Should I file a police report, since in game won't reveal results of reports

I usually wouldn't care, as I don't submit tickets for stupid things but when someone threatens to physically find your house and burn it down I take that seriously. Yes it's 99% a random comment, but it needs addressed. Can I get clarification from @Peanits that if I submit this they WONT tell me a resolution? If so I will have to file it through my local police.
BHVR servers will have their information useful for you locating them however it most likely is a young child who gets upset when they lose.
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I'm very sure it probably is, but nowadays who can say?
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Probably some 12 year old, just brush it off
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"I got threatened in a video game." I am sure they'll put their best men on it and work double shifts until they find them. Where is Sgt. Friday when you need him? This is the city...I carry a badge. Sure...good luck with that.
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Don't be like that dude.
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Always that one guy
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Just report it to xbox or whatevee system you play on.
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Don't be like what? Any person who filed a police report because some unknown person said they were going to find them and burn down their house when said unknown person has no idea where that persons live and has zero ability to actually carry out the threat would be laughed out of the police station. Police actually have real crimes to combat...people going 45 in a 40 and not wearing their seatbelts. If someone said that to me I would have probably said "I live in cellblock and concrete doesn't burn."
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Yeah arguments in video games never spiral out of control.
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Not sure about on PC or PS4 on Xbox they'd just get probably 24 hours...assuming their database can detect anything wrong with what was said. I rather doubt saying "I am going to find you and burn your house down" would get banned on Xbox.....none of the words would trigger the database. If you said "I am going to find you and kill you" and then yes...that probably gets you comm banned for a day.
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Filing a police report won't really do anything in this situation. If it was a message on the after game screen, report it then follow up using the DBD support system after taking some screenshots/video.
If this was on console, report the message itself and PS4 or Xbox should take care of it.
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That was actually a bit different now wasn't it Einstein? In this case the person ACTUALLY knew where the other person lived and ACTUALLY called in a 9-11 call and the SWAT showed up--known as Swatting--and someone actually died due to that. In this case the two situations are not the same at all....please do try to keep up. An unknown person, who has no idea where the other person lives makes a baseless threat which he has no ability to carry out. The police could-if they were complete morons--I suppose get a warrant, track down the IP address of the person who made the threat (I suppose on Xbox the gamer tag would be enough), then using this information find the person who made the threat and arrest police force on earth is going to go through that trouble unless the threat was actually...all together now...credible and in this case it is 100% not.
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Bravo...someone with brains. If on Xbox sure report them, but just be aware they'll be back communicating in 24 hours or less.
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LOL "Noobmaster69 said he was going to come to my house and burn it down."
"Okay...who again?"
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I'm sure this guy WONT but someone could track you down. YOu're right though it's a brush off.
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That seems extreme on your side of things. Get a Ring camera installed, get Arlo installed and calm down man Jesus. He doesn’t know where you live 😂
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Or as I like to say....
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im sorry... but, what do you expect the police to do? track them down? arrest someone?
its just stupid bm, lol
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“Hello, police? A person threatened to burn down my house in a video game”
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why does everyone on these forums always act like the sky is falling
its BM in a game, it’s in literally every single videogame lmfao, police don’t have the time unless an actual crime occurred like a Swatting which if you compare this to tat then I have some serious questions for you
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Yeah you guys are being #########.
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I know that it sucks and can be a little scary to see something like that but it’s definitely just some kid upset that he lost. nothing will happen i’m sure, I get messages like that and some worse. they don’t happen often but when they do I just brush it off cause nothing’s happened
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BM is fine, call someone a baby killer, tell them they suck, played bad, whatever. Trust me I came from the league of legends community, I should be dead of cancer about 9000 times over if after-game chat was prophetic.
But people don't need to be threatening violence, I don't care what the situation is. Can the OP do anything about it? Not particularly, but I'm hoping someone reads that article and at least thinks about just relegating their after-game salt to common nonsense, if nothing else because let's say OP was someone who was computer inclined, and was capable of tracking down the person who threatened them and decided to do something about it instead of calling the process, something way worse, you don't know who's on the other side of the game, it's probably best not to instigate to that degree.
