Ok killers need a nerf

I have been playing this game for 3 years and I've seen both sides killer and surviver I play both and I'm just going to say it killers are op af,every game I play I get killers that tunnel and camp and use the most stupid and op add-ons and perks it's just so bullshit how killers know how to counter everything,they need to be nerfed and before all the killer mains say oh get to rank 1 and then we will talk ranks don't mean ######### bud,iredesent heads moris freddy all these need nerfing and dedicated servers dont help either the devs need to make there game better instead of waisting money on ######### cosmetics and DLCs and the new maps are so killer sided dead dawg saloon is literally a tiny box,and I'm not saying buff the ######### out of survivers just make it more fair


  • beaubird13
    beaubird13 Member Posts: 7

    First of all I have not posted because I did not want to I've heard about the forums and now I wanted to post something because the game imo is in a really bad state right now

  • beaubird13
    beaubird13 Member Posts: 7

    Did you hear me say that ranks don't mean anything I played with a rank 15 today and I'm rank 5

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355
    edited March 2020

    Alright, I will take what you said at face value. If it is a bait, I'm caught.

    I would like to disagree with your post.

    Yes, some killers are quite strong. Freddy is probably the 2nd strongest besides nurse when her hugs aren't showing.

    Yes, some killers do have OP addons

    Yes, they can camp and tunnel

    In a 1v1 situation, killers are OP

    But the point isnt to 1v1 a killer. It is to give enough time to teammates to get gens done. If survivors are spread out on different gens (aka doing gens) and are able to do 30 second chases at least, then the no killer can really stop all of them. Not even the nurse.

    I'm guessing you have teammates that aren't very gen productive.

    Edit: I will agree that rank doesn't matter anymore, because I deranked to rank 17 as killer and after multiple matches I'm still getting paired with red ranked survivors.

    Edit 2: when I mean deranked, I mean I took a break for a while, and I went from being rank 8 or 9 to rank 17.

    Post edited by leyzyman on
  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Thats just not true. There are players never reaching red ranks. If you are a skillful player why would you stay at lower ranks? That makes no sense. Although the skill level in red ranks differ.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117
    edited March 2020

    Two words: is fine.

    I agree to the OP, that certain killers need changes to make them not just being a nuisance. Iri Heads needs to go, Freddy as whole is just annoying cause he doesnt need any skill, as well as Spirit.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    So only the killers that stand a chance but dont touch survivor perks theyre perfectly fine

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited March 2020

    I have mixed feelings with what your say, some stuff is right and some is wrong.

    First, I really dont think killers are op or unfair overall. True, Nurse and Spirit might be still overpowered af even tho some dont admit it here, but all the others are well ballanced or even a little (!) bit to weak. Well, Freddy needs some little nerfs since he is way to easy to get a good result, but the rest is fine.

    Unfortunatly, tunneling and camping is a thing in DBD, and there is not a lot they can do about it. Try to get better at looping the killer, so to make it as hard as possible for him to catch you. The best feeling in DBD is when you run the killer for 5 gens and then get facecamped. Its like he is handing you a trophy.

    Perks and addons... well addons, i must say that you are right with that. Stuff like iri head should be gone looong time ago. I dont get why they nerf stuff like BNPs, Insta heals or Toolboxes into the ground and leave completly broken stuff like iri head in the game. But Perks? Also survivor have strong perks, its not true that killer have here the upper hand.

    With the maps, well again you are absolutly right, Saloon is very killersided and pretty much all the new maps or reworks are favouring more the killer. This trend is getting very annoying, and the reason is because so many killer players are extremly bad at the game and cry for buffs and stuff. But again - if it stays the way it is right now, i would be fine with it, more ballanced then it ever was.

    Kind regards

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Every killer tands a chance if played fine. and those mentioned are far away from being fine, ignoring any skill.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I am not a killer main, i play both roles 50/50 all the time on R1 and i flex every killer. I am probably one of the least biased person on this forum. But thanks for trying.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Your so non biased that you called for nothing but killer nerfs and making the few good killers worse

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Well the good survivors will be fine without comms flashlights toolboxes ds bt spine chill and god loops nerf all thier tools they will still be good if played well

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Ah i am a biased survivor for you LOL

    Seriously, do you even read my post?

