Fix Nurse, please?
Well, first of all, Nurse is in a really bad spot right now. She's probably the hardest killer in the game (and also the one with most bugs). And yes, before anyone mentions it, she has a very substantial learning curve and et cetera. But, since the rework (or nerf, call it whatever), she's being very frustrating to play as. And I'm not talking about the Nurse one tricks, I'm talking about everyone else who plays as killer.
We all know that the problem was never her power, but the add-ons. But instead of fixing them (reworking them or simply nerfing), they just tried something else that clearly hasn't worked out.
So I wanted to bring attention to this subject, in the hopes that it will create a healthy discussion, where everyone can express their opinion, and hopefully catch the the eyes of the developers. Thanks for reading.
I'll leave this picture here, which, I think, speaks for itself.
Yeah the picture does speak for itself. The killer with the undisputably highest barry of entry to be played at a somewhat decent level, so much that even some Nurse mains are still mediocre to bad with her, has a low kill rate when taking all ranks into account. For reference at red ranks she has over 65% iirc, which is still decently high for a killer that hard to play.
She doesn't need buffs, she needs to be more accessible without losing her high skill ceiling/skill expression.
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Do you want a bug fix? Here, get this new killer and survivor nobody asked for.
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More accessible like the old Nurse, but without the extremely OP add-ons, you mean? Because there was nothing wrong with her "kit" back then. And now it's very bad. Not to mention that she has only 2 "okay" add-ons now (which are basically for recovering her power faster. All the other ones are useless.
Do you have the source of your 65% kill rate? I'd like to see the pick rate too; and other information... you know, since I was clear that the Nurse one tricks are not a good parameter.
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It's so sad, really. I wish they cared more.
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Old Nurse was more accessible because she was busted. Yes, her base kit too. That's a discussion that we'll probably never agree on, so let's just not waste our time. Thankfully the devs did the right thing with her and didn't listen to people who thought she was fine for whatever reason. Her add-on rework was, indeed, absolutely terrible, but add-ons are always very hit or miss with BHVR (like Oni having many great add-ons and Deathslinger having like 2 or 3 somewhat good ones) so no surprises here. I've been always been a mediocre to bad Nurse player and I still abused the hell outta her when I wanted an easy ride to high ranks, and when that happens to a character with a high skill cap you know there's something wrong.
Nurse one tricks are very clearly the most important parameter here. You always have to look at these things from the ceiling (and please don't start the "MUH SWF" thing here. Yes, I know, we know, everyone knows it's too strong, and I also think BHVR is doing a pretty poor job in their quest to bring SWF and solo closer together and balance the game accordingly). Good Nurse players are still crushing with her. I know she's not as fun to play, but honestly, if the only way a kit is fun to play is when it's absolutely unstoppable then there's something wrong with the design here.
You just have to accept that when something is this hard to play and has this much potential, it's bound to be a one trick only thing unless the design is seriously fixed. Don't quote me on this, but someone from BHVR said some time ago that they probably wouldn't release Nurse the way her kit is nowadays, and I agree. The Nurse release happened when the game was very different and they didn't have the knowledge and design philosophy they have today, and people also were terrible at the game (even more so than the average player is today). But we're stuck with her, so I'm glad the devs balanced her accordingly.
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They killed her why should killers always have to be weak or require insane amounts of skill but survivors strongest perks require nothing survivors winning requires no skill its bs just because 10 dedicated hardcire elite nurse plsyers can make her work doesn't mean she is in a good place
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Again, then buffing her isn't the right choice. If the only way to keep her somewhat manageable at a high level is to gut her at a low level, it's a design problem, not a balance problem.
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I totally agree. The picture shows that she's a very unrewarding killer. The few ones that still play her are in disadvantage, and just play her because they love the killer and refuse to stop playing because of dev's poor decision, not because "she's unstoppable in red ranks".
Oh, and I'm still waiting for the source of her win rate in high ranks... just so I can check the 5 Nurse one tricks that have a 65% win rate with her (which is probably less than people who one tricks other killers! Kekw.
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Remember kids, those statistics are only meaningful when they fit my narrative.
