
2. Bodyblocking in general is annoying but especially when I'm in a chase and they're blocking my only escape route. Whether it's on purpose or accident it's still extremely annoying
3. Trying to get away from the killer by making them chase you instead. It's annoying cause you can tell this is usually on purpose.. They have aura reading perks and run straight for other teammates and it screws the entire team over.
4. Constantly failing skillchecks.. It's okay if you fail a few skillchecks per game. Sometimes I don't pay attention and do the same thing or do so when I'm trying to hit great skillchecks.. But if you literally fail every skillcheck on this gen I was almost done with, you're better off unhooking or on cleansing totem duty.. Something that doesn't require skillchecks.
5. Wasting all the pallets by throwing all of them down at unnecessary times.
With all this being said, I don't get survivors on my team that do this very often. But it's still something to be aware of if you're a survivor that does these things..
I literally hate survivors who don't know how to loop and just wait by each pallet. In understand it partially if it's a loop which you won't be able to go around even once, but if you can go for it, do it. I can't tell you how many times I've seen shack pallet dropped within the first minute because someone doesn't want to loop it.
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1 = that's more than just annoying. It's bannable. Actually I submitted a ticket a few days ago because 2 survivors (who were in the killer's friends list) trapped me next to a gen I repaired till their killer friend arrived (after failing to catch the other solo survivor despite a 2 minute chase (they trapped me long enough for multiple crows to spawn) while playing Hillbilly with instasaw. They even recorded themselves doing it so I downloaded the footage from their profiles and sent it in said ticket.
If they don't get banned despite recording themselves doing it I'll be speechless.
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6 - People feeding leatherface campers by trying to unhook when he's nearby. Literally lost a match in 2-3 minutes because 2 of them went to unhook and all 3 went down in 2 seconds.
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Going for an Unhook when the killer is camping
Being way to thristy for unhooks in general.
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People who are a bit to salty for their own good. Sure sometimes it can be fun to see someone lose their mind, after the match is over. Other times it just outright annoying or stop being funny real quick, when someone questions another person mental state again. That or threaten to report you, after doing gens, protecting others, unhooking people. All due to some reason thinking you are aiding the killer. Since trying to win the game for the survivors as a survivor is aiding the killer.
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7. Making post on forums in an attempt to criticize others game play or mistakes
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8. Trying to be edgy by defending bannable offenses.
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Working with the killer isn't really a legit playstyle though is it?
My one would be rescuing someone from a hook then sneaking off behind a rock to hide as the killer comes back and downs the unhooked one again. Take some aggro yourself.
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I recently played against a Doctor and one of my teammates was a Jane. This Jane kept leading the killer to us and repeatedly farmed us just so she could get the hatch early. It was beyond frustrating, so I recorded her body blocking and following this Jeff on my team and after he was killed she immediately ran to the hatch and wrote in the post-game chat "gg ez".
I tried reporting the Jane with her steam profile and I sent the video link but I didn't get a response, shows to me reports sometimes go unnoticed in this game.
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Its only bannable because they were holding you hostage normally this is not a bannable offense
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Working with the killer to kill another survivor by itself is a bannable offense.
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As a killer the most annoying thing a survivor does, is force me to chase them by bodyblocking with BT and then getting annoyed when I chase, wait out DS and hook them again and then complain about tunneling in End Game Chat.
Like if you manage to take the hit with BT, good for you, but if you block me and stop me for chasing the other person, I am going to chase you. I already lost time chasing the other person. Don't get mad at me because you basically told me to chase you.
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I just hate it when survivors [clenches fist] ...survive.
But actually I get most annoyed when I'm actually doing a decent job of running the killer and no gens pop. What... what were they all doing??
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I cant stand it when a survivor drops a pallet on me while im chasing them. Its very startling and it hurts my feelings. I just want to get a hook. :(
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- I hate when survivors gather and chase after me or pop gens in front of me even though I’m smacking them ( know I’m the killer right? Could you pretend to be scared and run away, jeez)
- that trick where it looks like they are gunna circle the loop one more time but teleport back to slam my head. How the hell can your arms bend that way you psycho.
- first hook suicide because I found you (Blendette) and you and your magical black skin and dark clothing couldn’t protect you.
- Shirtless David distracting me all match. I get it dood, your ripped. Just move aside while I chase after the small defenseless woman.
- Every Dwight I find hiding behind a tree or tire, ESPECIALLY when it’s near a Locker. Bro, you have a meme and you must live and die by it.
- Lastly, every survivor that points at something mid chase and I TRUST YOU but only to find that YOU HAVE BETRAYED ME. Why do you lie?
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no its really not Otherwise Id have been banned along time ago for helping snoot boopers
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It's literally listed when you click on the troll icon when you report someone as "working with the killer". Besides it's common sense that cheating -by working with the killer to kill all the other survivors- is bannable.
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nope the devs have basically said that as long as you dont trap people in the game you can run the game however you want
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Since when is failing a skill check, dropping a pallet or running by a survivor while the killer is chasing you a bannable offense?
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Gotta love how you're excluding 90% of the list which is all mostly bannable offenses.
I never said failing skillchecks or dropping pallets are bannable, genius.
Bodyblocking someone, standing in the way of a pallet or window (especially in a chase) is bannable.
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OK but your personal opinions and experiences don't matter.
Devs literally put "working with the killer" along with plenty of other bannable offenses under the report button for the purpose of getting them penalized for their toxic actions.
Therefore you can in fact get banned by doing it.
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Meg, how can you say this when you're a survivor?
Megs are evil dude I'm telling you
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lol from a killer's perspective, living is annoying to them.