    With some stuff he is wrong as i said but with some other he is simply right. But apparently in your mind it is biased when i support some arguments like that Iri head is broken (which it simply is) or that survivors got more nerfed then killers (pretty much a fact, read through patchnotes and come back later)

    And Nurse and Spirit are op. I play them almost every day and they ARE simply op! They are not "just" good, you win almost every game with them if you are somehow decent. If you dont agree, i guess we are not on the same page, but dont call me biased on anything, with that you make yourself sound like a fool.. no offense.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    So what more nerfs do nurse and spirit need 3 minute cooldowns how about take thier power away and make them basic m1 killers both killers just got nerfed and suffer from loads of bugs nurse is barley played anymore she is unfun to play and if you can dodge huntress norm axes why cant you dodge iri head left me guess take billys saw and movement freddys snares and teleport nerf doctor back to uselessness people need to stop calling for one sided nerfs

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Nice rant. Nurse and spirit are hard to ballance. I would fix some bugs and i would leave the nurse as she is right now. That sounds aweful since she is overpowered, but the only other solution i see is a complete rework of her power, and i would not like this since i like to play her aswell. The reason i would still leave the nurse is that thank god she is not a problem at the moment, because, as you mentioned, she is not played very often. Reason for that is probably the lack of skilled nurse players. She needs a lot of effort to master, and not that many want to spend that much time on a single killer.

    Spirit.. well they have to add some sort of counterplay to her power. I mean.. REAL counterplay and not just a random guessing game.

    If you really think, Iri head is fine because you can dodge normal hatchets, i must say you have no idea what you are talking about sorry. It is like saying "Add more pallets, because you know, you can break them..." Your argument makes no sense at all. There is of course a very big difference between Iri and non iri huntress, the chases are so much faster and especially the snowball is absurd.

    The rest of your post is unfortunatly just angry exaggeration.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    So just nerf any killer that requires you to do more than just run around pallets no trying to do other things to counter every killer needs to be super loopable and basic m1

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303
  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I can't take you seriously. The fact your paragraph of ranting has no periods tells me you are either a little kid or a grown baby.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Laziest b8 I've encountered so far.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I honestly don't get why some people always use the argument that other people are just bad at the game when the game sees balancing they don't agree with. Like it's always the others that are bad right, it's never one self that maybe needs to improve in this game.

    If you think Saloon is killer sided, that's your opinion, but maps aren't necessarily made more killer sided because so many killer players are bad at killer. Like how does one say that with certainty? Maybe you just need to improve at survivor on maps like that?

    It goes both ways of course, People constantly cry about how easy survivor is and how impossible killer is. One recent thread was titled "When does Baby-mode get nerfed". It's just ridiclous.

    Again, thinking Saloon is unbalanced is fine, everyone has their own opinion. I would argue it needs a few more pallets myself. But just accusing all the other players being bad at the game, which causes maps to become unbalanced, is not really fair. Perhaps there are some good reasons as to why people complain about map balance and think the newer maps are actually balanced.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    If you think high stress and the need to not make any mistakes needs to go higher then be my guest.

    Killers need a buff more than anything

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Thank you survivors are constantly crying about slugging camping and tunneling but then call fir more and more nerfs

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    I've played over 2 years and only recently made an account here...its possible.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I am not sure why you mention "why some people always use the argument that other people are just bad at the game" to quote me. You may show me where i mentioned anything about me saying anything like that.

    If you think Saloon is killer sided, that's your opinion, but maps aren't necessarily made more killer sided because so many killer players are bad at killer. Like how does one say that with certainty? Maybe you just need to improve at survivor on maps like that?

    The Saloon is extremly killersided for reasons: Really bad loops, small size, super unsafe pallets, big deadzones, breakable walls, kinda dangerous gens, especially those 2 towards the deadzone and on the gallows.

    Maps are recently (!) made more killersided. Saloon obviously like mentioned, Lab is indoor which is good for killer with tons of unsafe pallets and barly any decent window. Even the springwood rework is now better for killer, the old version was more survivorsided with its safer pallets. New Yamaoka has way worse loops then old Yamaoka, less pallets and escecially less safe pallets, the main building is in total favour for the killer. Why i think it is certaint? Because there is no counterargument. Unsafe loops are unsafe loops and small size is small size.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    With the maps, well again you are absolutly right, Saloon is very killersided and pretty much all the new maps or reworks are favouring more the killer. This trend is getting very annoying, and the reason is because so many killer players are extremly bad at the game and cry for buffs and stuff.

    That's what you wrote.