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So killer fun has to take it for the team again swf with comms is to strong but survivors will throw a fit so killer has to suffer gens go to fast but survivors dont want more time holding m1 so killer has to suffer killer has a strong fun power or perk but survivors find them hard or boring so have to nerf for survivors fun when does killers fun come into play
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Just to put this here. Clown has somewhere around 200 unique bugs to him alone. I'm not sure of the severity I just know a few clown mains.
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Just imagine if bt ds adrenaline spine chill and flashlights required the insane amounts of skill they demand from strong killers survivors would riot riot they're fine with easy crutch perks but strong killers have to masters at the game playing with 1 hand blindfolded
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I addressed this in my previous comments. Whataboutism brings literally nothing of value to the conversation.
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So just sweep it away so we can take more from killers survivors already killed nurse wont be happy till freddy and billy dead to but hey that nurse players fun dosen't matter just survivors fun
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Since you don't want to have a reasonable conversation and apparently loves to throw everything into the "us vs them" dynamic I think I'm done here. Bye.
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nurse is statistically where Behavior wants all killers, so she's perfectly balanced. If you don't like it you can play survivor or civilization
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Well to be fair, one of the first things you pointed out is that any discussion, if her original basekit was fine or not, is undiscussable. That limits conversations as well. Nurse after her base kit changes might still be strong, but it came with bugs and is from a game design perspective not well designed.
She is designed to move mainly using her power and has to take a stun mechanic for using it, but also get's a cooldown which happens parallel to the stun. That alone is badly designed and is litterly crippling for the sake of it. It destroys the straight forward and game feel of the character. It's just not a good solution. And no saying that it justified, because the killer is strong is not a correct answer to it. Nurse is actually the most refreshing killer in the game. Her entire chase follows different rules, because you have to use pallets, vaults and sightblockers quite differently against her. I loved to play against her back then. It can still be fun today from a survivor perspective, but it became much more easy and you win much more distance after outplaying her blink. Too much by my opinion. So no, she isn't in a really good spot. Even if experienced killer still manage to kill with her, but I think that most survivors still can barely handle her, especially since she became so rare these days...
And like said. The main issue is that the changes don't make her fun to play as anymore. As a player you feel crippled quite often. That's not a good solution.
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Nurse isn't balanced at the moment.
- She cannot port to some 2nd story balconies in the Saloon Map.
- She can't port to the 3rd Story Generator in the Underground Complex in Hawkins. (you have to get a strange angle for her to do so)
- She's still the slowest killer in the game, even with 2 fatigues.
- She can lose her 2nd blink at random, any time, any day and minute any second of the match.
- Only 3 to 4 addons in this entire 2 page roster is viable to keep up in Purple Ranks.
- Dedicated Servers have made her quick blinks completely useless, you have to hold your M2 button at least half a second for the servers to register that you're about to blink OR you'll just blink in place and lose your target.
- The addon rework crippled her, giving her addons that drops her power to gain speed. What viability is this in Purple or Red Ranks?
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I thought kill rate stats didn’t mean anything? If they’re now actually a metric people want to balance from, does that mean Freddy needs a nerf after Nurse’s buff? Or can we agree that stats without context are limited in their usefulness?
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Thing is, survivors still have little to no chance of winning against a truly good Nurse. That's the main problem with Nurse, and also Spirit to an extent. Playing against those different, "out there" killers is really really fun when they player piloting them isn't competent. That's because the gameplay is different from the norm inside the game. But when you face someone who's actually good with the killer - I'm not talking mediocre-good, I'm talking REALLY good - you realize the design problems they bring.
I don't think powers that warp the gameplay that much can be healthy. The entire game is being balanced currently around standard chases. It's obviously far from balanced and still survivor sided, but it's much, much better than it was in the past. Killers that deviate from that too much are bound to be unhealthy. Luckily BHVR managed to make different and fresh killers that are still healthy recently - Oni, Demo, Deathslinger are examples of killers that are strong without being overbearing or unhealthy, and even though Plague is middling she's still fun to play against while being healthy. The game has plenty of room for new and exciting stuff.
