Stupid questions

First what's a meta build
Second if three /four survivors all pop up on the screen at once how likely are they a swf group. It seems very likely to me
Meta Build for........
Killers: Varies between Killers. Be specific. You egg.
Survivors: Decisive, Dead Hard, Deliverance, Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Self-Care, Borrowed Time. Pick 4.
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I meant in general like what would classify a perk as a meta perk for. both sides
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"Meta" is a video gaming term, short for metagame, which refers to anything related to the game that exists outside of the game itself. This includes community consensus on what the strongest or most optimal builds or characters are, and that's what people usually mean when they talk about "the meta". So a meta build in Dead By Daylight is one which uses perks, and sometimes items and/or add-ons, which are generally considered by players to be the strongest in the game. The meta shifts from time to time as public opinion changes. Sometimes this happens as a result of balance changes, but sometimes players just generally decide (often with the influence of their favourite streamers) that something which was previously thought to be really good is actually not that great after all, or vice versa.
The answer to your second question, I believe, is neither likely nor unlikely, in that it really doesn't tell you anything. It used to be an indicator that the survivors were in a party, but from what I've heard the system has since been changed such that it will sometimes match up a group of unaffiliated players before putting them into an empty lobby. And sometimes players who are in a party load into the lobby at different times because one of their games just took a bit longer to load than the other(s).
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I thought META was an acronym: Most Effective Tactic Available.
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Uhh, NOED, I guess? I don't really know the meta for killers seeing as my most successful matches are either perkless or adept. For survivors, all the perks I mentioned, as well as unbreakable.
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That's a common misconception, but it's not actually where the term originated, it's just something someone made up after the fact.
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It's pretty accurate tho.
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You're not wrong - that's why people think it's true, because it makes sense.