Camping or not

So, in my earlier posts I talked about camping. I dont like campers, especially those ones that dont know how to play the game, they hook a survivor and stare at them, or just stay the entire lifetime of the hooked at their sides. I sometimes feel I do something that looks like it, but it isn't, I guess. In a very few matches, I really camp, but it is not that camping I mentioned above, thats extreme. What I do, if I camp, is wait a little bit in the corner or mid-close to the hook rescue them. But I am not doing that the entire match. If I stay 1-2 minutes and nobody comes, I get the hell outta there, the gens are being done.
I play Trapper and I am a defensive player, putting traps around things, gens, Windows and then patrol the rest. When I hook someone, I don't actually stay close to them always. I walk a little bit further, look for someone, come back to see, and on & on. The guys are going to save the hooked, so I stay alert. My playstyle can OBVIOUSLY change under the circumstances of the match, that is obvious.
Had to take this out of my chest.... What do you think? Should I change? Or I ak doing well? I feel I am, but I feel not.
2 minutes is in fact virtually the entire duration of sacrifice process on the Hook. If you wait at the Hook for 1-2 minutes, then you're definitely camping. Constantly coming back to the Hook is proxy-camping.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with camping, it's a valid strategy and playstyle, you play the game the way you want to. However, that isn't to be encouraged either. Camping isn't any fun for the Survivor being camped and for the other Survivors, so expect them to get mad/salty post-game.
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What should I do then? If I hook someone, in a certain situation, I dont want them to get unhooked!
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It's technically true, but you want to apply map pressure to Survivors for them not to repair Gens. The best way of doing it isn't camping, it's hitting, downing, and hooking other Survivors. Go patrol Gens looking for other Survivors and chase them down.
This will apply much more pressure to the Survivors and will increase your chances of winning significantly.
Camping the Hook gives Survivor a bunch of time to repair Gens and escape.
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That's a common pitfall for new players, but it's actually okay to let survivors get unhooked. In fact, if you care about your rank at all, it's in your best interests to let them get unhooked so that you can hook them again later for more points. Hook rescues can feel like you're losing when you're new, but remember that just because they got rescued doesn't mean you wasted your time hooking them, because now they're one step closer to death the next time you find them.
It's generally best not to camp unless you know someone is nearby or coming for the save. If you camp the hook, smart survivors will take advantage of that to do generators, so you end up wasting half the game standing around a hooked survivor and only get one kill. It's boring for everyone involved, and unrewarding for you. If you hook them and then go looking for other survivors, you might even have someone else hooked by the time the first survivor gets rescued, and then that's three survivors who aren't doing generators instead of just one, and two of them have lost one of their three "lives".
That's not to say that there aren't times when it's appropriate to camp the hook, such as if you know that this particular group of survivors are likely to try to rescue their teammates no matter what and thereby feed you kills, but making a habit of it isn't generally the best strategy. There's a reason that most of the camping killers are at low ranks.
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Dude you say you don't like campers but what you're doing IS camping.
It's called proxy camping cause you're still walking around them and coming back and checking the hook.
It's still toxic and it isn't fun for survivors to have to deal with.
It's NOT a valid strategy cause you get genrushed.
What are you supposed to do as killer then? GO FOR SOMEONE ELSE.
You're not meant to kill someone on their first hook and focusing so much on hooked survivors will just waste your time.
Once you learn to ignore hooked survivors and find the healthy ones doing gens, you'll notice it's more beneficial for you and more fun for both sides.