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why no one plays Hag?

notsonew Member Posts: 269

Personally it almost feel like a chore whenever i am about to play her, but i always get 4 kills (85% of the time) with her, and when i play her for a few games and it's always the case, i have a good build, i know how to play her, i get lots of points, pips and kills, yet i never really want to play her, and i barely see any people playing her, why is that?


  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    She sucks. Only good for punishing altruistic survivors.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    The dedicated server hurt her and the ruin nerf remove her early game and that was the final nail in her coffin at least for me i never main her but i used to enjoy her

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    On the new Otz vid he says the way around that is to point the hag towards the Phantasm site you want to teleport to first before hitting the button to go, giving you better control.

    Players don't like to use the Hag because they think they need to use her to chase survivors, and she is slow. The more effective way is to dedicate setting traps outside of chases, then getting hits off of teleports. I think in this case it's true that casual players don't "get" how to use this killer effectively.

    It could also be that many didn't realize about her under the reader buff some time ago that really speed up her trap placement speed, which allowed these to be placed during chases to cut down loops. It was a simple yet very effective change that made her viable.

  • YeetoDorito
    YeetoDorito Member Posts: 55

    Yeah, Its all about setting up random traps that survivors run into and you get a free hit. The most important thing is to know when not to chase and just pressure some gens. Once you get a survivor hooked the game starts to snowball in favour of the hag...

  • Stonuk
    Stonuk Member Posts: 91

    Dude, there is an obvious bug for months with that flick and devs give sht about it, and you want me to pay attention to this bug every single time I teleport? Forget it.

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    i personally never used ruin on her, I always used monitor, BBQ, STBFL and nurse's, never used ruin, never had to, i just think people doesn't know where to place traps properly, you have to place them mid loops, so you are sure 100% to get them maybe even if they sue dead hard in panic, place one between the 2 windows of LT walls for exemple, ALWAYS give me a hit, people place traps 20 cm from the pallet, she's not trapper, that's now how she works

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    i honnestly have to disagree, if you have good traps she's actually good at spreading damage and it's easy for you to decide when you chase someone if you should teleport to someone who triggered another trap instead of chasing someone who's in safe loops without traps, once she have the pressure and everyone wants to heal, not only is it the time for you to place more traps, but it's also the time to get new defenses everywhere in the map, so she can honnestly have constant pressure.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570
    edited March 2020

    I leaned away from Hag because I didn’t like her aesthetically, old small granny wasn’t my thing but then they added the Snake Charmer skin and I started to play a ton of Hag, for a good month or two.

    I basically main Deathslinger but a small part of me wants to go back to Hag. I’ve grown to love her once I was willing to look at her~

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    For me its the ruin nerf. once i set up my traps, there are only 2 gens left to go, and when you are in a chase the survivor go and trigger all your traps at once anyway. its not worth the effort anymore.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I just find her kind of boring. I'll play her if I get an Archive or Daily challenge (the only killer I absolutely refuse to use is Nurse and I fully understand and have accepted that as I just don't have the patience to figure her out) but otherwise I'll play as someone else.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Literally everyone plays her.. I see hag so much so I don't know what you're talking about.

    Every hag spams like 5 traps on hooked survivors and then proxy camps and tunnels.

    Boring killer to play and extremely boring to play against because of the play style that naturally comes with her abilities.

    A better and more accurate question would be "why does no one play nurse?" and the answer would be cause she actually requires some amount of skill and effort to play.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    they do and i just versed her two times in a row

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Not every one, and the ones that know her best can dominate, hard.

    And as far as your nurse question, thanks for making it patently obvious you've never actually played new Nurse. The reason no one wants to play her is they don't feel like spending 85% of the game staring at the ground playing stun simulator 5000.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,474

    Hag is a good killer, but with boring gameplay so I simply avoid Hag. But I have all perks on all killers except Hag, Nurse and Deathslinger..because It's the three killers I don't like. But I have to spend the BP somewhere so I will spend it on Hag and perhaps play her once a month from now on. Who knows.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Actually, genius THAT is what makes her difficult to play for some people, along with her slow movement speed.

    I used to main nurse but stopped playing her cause I myself didn't feel like spending half the match being stunned and looking at the ground.

    BUT it is pretty obvious that the vast majority of people are initially turned off by her cause they can't even land blink attacks to begin with (forget the stun). They can't keep up with survivors, use headphones, or aim worth a #########.

    So again, it's pretty obvious that players going every game with 0 kills with nurse cause they can't even land 1 hit on survivors all game is because overall she is a killer that demands more skill and effort over the other killers.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Hey genius, read my post again, I never said stun simulator is why she's difficult, I said it's why people don't want to play her, because it's not enjoyable spending 85% of the time staring at the ground.


