How badly some people want killers gone

leyzyman Member Posts: 355

So, I know that a lot of people say "killers are treated like garbage" I even see it in one of my friends.

We were doing a 2 man swf, and we had a game against a nurse. She proceeded to come at me, hook me, come back as soon as survivors were unhooking me, and repeatedly did this. I know, it sucks, but I understand her reasoning. I just said gg and moved on slightly miffed.

Here was the conversation that followed:

Me: man, what a prick of a nurse that was.

Teammate: yeah, that was the worst match. I just want killers to not exist.

Me: you mean the tunneling kind of killer, right?

Teammate: no. I would rather gave a gen-repairing simulator than to deal with the killer.

At that point, I just said I gtg and got off.

I know that some people hate killers, but I didnt know that some people hate killers so much, that they would rather have no killer at all than a nerfed killer.

The more you know, I guess.



  • Unironicalygoth
    Unironicalygoth Member Posts: 175
    edited March 2020

    That's wild Lmaoo i understand it sucks being tunneled but i also understand why killers would tunnel but for killers to just not exist I think is a bit much but I guess thats the difference between people who main a side and people who play both. Does your friend ever play killer I feel as if a lot of people could benefit from playing both sides. Its very insightful and it also helps me get better at the other side

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    You can see that agenda in a lot of "nerf killers" posts and the ones that come to gloat when the devs nerf a killer or perk into the ground.

  • ViciouscirceBU
    ViciouscirceBU Member Posts: 111

    When I first started I started as killer. I never even thought of nor experienced alot of what people complain about weather it be a survivor problem it killer problem. Then I found this site and it kind opened my eyes, so I started playing survivor more and it really does help you see both sides of the controversy. But I still don't get why anyone would call for a killer to be nerfed. Let alone all killers. I mean that's kind one of the biggest things about the game. And on top of that, it's not the killer character it's self, it's the person playing them

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    If he would rather play a game where all he has to do is hold M1 without opposition, maybe he should stop playing DBD. Something like Cookie Clicker might be more up his alley.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 647

    I had to look this up to confirm it was a thing, wasn't disappointed.

    This will now replace Hello Kitty Island Adventure as my go to game when someone suggests something in a game I play is "too hard".

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355
  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    I completely agree with this. The ratio of Killers complaining about every aspect of Survivors is staggering - though the forum has always been heavily populated by Killers. Reddit is a lot more equal and also about 1/4th as full of toxicity and grief threads.

    What it comes down to is frustration like you said - especially in a game that is not based 100% on player ability. The existence of built-in perks and skills will always fuel the arguments about one side being favored by devs/overpowered/unfair/etc.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I play a few games a week just for the easy daily maybe 2 out of 50 games as killer. It is not that I NEVER play killer. I wouldn't want killers not to exist though. Who could I go off on in dms or the toxic banner I share with my swfs like saying that Huntress has been down on everything but the Titanic if there were no longer any killers?