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You can, there are Penal Codes that specifically target Death Threats, severe threats online.
They won't stop until something happens. At least Playstation tells you once you report someone that
- Your report was received and a second message appears about 5 to 10 minutes later that says
- They're taking the appropriate actions and they thank you for your report.
I know it's a game, but threats shouldn't be treated so lightly.
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there is a difference between words and being hit off after having my ip leaked,it’s happened to me a lot from the people I’ve dealt
“Oi bugga m8 ima burn ya ‘Ouse down I am I am” it’s nothing but words
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boi i got death threats like this before and the best you can do is report and move on
It's not like the kid has anyway of knowing where you live unless you tell him
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Firstly report the person on the platform.
Secondly. Ask him to tell you your own address if he's so desperate to physically harm you. If he gives you your exact address then go file a police report.
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I'm not here to say that it's definitely a serious threat or anything, but no matter if it's a 14 year old, a 24 year old, or a 104 year old, people shouldn't be saying those sorts of things. And they probably should be held accountable. Only somebody who was raised wrong or is mentally unstable will ever be saying things like that regardless, and obviously needs to be taught somehow else.
I think it was League of Legends where somebody said something about "shooting up a school" as a joke, whether you think that's in good taste or not is up to you. Anyway, he got tracked down and arrested, for something like that. This isn't a far shot off from that.
Anyway yeah. Do or don't do whatever, I just came here to add that in: I don't think it's as stupid as people are making it out to be.
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a wild karen appears
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You could always ask the police (dont demand, ask) about steps that could possibly be taken. I'm sure the police wouldn't mind you asking about it. but most likely they are just going to tell you at that stage there isn't much they can do. An anonymous threat to a single person isn't really high priority especially if they have no good reason to believe it is serious.
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Oh, ok. That was blown out of proportion.
OP probably isnt used to being threatened as badly as that. For most people playing this game, that is normal. I understand that the threat has no meaning, but there are 2 things wrong with this:
1. In a day where people can track addresses with an IP address, there is a genuine reason to be afraid. I've had it happen to me before.
2. You had 0 reasons to be rude to this person. That's why someone said "don't be that guy".
For OP, I would say that, like others said, it probably isn't someone who can track your IP to your house.
If you feel like you want to, but don't think that you will he noticed, here is an article of someone making a threat to shoot up a school online and getting arrested:
I've also had people recently make online joke threats about shooting up my old high school. They were not arrested, but were expelled.
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You know, if you just had your chat hidden/blocked then you would have never seen the "threat" and could have gone on in blissful ignorance. But call the police or whatever if it helps you sleep at night.
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Whether I think the comment was about someone being toxic for his/her loss and it is a bit scary but I think you should move on. Don't missunderstand me a threat is something serious, I know, I am not going to tell you that is not because my classmates tried to kill me at high school and I can understand that is pretty scary. Of course, threats shouldn't be treated so lightly and as I said, it is indeed scary but I think police would probably laugh at you.
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If BHVR actually started handing out bans (temporary or not) instead of just claiming that they do, we would not have this issue, and the game would be a whole less toxic. Someone is going to get swatted one of these days, and some of you, along with BHVR, will be wondering how it happened.
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Just defending our younger ones here, we shouldn't assume anything, I have met some very polite, well mannered and mature teens, adults can just be as petty and throw such comments when they loose.
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It's just a game. I wouldn't take it too seriously.
Guy once told me to die of cancer. I didn't schedule a doctor's appointment.
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Thats the thing, I’m 99.9% sure it won’t be me because I’m sure that guy was just a sore loser but someone has to be first and that will be horrendous.
Its different though, someone can’t give you cancer. Someone can burn your house down.
For a closer example though, a guy ran through Walmart claiming he was giving Corona to everyone and he was arrested for it even though he didn’t have it. People need to learn their are consequences
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I just like a bit of levity in life my friend.
And sure he may of got arrested, but not charged with anything major and probably will just be a small fine.
Point being it is not that big of a crime to the authorities. Of course to each individual, perception is reality.