But in my opinion, and I hate being ~that guy~, Nurse's kit isn't salvageable in its current iteration. It's always gonna be way too skill intensive (and clunky and unfun to play) if it's balanced and way too broken if more forgiving to newer players.
If every Nurse player were mediocre I'd be thrilled to have her old kit back because okay Nurses were fun to go against. But it was just too overpowered in the right hands and no matter how much time you dedicate to a character you shouldn't have a free win 100% of the time.
EDIT: I think Nurse would be way, waaaay healthier if she moved at 110% but only had one, shorter blink, but at this point you're just murdering the character and might as well make a new one. So that'd still be bad.
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You gave no evidence as to why her base kit was “busted” before; you are in a clear minority on that. Your point about Nurse “not being done today” just shows that the devs don’t want a killer to be strong.
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Anyone that says her Basekit was busted were probably the reason for her overnerf to begin with.
They're the same survivors this company listens to in terms of balance, and the first to yell for nerfs whenever something doesn't go well for them.
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I barely even play survivor but nice try sweetheart
I mean, you can always watch VODs of high level Nurse streamers decimating every single game with her basekit nonstop. You can always do some research on other games and realize that a character with a high skill cap being as powerful as she was at every single skill bracket was unnacceptable. And your argument loses every single ounce of credibility when you say the devs don't want a killer to be strong when Spirit barely got a slap in the wrist and still is monstruous, Oni got his flick partially back and is still very strong, Freddy is strong while being disgustingly easy to play, and those are all recent releases. There's a difference between "strong" and "catastrophically overpowered in the right hands". If all you got is "well, malding killer mains will disagree with you and devs bad" then what's even the point to this conversation? And I mean this honestly, not as flame.
Everybody that's reasonable will agree that this game is survivor sided at a high level. But people suddenly stop being reasonable every time a killer gets slighly changed (even if it turns out to be a buff in the long run, like the Freddy rework). Let's please stop pretending the devs hate killer mains or whatever. If that was the case the game would still be the exact same it was years ago.
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lol High Level Nurse streamers.
Because everyone knows "high level Nurse streamers" Make up for 100% of the Nurse playerbase.
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That's the price you pay by playing a high skill cap character buddy. You either put the time and effort to get good with it or you'll make the character look bad.
That's no excuse to leave her overpowered.
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I have watched many hours of Nurse footage and am a Nurse main myself. I saw plenty of games in which people like Marth and True lost with basekit Nurse. I can't speak for others, but I think the reason that the devs come off as survivor sided is because they don't know the game and think that it is balanced.
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I wish you could show me that footage because I don't think I've ever seen anything less than a 3k by a competent Nurse player with basekit before the rework.
That's the effect of her being very hard to play. Even people who play her a lot can be less than great with her. That's true for every high skill cap/skill expression character in any pvp game. She's not for everyone, nor should she be. And being that hard to play is generally tied to being possible to mess up with, even if you're good. Still, her old kit required you to make MULTIPLE mistakes to even come close to losing. She's more punishing when you mess up now, which again, is only fair.
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I'm sorry, but are you really using streamers as the bar in which to set skill? Seriously? That's just asinine.
Your previous comments about 'a good nurse will decimate survivors' is obvious. Any 'good killer' can decimate survivors. They can also be demolished by good survivors. You 'may' have three or four 'good Nurse players' that can get consistent wins over most types of survivors, but do we really want to balance her from that viewpoint?
It's not just the skill required in a character that should be considered, fun should also play a part. Can anybody really claim that the buggy stun simulator that is the current Nurse is fun? Sure, if you're one of the few 'good Nurse' players, maybe. But for people coming into the game, or just picking a new killer, is she fun? I doubt it, at least going by the three million posts about her post nerf.
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You don't get it.... The new Nurse is not that heavily impacted in the chase: she is probably still the best in the game at ending chases. The nerfs seriously impacted her map control and mobility, which is not at all tied to skill but is artificially limited. The changes make her unfun because they pretty much force to play lame and slug/camp/tunnel because she has no hope of reaching the other end of the map in time. The changes were not fun or fair.
