Changes to Rotton Fields

Rotton fields is the strongest map for survivor, so here's some options to bring it into line with the other maps.
Changes to Rotton Fields 22 votes
Smaller Map Size
Rotten Fields is one of the largest Maps in the game, and thus highly disadvantages low-mobility killers. There are a few issues with RF, but I think this is the biggest.
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I find he is correct. However coming from me, i main survivor and find that if we are trying to make it more neutral, Decreased pallet safety is smart. There are enough pallets, but i can run them for a good while.
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This map is one of those that would definitly need a rework. It is just very boring in general. Starting now with small adjustments would not do the job.
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Less Corn
if only I could vote for more then one lmao. I would say corn and map size.
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Smaller Map Size
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Smaller Map Size
The biggest issue with the Coldwind Farm realm by far is map size.
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Smaller Map Size
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Rotten Fields ins't the strongest survivor map lol, that's Ormond. You dropped a pallet? that's a shame, the closest one is 1.5km ahead.
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Smaller Map Size
There are a lot interconnected tiles with Pallets on RF because there are no Pallets in the central areas of the Map. Jungle Gyms are relatively close together too. However, since the Map is very large, "close" is a tad bit further than on other Maps.
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Smaller Map Size
Mothers Dwellin g is also a big map. Maybe bigger than Rotten fields
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Smaller Map Size
Mothers Dwelling size is: 12, 032m2
Rotten fields size: 11, 264m2
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Smaller Map Size
Mothers dwelling isn't super open though, meaning that survivors can't just travel from one corner to the other quickly.
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Smaller Map Size
According to the Developer released stats, Ormond isn't in the top 3, meanwhile 2 Coldwind maps are. Ormond is definitely irritating, but it's not as one sided as Rotton Fields.
Mothers dwelling is pretty open, it's just that scratch marks travelling up trees and the absence of corn make it more dangerous to travel across sides.
Post edited by Awkward_Fiend on0 -
you have weaker and fewer tiles for options as if this map has many to begin with
its a few normal loops with a ton of dead space
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Less Corn
I don’t like the map size as survivor or killer but I think I hate the corn most!
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Smaller Map Size
I want to eradicate this map.
As killer I see jack crap. I play Pig? Welp, no crouch for me. Spirit? Ah yes, I move ze corn
As survivor I get fluffed by shitton of open space in my (mostly) bright clothes (pastel Feng ftw)