    Regarding the balance of the Saloon map, I think the main counterargument is gen speed. That's what many people argue when it comes to map balance. Gens going so fast is fine, if the maps are small enough for killers to apply proper map pressure, and if the killers has a fair chance of downing survivors fast enough. So maps shouldn't have many loops that are safe for survivors, and allow for no counterplay as killer.

    The Saloon map certainly is one of the smaller maps, but I feel like it has a fair size for killers to apply enough map pressure without it being too overwhelming for survivors. It's definitely not that small either.

    I also disagree when it comes to the map's loops. Not all pallet loops are completely unsafe, the map also has mindgameable pallets at which survivors can waste a killers time effectively with mindgames before the killer gets a hit. And since gens go so fast, survivors don't even need to last all too long in chases in order to let their team mates make impactful progress on gens, because gens can be repaired very fast.

    Very importantly to mention in that case, the new Saloon map has quite a few really good windows for survivors, especially in the Saloon itself. These windows only become less safe once the breakable wall near it is broken, which still doesn't make the windows useless in the slightest. So you either get good use of a window in a chase, where the killer has to break the wall and you get a lot of distance, or he breaks some of the walls before, which makes him waste time while other survivors are all repairing gens. And the map has quite a few breakeable walls. It even has a modified T-L wall, that is very safe until the breakeable wall located there is broken, which then returns the T-L wall into a normal T-L wall.

    That's why I would argue that this map is fairly balanced, the only change I want to see to that map is to have more mindgameable pallets added to it. Since most pallets on that map are mindgameable or unsafe, it should definitely have more pallets, similar to Hawkins.

    It also depends on the killer of course. I can see Hillbilly or Freddy certainly being a bit op on that map, no doubt. They will probably need some small nerfs once more maps are brought to a similar balance level.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    killers need nerf guns

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Gotta agree with the OP.

    Killers need nerfs with the exception of nurse.

    Lower their sonic the hedgehog movement speed just a little bit. It's too much.

    Remove iri mori.

    Increase pallet stun...

    Do SOMETHING to make killers less overpowered.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    And here we disagree. Generator speed is in my opinion fine as it is. Let me explain by starting with explaining value.

    In theory, a hook is worth just about 8% and a generator is worth 20%, since you need 12 hooks as a killer and 5 generators for survior to complete your objective (we ignore now, that survs have to open the exit gate aswell). But these are only numbers. Lets go into detail so you know what i mean.

    The first hook might be in fact just the 8%, actually sometimes even less, because of a few factors:

    • The playfield is big, generators are spread out on the map
    • All 4 survivors are (hopefully) on generators and you can only chase 1 guy at a time
    • All pallets are still up

    The same goes for gens (big playfield, all are working, all the resources for surviors are there)

    By nature, the killer has (and has to have) a bad early game, and the reason why this is is because:

    From the moment on, the killer hooked the first guy, every next hook becomes more and more valuable, since the dynamic of the game has now drasticly changed: Suddenly it changed from all 4 survs on gens to 1 Survivor on the hook, 1 is safing, one is getting chased and one is on a generator. On top of that, pallets get broken, the playfield becomes significantly smaller due to low value generators that have been done and the killer has constant pressure.

    Every generator becomes more and more valueable and harder to do in the middle and late game, but on the contrast, it becomes more and more easy for the killer to get hooks, kills and genpressure (smaller playfield, less pallets for the survivors, more pressure, more downed people, more room to play for the killer like i said)

    It is the NATURE for the game, that the first generators has to pop really quick. If that does not happen because of longer repairtimes, survivors wont stand a chance to succeed the last generators because of already named reasons.

    When we look at the saloon now with its handful of extremly unsafe and its handful of very unsafe pallets, with like i said a massive deadzone where 2 gens have spawned, i dont see fairness at all. Especially in the endgame when those unsafe pallets are broken there is not a lot room to defend, especially since at that time, 1 or even 2 survivors should be dead normally, if the killer is decent.

    The reason why i think that many complainers here are bad is because they apparently have problems i simply dont have, naming genrush. And i am not a progamer or anything. If i can do it, everyone else should be able to do it aswell OR at least be able to learn it. It is a little funny when people complain about the Ruin nerf and that it was just to please the baby survivors, but on the other hand, the same people complain about genrush, which is normally not a problem when you are a decent killer.

