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Let's Talk About Lithe, thE woRSt eXcaUSTioN peRK iN tHE GaME

Member Posts: 98
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

Right ya mugs time to get you off your sprint burst drugs and actually use decent exhaustion perks...

So we're gonna break this down into 3 parts: Stats of the perk, comparison and why the dbd community is the worst for picking perks that are OP...

1st Stats of The Perk

Lithe - When Vaulting a pallet or window you get a boost for 3 seconds and suffer from exhaustion from 40 - 60 seconds

( depending the level)

Now to you guys that seems the worst out of the rest of the exhaustion perks, my reply is ######### and that brings us to comparison...

2nd Comparison

Balanced Landing:

Lithe is a hell of a lot better then balanced landing and i dont even know why you consider this to be better...

First of all you can't even use balanced landing on every map and lithe you can use and every map, so straight up your opinions are well shi t...

Second of all this perk is hardly ever used when your not attempting to do so, think about it how often do you jump of a high area in a chase 1/10 from what I've seen...

When do you watch another teammate get Chased and there running to a hill to jump off during a chase hardly ever...

Third, balanced landing has a terrible limit of use where as lithe you use pretty much every game...

Last thing, there is no barrier inbetween the sprint boost you get for the perk meaning you gain less distance or less chances of Escaping if that's what your hoping for, lithe on the other hand has an area that you can vault through meaning that when your sprint boost is active you have further to run because the killer has more to get passed...

Head on:

First of all, ######### is your problem here how is head on better then lithe...

Head on is for stunning the killer and hardly making distance but the one thing I'll give head on is that it's good for saving unlike any other exhaustion perk which I give props for...

There's not much to say against head on since its a very different perk to lithe but the chances of using it are dimmer then lithe's that's all I can say really...


How this is better then lithe I have no idea where you got that from...

First of all, Adrenalines usage is 0 to 1 there is only one usage to it and it hardly ever happens and even more hardly ever pops when your downed which makes the usage of this perk the worst of all...

Lithe has more use throughout the game then just the end even Tho Adrenaline has the advantage of the heal...

That's all I gotta say for adrenaline...

Dead hard:

This one I can actually understand because of the debate ( that will happen when my opinion is live)...

Dead Hard is an equal one to lithe you get a little boost...

First of all, the advantage with lithe you get far distance and can move to a whole new location but with dead hard your stuck in one place with that perk giving you the hopes of running it longer...

Dead Hard on the other hand easily takes the more usage one but only by about half more then lithe...

Last of all, Lithe isn't a needed perk dead hard is, dead hard can only be used when in bleeding state and lithe doesn't need that risk factor to it...

Infact lithe when getting hit on the window/pallet gives you a hell of a bigger boost...

Thats all I gotta say for dead hard a comparable one...

Sprint burst ( last one):

Your beloved sprint cra ppy burst let's explain why this overrated perk is worst then lithe...

First of all, lithe and sprint burst have the same usage pretty much but sprint burst is a needed perk which lithe isn't lithe is more of a chilled perk where you like alright let's move here, so stress is what I'm getting at to cause you making terrible decisions...

Second of all, the sprint boost on lithe is better then sprint burst, sprint burst only gets you away from the killer with no barrier to it meaning that the killer can catch up faster...

With lithe the killer has to go around the vault or go and vault the window with an extra sprint boost to catch up with...

That's all I need to say...

Last Part, the dbd community opinions...

Please, please please never listen to the community's opinions they are terrible listen to yourself I'm opening up your eye to lithe here it's your choice how you take it...

Let's look at the recent recommended perks

Iron Will - makes you immersed with noises...

Calm spirit - makes you immersed with certain killers...

Sprint burst ( the most decent one tbh) - get you away from the killer when being immersed...

Like ######### dbd community where have the balls gone on you people can you not chase a kill around anymore, no wonder killer is so easy to play nowadays...

There have fun with my opinions and compare them to yours, hopefully I have at least made lithe somewhat a better exhaustion perk for you, have a good day cuties 😸

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 1,640


    Lithe+dance with me it's a gg against any killers, but i survivors don't seem adapt to new metas

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    I recently made a discussion asking which was the better perk between Balanced Landing & Lithe and the majority of responses were Balanced Landing was the stronger perk. Reading this now compared to when I wrote my forum I am so glad I still use Lithe to this day and my opinion hasn't changed on it.

