
I don't see why some people complain about Adrenaline. It is a one use perk. Meaning the survivor only has three usable perks throughout the match. It also makes the survivor exhausted. They won't be able to use their dead hard or whatever exhaust perk they use. That number can be smaller if they chose to use another form of an endgame perk (ex: left behind, wake up, etc) Besides if you are slugged or injured when the killer closes the hatch, the doors are always close enough that the killer MIGHT be able to stop you.

And before people come and complain that I am an entitled survivor main. I play killer. I just never slug the last survivor, so I can find the hatch. I even play with a so called 'weak' killers (Clown and Legion)


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    I don't really get Adrenaline either. It's not only a one time use perk, it's a one time use perk that might not even get to be used if you weren't injured when the last gen pops :D

    I've said the same thing about some of the other perks and I say it about Adrenaline; there are times where I REALLY wish I would have had it but I'd rather have a good perk that is always going to help me rather than a great perk that is only great in specific scenarios.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241
  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I never understood the Adrenaline hate either. It's a 1 time use perk, that doesn't even guarantee an escape.

    I don't use it, it's a waste of a perk slot.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    What the hell are you survivor mains talking about? It gives you a free health state for doing what you are already doing. Why should you get another chance for that? The perk is beyond broken and needs to change. Yeah sometimes it will do nothing, but many times it screws a killer out of a deserved kill. 2nd chance perks serve no purpose in this game and need to be deleted.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Spelled the title wrong. It's adrenaWIN. Your welcome ;)

  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    Adrenaline can be borderline useless, but it can also shift a game from a 4k to 0k if used perfectly. Same goes to unbreakable.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    How to counter Adrenaline:

    • If the last generator is completed while carrying a Survivor, drop them, turn to the left, and hit them down again.

    Adrenaline is honestly fine, I never understood why people think it needed to be changed.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    When Adrenaline works it’s great, however, if you don’t complete all the gens it’s a wasted perk slot, the reason why I don’t use DS

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Is adrenaline is fine then noed is fine but serve the same purpose exept you can counter play one i let you guess which one it is

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I don't use it either, I don't have enough faith in my solos to survive until the Exit Gates are powered on. 😁

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I love adrenaline. But with that said a 4 man adrenaline can turn a probable 2 to 3k into a 4 man escape.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Yeah and one rewards completion of objectives and the other failure to complete objectives.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Out of all the second chance perks I have to deal with on a routine basis, Adrenaline is the least infuriating.

    As others have said, it's an endgame only perk and the other 90% of the game the survivor is running only three useful perks.

    Compared to perks like DS or Unbreakable, it's actually a second chance perk that at least has a reasonable activation condition of finishing all the generators.

    Just overall don't see it as nearly the P.I.T.A. that the other second chance perks are, I'd even put Dead Hard ahead of Adrenaline.

  • beaubird13
    beaubird13 Member Posts: 7

    Aww baby gonna cry even know he has moris and dedicated servers AND NOED

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    I mean yeah ApeofMazor made a pretty dumb statement, but you really wanna talk about Moris, which actively hinder a Killer's ability to pip while Keys on the other hand let survivors escape early and reward them with a boost to their survival emblem?

    And NOED can actually be completely short-circuited by cleansing five dull totems. Last I checked there was no Adrenaline shut off button.

    Don't spout stupid nonsense like this just to show dominance, particularly when you only talk about half the situation.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Thanks for contributing nothing to the discussion and insulting some one who is at least debating. These comments are pointless.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    If you want to play this card borrow time reward you for doing a bad play unless unhooking in front of the killer is a good move and desicive strike reward you for not knowing how to loop self care reward you for getting hit etc... So now a killer cant counter adrenaline unless he kill all 4 of them before they finish the last gen while you can just do 5 totem as a team and you just beat noed while the killer cant do that

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Errrrr adrenaline 100% can be stopped. Stop 5 gens from being completed or kill 4 survivors.

    2 closely linked options that stop adrenaline from ever coming in to play. If you failed to do those then adrenaline comes in.

    Same way, if survivors don't cleanse their 5 totems. NOED comes in to play.

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    I also disagree with the adrenaline hate. I believe the perk is really good, but I believe it is fair.

    An instant health state and sprint burst is OP, bit a 1 time use balances it out. If it was after every gen, then it would be OP af.

  • vigilante714
    vigilante714 Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2020

    always the scenario:

    KIller mains: Adrenaline OP blah blah

    Surv mains: Then NOED, Mori blah blah

    You know what lets exchange attributes:

    Surv mains: I can now phase out and be invisible and you wont be able to touch me.

    Killer mains: But there are 4 of us to continuously damage the generator you can only tap once therefore you'll never get out!

    *meanwhile another surv on another game teleports to the gates.*



    with that said, majority of killers might not have a problem with adrenaline and majority of survivors might not have a problem with NOED. you lost? too bad. you won? congratulations! how you determine both is up to you.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Hey I hear you on this. And agree BT is a wasted slot most time. Effective against end game camping when I cant fault a killer anyway.

    DS is unbalanced in my opinion and I won't defend that.

    But I will always see noed as a reward for failure to kill all survivors before gennys got done.

    To choose to run this perk, survivors most be consistently powering the gates on them. However consistently completing gennys would be a reason to run adrenaline.

    So one is a consistent failure of objectives the other a consistent completion of them.

    I'm not talking about those running it from time to time or memeing around .

