So many swf

ViciouscirceBU Member Posts: 111
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

Why are there so many swf. Like basically every match I've played in the past month has been against either a 3 or 4 swf group and that hella sucks because you know that they are most likely all talking with each other and have mics. Then they start to be hella toxic towards you. Then when you actually hook one or two of them at the end of the game you get called a camper or tumbler or noob. When in all reality I didn't camp at all. Tunnel yeah maybe only because gens were done hella fast, body blocking and flashlight blinding me. Idk I get it's fun to play with friends but when it's 3-4 people who can communicate with each other outside the game... It's seems kinda unfair. Specially if every match is like that