    She is a killer that has a higher skill floor than other killers, an obvious trade-off for her ability to ignore typical survivor resources like pallets and windows, and that will turn many players off. She's a killer you either have to play as your first main and just grind your way through the learning curve, or you probably will never touch her.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,562

    I don't play her as much anymore for a few reasons. There's a really bad screen flicker on teleports if you're not looking in the direction of the teleport. Dedicated servers introduced a server tick element to her trap notifications, so sometimes you teleport on time, sometimes you teleport slightly early, and other times the survivor is somehow 10+ meters away even though you're spamming the teleport button. Lastly, she's not great against high level coordinated teams. They'll force you to chase and prevent you from ever having more than 5 traps down. She absolutely stomps solos though.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Do I enjoy playing Hag?

    Depends on the map. The reason I tend to shy away from Hag is due to the low camera angle that just isn't fun to deal with on specific map layouts. This tends to turn me off from wanting to do too many matches with her.

    Its just like Nurse. Nurse is great and I can do well with her but the constant "fatigue ground stare" isn't enjoyable game play and gets annoying really fast after a couple matches.

    These are just my reasons.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    They exist, just saw one yesterday playing at rank 19 with p3, ebony mori, and mint rag.

    It was a bit ugly.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,480

    God could you just stop sh*tting over every killer you dislike? And accuse them of not needing any skill?

  • NittanyBruin1719
    NittanyBruin1719 Member Posts: 46

    Yeah, if you know what you are doing the Hag is definitely one of the better killers in the game. Like others here, I just find her boring to play and don't enjoy her cosmetics either.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    probably because of the weird camera angle and stuff. also i find hag boring to play as

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Nobody really knows how to play as her, which is a shame, since she can be really strong. And fun. : D

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Hag requires timing and skill to use. Bad ones won't know how to use their traps well, while others who know the character even slightly well realize it requires knowing survivor pathing, as well as timing with the traps.

    To teleport or not to teleport, that is the question. Knowing if you need to teleport or just leave it up as a mindgame... Her addons offer a lot of variety with gameplay, although, not as much as Michael's does...

    It is clear to me that you don't know what you are talking about with the Hag, as it appears you only play survivor.

    And nobody plays nurse because she is the video game equivalent of nails on a chalkboard to play.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    "it's clear you don't know what you're talking about"

    Angry Hag main spotted

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Hag has a weird skill floor.

    It's not hard to play her, but it is hard to play her well.

    I believe that is why a lot of people don't play her. They think they know all they need and she's not worth the time. So only players which personally like her end up getting actually good with her (which is why her pick rate is so low but her kill rate so high)

    And she doesn't have the notoriety nurse has of being amazing for people to grind her until they get good.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited March 2020

    I'm not mad. I'm not even a hag main. I'm a Legion main, if anything. But if you actually tried to play hag, you would not make those arguments. You also wouldn't just use one line to say: Ha, I won't adress the main point because I can claim this person is an angry person. This is extremely funny to me. XD

    Ad Hominem Arguments are just sad attempts to put people off so you can 'win'. Try again.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Bruh you lost me a long time ago when you said "hag requires timing and skill"

    Like immediately after you said that the scoreboard was like

    points : murdle 1, raven 0.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    She does. And I fail to see how you gain anything by arguing that. Again, have you actually played as Hag? Have you actually mastered her mechanics?

    I would've ignored you had you not shown how weak your argument is. And it's your main form of argument, too.

    You haven't proven your point because you haven't said how I'm wrong. I've at least played as her and against her. I have at least tried to learn her best tricks, her best strategies. You have brought nothing to the argument, and make a personal attack by describing me as ''just an angry hag main''.

    You don't like being wrong, and pretend that I am just delusional because I don't agree with you.

    You haven't proven your point. You have no leg to stand on. How you think you ''won'' the argument just... staggers me... only just because of the mental gymnastics required.

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    Angry rank 20 entitled survivor main spotted.

    If your games against Hag is tunnelling and camping with 5 traps around your hook, then you have clearly never left brown ranks and don't know what you're talking about.

    Going on the defensive immediately after someone argues a point only makes you look silly.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    I've been in every rank and that's naturally how hags play.

    They hook someone and place 3-5 traps around them, PROXY camp, rinse repeat.

    Sure, at higher ranks they trap pallets, doorways, gens, and maybe they'll put less traps on hooked survivors but they all have that similar play style of camping and tunneling cause that's exactly what the hags abilities encourage.

    If it sounds like anyone's getting defensive or anything at all it's you getting all butthurt and offended that I'm exposing your favorite killer as just a tool used for camping and tunneling.

