Face camp

I just won a match, 4 kills by hook. 2 of the kills that I made, I camped a little bit with Insidious, and it worked out. But you could say, "you are camping", but no. Why I say that is because, I know, BUT I KNOW THAT ALMOST ALL THE GUYS THAT I PLAY WITH WILL RESCUE A HOOKED ONE. So I simply use Insidious or patrol the hooks looking for a survivor. Is that bad? I am more of a defensive player, (I use The Trapper) because I put the traps and wait for people to fall it or disarm it, and patrol the map and the gennys. Is that okay, or are those guys crying as always? I am "new" to this game. I am not a noob, not at all. I think 80% the games I play, I win. That's my playstyle, and how I found out it works. But camping in all ways work, but I feel I am not really "camping" from my point of view.
I don't know all the terms you use in this game, so I sometimes get confused.
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Not from your point of view, but you were still camping.
As a killer main, I do not condone your camping playstyle, because it makes surc players cry, and then we get nerfed again
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Insidious is awesome. Here's a fun tip, equip a mori and hide with insidious while a survivor is on the hook. Wait for him to get unhooked so borrowed time doesn't trigger then run out and down him and mori him. LOL
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Oh lord...................
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I don't always do that, you know. Just sometimes that I know the guys are you doing that, and the map I was playing was the stranger thing's one, so its very closed, and the Insidious helps me a lot in it. For maps like the coldwind farm, or the mcmillan state, I would never do such a thing, or at least this strongly.
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so i never get moried (havent been mori in more than a year and a half) every time i or swf see a hidden offering, ctrl alt del, i shut down the game and Done....
love this game
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Exhibit A for DC penalties
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Do you happen to play Leatherface? 😂
Camping and proxying hooks so you can either kill the hooked person with little to no effort or "find" the next survivor without patrolling the map to actually find survivors and engage in a real chase is lazy and lacks skill. It's also incredibly unenjoyable for survivors, ruins the game for whoever you face camp to death, and ignores basic emblem objectives, like Gatekeeper.
The standard retort to this is "LuL DoNt GeT CaUgHt" or "gitgud"...but the game is designed for survivors to get caught...otherwise killers wouldn't have any fun. So that suggestion is ignorant.
I can understand this play style is in end game when defending the hook is the only job left for a killer to do, but that's pretty much it. If you continue to play like this, expect there to be a lot of first hook suicides and post-game chat upset. You don't need to play like this to gain rank. I played trapper for a few hours the other day after becoming exhausted by killers who play just like what you described (yes, I play killer to relax LOL) and I gained six ranks. I didn't camp, tunnel, or slug anyone to do it. It's not that difficult in most matches.
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You were absolutely camping, but there's nothing strategically wrong with that. If it works, it works. If the survivors insist on swarming the hook even if they know you're camping it, that's on them.
I would personally discourage such a playstyle just because I think it's nicer if everyone in the match has fun, so if everyone can play in a way that is fun both for them and for the other players as well I consider that ideal. But if that's the way you want to play, as long as you're not breaking any rules, then that's okay too.
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There is nothing specifically wrong with camping, however, it is frustrating to get camped as a Survivor, and it kinda ruins the match for the Survivor you are camping and the other Survivors to a lesser extent.
It is a completely valid strategy, but expect Survivors to get salty most of the time. You play the game the way you want, so if you wanna camp, go for it, even though I don't encourage doing it.
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You were 100% camping, I don't see how you can argue to the contrary. It's a legal strategy, you don't need validation.
Yes, as you found out, camping also works very well, contrary to the narrative spread in this forum. No, it's not always for the survivors' fault. It's by game design flaws.
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I just let you know that I dont Always do that. Even I knew that was the time I camped the most in all my playtime.