    I really think, killers had more then enough buffs in the recent past, i think it is time to finally fix some of the issues that are in the game for ages like unfair Addons, Offerings or Items (Moris, Crazy addons like iri head, Keys)

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    You think freddy needs a nerf? No wonder all the logic in most of your replies is gone

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    You're completely right about the generators, pretty much sums up exactly why I think gen speed is fine as well, and why these videos of matches where a generator getting repaired in 30 seconds doesn't prove that gen speed is a problem in any way.

    However, generators don't take long to be repaired, 80 seconds when repairing alone or 44 seconds when repairing with someone else isn't a lot of time, so it all comes down to how fast a killer can actually end chases, and how good killers can keep survivors off of gens. Which is why I think Saloon is mostly balanced, because it definitely gives killers the chance to down survivors fast enough to keep enough pressure on the survivors, but survivors also still have the chance to survive long enough in chases to get gens repaired. Because I have also seen pallets on that map that are mindgameable. And the actual Saloon has some really good loops that can waste a killers time quite a bit, plus the map has a few other pretty good window loops as well.

    I do want to add that the scenario of one survivor hooked, one going for the save, one being chased and one repairing a gen isn't always happening. Normally, killers won't be able to down survivors fast enough before the hooked survivor gets unhooked, so you'll still have enough time where multiple survivors work on gens. But a map like Dead Dawg Saloon does allow killers to have a chance to down survivors fast enough in most cases so that survivors are constantly pressured and can't all work on gens, but I don't think that the map is so bad for survivors that even if they play well, they won't ever be able to last long enough in chases for survivors to get unhooked and for them to make proper progress on gens. I don't see that. Especially since a killer has to find and get to a survivor before they can even start a chase. Which again is why maps shouldn't be too big as well.

    I do underatdn your point of having deadzones on that map and having too many completely unsafe generators, and I think I know what area you are talking about, as I said, I do hope they add a some more pallets that are mindgameable to the map, especially in that area. However, as survivor I just try to get those gens finished as soon as possible. And with all the other window loops on that map, the pallets that are mindgameable, and the good stealth options that map gives survivors, I think survivors still have enough to work with to be able to win against killers of equal skill level on that map. I just wish the map had a few more pallets.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    You are either trolling or haven't learned anything in the 3 yrs you say you've played. Its simple, just do gens. If you are not being chased, be on a gen. Stop crouching around the map, hiding in lockers, chasing the killer for a save that may or may not work, flashlight clicking, messing with the killer, going for hero saves next to the killer etc.

    Just do gens. If you do that, not only you will get t rank 1 in no time, but you will also see how OP survivors are.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387
    edited March 2020




    AHAHAH, Hooo boy, thank you for the laugh! This post is so painfully STUPID I can't help but laugh at your salty ***. Seriously, you have to be entitled beyond recognition and have an IQ of a WORM to think that Survivors were WEAKER than Killers. Let me set the stage here for you: "Survivors were almost always on the winning side." In no regard was the Killer better than the Survivor because of how this game is structured. If there's one thing I can describe it, it's stupid. So how about you take a day out of your mothers' basement and actually get a dose of sunlight on the porch before you start giving more people tumors with your hilariously stupid posts.

  • beaubird13
    beaubird13 Member Posts: 7

    Ok I'm not stupid I know survivers are op to but i play solo most of the time and its really hard to go against any killer by your self and you normally get bot teammates that just sneak around all game

  • beaubird13
    beaubird13 Member Posts: 7

    I know that survivers are op but in my opinion I think killer is a bit more strong because of solos and u mostly play solo sometimes with one freind

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    You are contradicting yourself. Survivors can't be OP if killers are stronger, even by "a bit". Yeah solo survivor sucks just like any other team based game. But we cant start nerfing killers just because people don't have friends that want to play. We should give survivors tools of communication in the game more than just "hur der I point" to bring them up to level with groups. At the same time we need to buff killers to deal with these groups who have communication.

    I can tell you, when I play survivor with my friends, it's the easiest matches I think I have ever had in a PvP game... and thats with one of my friends thinking Nurse can float faster than survivors can run (rank 1 btw).

  • undercovertoaster
    undercovertoaster Member Posts: 16

    This post is proof that you can't fix stupid.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Rank doesnt mean what people think it does. It doesnt mean it's useless. Its out of whack right now.

    But it hasnt been like that for 3 years.

    Also if you're rank 5, and still having issues being tunneled and camped etc etc, maybe you dont belong in rank 5 or are just flat out lying for bait.

    3 years of playing and you would know how to avoid or handle those things in ways other than complaining on the forums.