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    So, win the game and prevent endgame entirely and you stop Adrenaline.


    Meanwhile NOED can be pre-emptively stopped even though the endgame arrives anyway. I mean, you see the difference right? NOED is technically designed as a punishment for ignoring totems and a counter to Adrenaline, but it can be prevented while the only way a killer can prevent adrenaline is to win the game before endgame in which case, NOED is also a wasted perk slot.

    Personally I don't really care about Adrenaline, as I said in my first post I find it to be the least frustrating of all the second chance perks and I would much rather deal with Adrenaline over DS, Unbreakable, or even Dead Hard. And I have no desire to run NOED because I don't run to run one perk down for 90% of the game, but these two things are not equal.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    I wouldn't say DS is unbalanced, just the timer being 60 seconds with no way to de-activate it is just ripe for abuse. As long as it de-activated when I hooked someone else I would say it's a fine perk.

    I respectfully disagree with you on NOED, and I will explain why.

    Now full disclosure I don't run NOED personally as I don't want to be down one perk down for 90% of the game, but NOED is not a reward for failure, it is a punishment for survivors not doing secondary objectives (totems) and rushing generators instead. The only reason you're seeing so much more NOED now is because simply put, with the destruction of old Hex: Ruin two things have happened simultaneously.

    1. Generator completion rates skyrocketed, with 1-2 generators popping in the first 1-2 minutes commonly, even against red rank killers.
    2. Survivors have all but abandoned looking for totems outright, as Hex: Ruin was really the only hex perk capable of forcing them to do so. Devour Hope is only looked for once you have three tokens, Third Seal is an annoyance at best, Huntress Lullaby no one runs except maybe a Doctor or a baby huntress with nothing else, and really with Haunted Ground and Retribution survivors have almost been conditioned to stay away from totems unless it is impeding them directly.

    Due to this change, killers who were reliant on old Hex: Ruin, in other words most killers in purple and green ranks as well as certain killers with setup time at high ranks, have substituted their previous early game power spike for a late game power spike in NOED. Killers with setup time like Trapper and Hag lost one of their major tools for slowing down the early game to get their trap networks setup and corrupt intervention is a poor substitute. Many of these killers were used to running down one perk anyway after Ruin was inevitably found and cleansed. The misconception many survivors had was that killers did not expect Ruin to remain up all game, we only wanted it for the first 1-2 mins. Now those 1-2 mins usually involve 1-2 generators popping because survivors have no secondary objectives.

    Look, previous to the Hex: Ruin change I would have agreed that anyone running NOED was usually a noob or someone who wasn't very good, but for many killers they have just substituted an early game advantage for a late game advantage.

    In the words of trapper "Maybe you do bones next time".

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I would agree if noed was originally a hex perk. But it wasn't, hence that was not its intention.

    Thank you for the well thought out discussion!

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Because much like NOED, it's not a Guaranteed use. And it's not a guaranteed escape.

    Oh wait, you're banned. Well....

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Adrenaline seems fine until the 4 man SWF who were all injured suddenly all heal when the last gen pops. Made me want to break my controller.

  • magmamuncher
    magmamuncher Member Posts: 20

    The reason why its so frustrating is because of its impact on the game. The perk is not broken, its a good concept that should be in the game. Its just really impactful because of the way the game is made.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Adrenaline is a punishment for not killing the survivors before they finish the gens and a reward for survivors because they finished the gens.

    NOED is a punishment for not doing totems and rewards the killer with exposed effect on whoever is left in the game.

    If you kill the survivors before gens, adrenaline has been a waste for them. NOED has been a waste of a slot but why is that a big deal if all of them are dead before the gens are done anyway? Endgame is heavily killer sided, especially if you're down to just one survivor, in which case, only 1 adrenaline could have activated so there is not really anything to moan about.

    The biggest gripe I seem to hear is how multiple people have it in a game. Why are multiple people still alive when all the gens are done? Why does it matter when you can only chase one at a time anyway? It makes no sense.

    I agree adrenaline is fine the way it is. It is just more whining about a survivor perk from the same killers who moan about all the other survivor perks.

  • NeaMainNON_TOXIC3
    NeaMainNON_TOXIC3 Member Posts: 260

    If you believe that second chance perks should be deleted, let me ask you this.

    I qualify NOED as a second chance perk. The killer did a bad job catching survivors and hooking them. They get rewarded for performing horribly.

    Blood Warden is another one I count too. It prevents the escape of people for a whole minute. EGC is only two minutes. This lets killers attempt to make up for their lack of a good performance.

    Rancor is a iffy one. It let's you down and kill a survivor completely. And it's not even a hex perk. It can be paired with Nemesis or Furtive Chase and you can down and mori almost an entire team, if you use if properly.

    Moris are second chance. They let you kill someone without sacrificing to the entity. For example, Ebony moris. One hook is all that is needed for it to activate. Yes this isn't really a perk, but it gives a second chance to the killer.

    Remember Me is a little strange. It allows the killer time to come and stop the gates from opening. Which isn't really a second chance but it gives the killer more time at winning.

    Before you call me toxic and a survivor main, I acknowledge there is a perk on survivor side that needs tweaked. Decisive Strike's timer can be set to 45 at tier 3. I don't think keeping it 60 or it being deactivated when another survivor is hooked is good. If it deactivates when another survivor is hooked that just gives the survivor more time to use it.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    The only problem adrenaline got is that it's insanely powerful in a coordinated swf. But that's a problem with many second chances.