How badly some people want killers gone

So, I know that a lot of people say "killers are treated like garbage" I even see it in one of my friends.
We were doing a 2 man swf, and we had a game against a nurse. She proceeded to come at me, hook me, come back as soon as survivors were unhooking me, and repeatedly did this. I know, it sucks, but I understand her reasoning. I just said gg and moved on slightly miffed.
Here was the conversation that followed:
Me: man, what a prick of a nurse that was.
Teammate: yeah, that was the worst match. I just want killers to not exist.
Me: you mean the tunneling kind of killer, right?
Teammate: no. I would rather gave a gen-repairing simulator than to deal with the killer.
At that point, I just said I gtg and got off.
I know that some people hate killers, but I didnt know that some people hate killers so much, that they would rather have no killer at all than a nerfed killer.
The more you know, I guess.
That's wild Lmaoo i understand it sucks being tunneled but i also understand why killers would tunnel but for killers to just not exist I think is a bit much but I guess thats the difference between people who main a side and people who play both. Does your friend ever play killer I feel as if a lot of people could benefit from playing both sides. Its very insightful and it also helps me get better at the other side
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You can see that agenda in a lot of "nerf killers" posts and the ones that come to gloat when the devs nerf a killer or perk into the ground.
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When I first started I started as killer. I never even thought of nor experienced alot of what people complain about weather it be a survivor problem it killer problem. Then I found this site and it kind opened my eyes, so I started playing survivor more and it really does help you see both sides of the controversy. But I still don't get why anyone would call for a killer to be nerfed. Let alone all killers. I mean that's kind one of the biggest things about the game. And on top of that, it's not the killer character it's self, it's the person playing them
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To be honest, I see A LOT more of killer players acting in a way that suggests they'd rather face 4 bots than actual people playing as survivor, especially here.
It's bound to happen sometimes in an asymetrical game. This game is inherently frustrating at times, but that's kind of inevitable. But when it comes down to it no one ACTUALLY thinks this way, it's just things that are said in the heat of the moment.
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If he would rather play a game where all he has to do is hold M1 without opposition, maybe he should stop playing DBD. Something like Cookie Clicker might be more up his alley.
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I had to look this up to confirm it was a thing, wasn't disappointed.
This will now replace Hello Kitty Island Adventure as my go to game when someone suggests something in a game I play is "too hard".
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They have never played killer and refuse to.
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I completely agree with this. The ratio of Killers complaining about every aspect of Survivors is staggering - though the forum has always been heavily populated by Killers. Reddit is a lot more equal and also about 1/4th as full of toxicity and grief threads.
What it comes down to is frustration like you said - especially in a game that is not based 100% on player ability. The existence of built-in perks and skills will always fuel the arguments about one side being favored by devs/overpowered/unfair/etc.
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I play a few games a week just for the easy daily maybe 2 out of 50 games as killer. It is not that I NEVER play killer. I wouldn't want killers not to exist though. Who could I go off on in dms or the toxic banner I share with my swfs like saying that Huntress has been down on everything but the Titanic if there were no longer any killers?