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    But Hag doesn't need to tunnel. Not to mention, she's not even a chase killer. Their is no point in tunnelling someone with 110% movement speed. You will be outlooped and outplayed. She is trap reliant. Sure, she can force the direction of which you travel towards traps, but you don't need to tunnel to do it as survivors are predictable.

    And Hag doesn't need to camp or proxy camp, as a single trap can do it for her. You also get massive value from MYC as Hag not being in range of the hook. 3-5 traps makes no different to a single trap, as survivors will just crouch over them anyway and is just a waste of potential to snowball.

    Not sure how her abilities encourage you to when it really encourages you not to. I've never seen a Hag play similar to what your describing at red ranks so if they are, they are not playing Hag correctly.

    Regardless. tunnelling or camping with Hag will lose you the game due to your limited movement speed and not utilising your power. You will be gen rushed. It's a simple as that.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Her teleport is broken, preventing you from hitting survivors

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    If you need Hag help try @SpaceCoconut dude's a wizard with Hag.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Hag does tunnel and camp NATURALLY though.

    When a survivor gets unhooked 1 of 2 things happen..

    1. Hags traps are triggered and she teleports back and tunnels whoever was unhooked.

    2. Survivor gets unhooked without triggering traps but hag still runs back over and tunnels whoever was unhooked.

    This is the same for red rank hags too

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    she has the ability ot get someone instantly again if you trigger her trap, personally i only place 1 trap around the one i've hooked MAYBE 2 if there's a pallet near by, if they don't trigger it i am not going back, yes people who really don't know how to play hag wiill camp like crazy like this, those who knos how to play perfectly know they don't have to, only at the end game i might place 3 traps around the one i'Ve hooked but then i go elsewhere to place more traps in loops or near gates so i could manage to get someone else, everyone who really doesn't know how to playa killer will camp like a madman, it's normal, they want their kill, and it's NORMAL we camp more in the end game, to secure as much as possible our kill, tbh i am tired of people crying in tunnel at the end game, what else could we ######### do?

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    What? Hag doesn't naturally camp and tunnel.

    If you're only referring to unhooks then,

    1. It's not on the Hag if a survivor triggers the trap, it's on the survivor/s. You can't blame the killer for your incompetence to not set of the trap. This is why i stated that MYC has massive value, as you don't need to chase the survivor that was unhooked. You can snowball from this single perk. That said, if the killer does not have MYC, the natural thing to do it chase the injured survivor. They are one hit, the unhooker is two. It's only logical for any killer to chase the guy who is one hit away from being downed.
    2. Literally every killer does this. You have two players in the vicinity. Hag is no different. As said, the logical decision would be to down the guy who is one hit, not the guy who is two. running back to the hook, she is still only 110% speed. That is plenty of time to get to a loop. If your teammates get you within a few seconds of the Hag leaving to give her enough time to get back to the hook, again, that is on your teammates.

    This is the problem with players only playing half the game, only maining survivor or killer gives you no understanding of how to play properly.

  • Player35
    Player35 Member Posts: 119

    Hag is by far my favourite killer because, like trapper, I love the satisfaction of survivors walking in my traps.

    I think too many people who use hag think they NEED to use hex perks. Or that when a survivor triggers a trap, they should always teleport.

    Trap loops, traffic areas, put down some traps in chases that become loops and even put down one or two traps in stupid places. Worst case scenario is resetting that trap.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Yes I agree. The fact that you only main killer is making you narrow-minded.

    When I play killer I don't chase barely unhooked survivors unless I have no other option.

    I find healthy survivors who are rushing gens and injure or hook them so they waste time healing and unhooking rather than doing gens.

    Cause yknow.. I don't play like every hag main. I want more than 2 kills per game.

    I guess in a camper's mind that strategy just doesn't make sense so my advice is being wasted on you.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,244

    I play her before they reworked where her own add ons hurt her more. I enjoy her due to her gameplay reminding me of a chess kind of game. I need to get back into her cause right now everytime i play her i suck now at getting hit I'm supposed to get.

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650
    edited March 2020

    Sorry but i don't need any advice, i have enough experience on my own to understand both sides.

    The only evidence you have provided me with is that a Hag places 5 traps around a single hook, tunnels and camps. This is low level killer play, which means you most likely sit at low levels and have a low amount of hours.

    Telling me that Hags power revolves around tunnelling and camping shows that you have a low understanding of how the killer works, which also says you have low game time and don't play enough killer, that in turn shows you most likely a survivor main.

    That fact that you complain about camping and tunnelling so heavily, also shows that you most likely a survivor main.

    You probably shouldn't be responding to me about 'advice' till you have a better understanding of the game.