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I agree. There is simply no way to balance a power or ability that is only restricted by player skill.
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It's funny how you choose to ignore things I already said here.
There's a very simple rule in balancing games. You balance around the best and control the damage for the rest. Mediocre players performed well with old Nurse. Why is that a problem? Because when a character with a skill cap as high as hers performs well in lower brackets of skill, it's generally a sign that the character is catastrophically overpowered in the hands of people who've mastered it. That was the case with Nurse before.
You don't like it? She's unfun now? Then ask for a rework, because her kit, in its current iteration, will never be balanced AND fun to play at once. That's how bad the idea behind the character is, at least in this game.
And yes, good survivors can beat a Nurse now. God forbid a killer can actually lose a game, right?
HIGH SKILL CAP CHARACTERS AREN'T FOR EVERYONE. If you're not willing to put the time and effort necessary to crush people with Nurse you should probably play something else.
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Dude, I feel you. I know she's not fun to play now.
But tell me a better solution than this. The devs clearly think she was out of line and her old kit is NOT coming back. How do you make her fun again WITHOUT buffing her, besides just downright reworking her from the ground up?
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all that picture proves is that most people are trash at Nurse. not everything in the world is supposed to be hold-your-hand easy. Nurse is one of those things that wasnt. She's still hella strong, people who arent good at Nurse just like to complain a lot because they lack the skill to play a killer that is no longer SSS+ tier.
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Well I personally think the basekit was fine, so we'll agree to disagree. If they were to change something, they could keep the recharge and remove the fatigue.
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If she still got the fatigue after hitting a survivor I'd support this idea. It'd make her less clunky without giving much power back.
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Whether or not old base Nurse without add ons was balanced is certainly debatable. I think I'd lose maybe 1 out of 15-20 games if you took away her cooldown at this point. The only time I really ever lose a chase or have it go beyond 20 seconds is because of the cooldown or I get dedicated. So it's tough to say that it wouldn't be OP to not have it. If I can 4k multiple times in a row without add ons at rank 1 now, how broken would it be to give me the current add ons and no cooldown? From a PR perspective, it would be tough to justify buffing a killer where the top performers already do well. She's just ridiculously difficult right now, for better or worse. She definitely needs improvement on bugs and her general interaction with dedicated servers though.
Post edited by edgarpoop on1 -
Even at red ranks or with people who know how to use her correctly, her kill rate is still one of the lowest, and its far more inconsistent than any other killer. Any killer is "great" against survivors who don't know how to play. I have not said to implement all these suggestions; I've said to implement any ONE of these suggestions or something else. Anything, these are just suggestions I've gathered from other forums or other players. She needs to be looked at again, that's all we are asking for.
a) DONT reset bloodlust timer on every blink. Make it like the rest of the killers, lose LOS for x time/get stunned/brake a pallet/ get a hit you know, same as other killers.
I will also repost the other suggestions but note we are not asking for all of these, only for 1 of these to be implemented:
b) Return her base kit to preenerf, leave addons as they are now.
c) increase her base speed to 4.2-4.4 just like hag/spirit/huntress, leave rest as is.
d) give her 3-4 blinks as opposed to 2, leave rest as is.
e) Make one recharge bar recharge blinks to maximum (ie. one recharge bar gives you the 2 blinks at once), leave rest as is.
f) remove the fatigue, leave rest as is.
g) remove the blink c/ds while not in a chase, that way you start every chase w 2 blinks.
h) Bring back the lock on swing if you do in fact guess pathing and blink correctly.
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Nurses Power IS the problem. She's still the most powerful killer, even without addons and thats why she got her blink charges.
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Im being unreasonable but hes literally saying that anything thats not easy loops should be nerfed to the ground survivors shouldn't have to change from their 1 meta build and same 1 strategy
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Her base power and add-ons are now fine, it's the ungodly amount of bugs she has that make her just awful to play. They won't ever get fixed either, because I and many other people know for a fact these dedicated servers will never get better, leaving killers like Myers and Nurse in almost unplayable states.