  • Member Posts: 647

    "no wonder killer is so easy to play nowadays..."

    Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8.

    As far as the TL:DR Lithe is a good exhaustion perk, but you're not going to tell people to give up their dead hard, they need them to make those "sick plays" where they dash to make a window or pallet then tea bag like it was a really hard play to do. Don't get me wrong there are good dead hard plays, if you use it to actually dodge a swing that's pretty good reaction, but just using it for extend a loop is a play everyone can make, it's not special.

  • Member Posts: 720

    immersed is just a weird word to use over and over 😂 survivor perks kinda suck. There are some good synergy builds though. Dance with me, quick and quiet, lithe and lightweight are cool 🤷‍♂️ You can switch lightweight out for spine chill or whatever else you want that you find you need most improvement on.

  • Member Posts: 119

    Lithe is a must have on almost all my builds.

    I don't use any other exhaustion perk because honestly.. They're all trash compared to Lithe.

    With the exception of deadhard of course but you only gain a small amount of distance from the killer and it's not like the cooldown is any better than Lithe.

    I'm glad I mained Feng min to start off with.

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    Lithe is amazing. Only problem is, Dead Hard. Thats it. Dead Hard can be used anytime, which is why sweaty rank ones use it.

    Head on, while fun, is def the worst exhaustion perk

  • Member Posts: 720

    I’ll have to agree. Lithe is the most useful. Although one thing I think needs to be changed is hitboxes at vaults. I don’t think killers should be able to get a hit on you if you’re already through the vault and in forward motion towards your next destination. It’s kind of consistent how many times I’ll have my feet planted on the ground of the other side of a vault and as soon as I take my first step after that I get pummeled into the ground and the killer hasn’t vaulted or went around. I honestly don’t think the killer should be able to hit you at all through vaults. If he can’t get the grab then he needs to go around the 1 foot wide wall on either side of the vault 😂 it’s just ridiculous. So many times I’ve just felt deflated because killers get unfair hits off on me. This is exactly why I think getting hooked shouldn’t be a big deal therefore Mori’s need to be changed. It’s too easy to find people 😂 so it’s not that serious to have any ebony Mori. That’s Someone’s time queueing up for that match your messing with.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    dead hard is best lithe is for losers

  • Member Posts: 52

    Lithe is very nice perk, but in my opinion the worst from all exhaustion perks.

    Most of times it Just activate when you're in a safe position, others allow you to get to this position,Sprint along side gaining distance at the beginning of a chase can be also manipulated to use it durning chase (by keeping exhaustion at 1sec cooldown)

    Head on also is propably one of the best basement escape perks after borrow.

    Deadhard allows you to do almost anything you want with it (literally) only downside is that you need to be injured to use it which makes it most of time useless against instadown killers.

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    I like every exhaustion perk tbh. Although i never was a fan of SB, im too stoopid to use it.

    Oh also DH cause nowadays i always end up on the ground exhausted...

  • Member Posts: 98

    See the thing is you don't use lithe so you wouldn't know how much the pallet looping issue would happen which is why I didn't address it

  • Member Posts: 98

    See that's the issue with dead hard when it doesn't work its like it was never used to begin with

  • Member Posts: 98

    The thing is you never use lithe so you don't know how rare the issue is with it, with head on I rarely come across a situation like that so the turning point I can use against head on for lithe is the amount of usage that's it because there both very different perks but both have the same cooldown

  • Member Posts: 98

    I'm not gonna say most of time because it's not true but lithe with fast vault speed bulid tends to beat that bug but there is rare games where it does happen.

  • Member Posts: 1,609

    Lithe is the worst exhaustion perk imo, but its an exhaustion perk, so its strong

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    Lithe is trash.

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    Correction: I don't use lithe much anymore. It used to be my go-to perk, I hated sprint burst and dead hard was useless to me. Its a good perk, don't get me wrong, I just find it outclassed by all the other exhaustion perks. It's not weak, there are just better alternatives.

  • Member Posts: 662

    balanced landing is the worst exhaustion perk imo. and sprint burst is best, because dead hard doesn't work half of the time

  • Member Posts: 828

    It's weird how you think that people don't use a perk because they disagree with you.

    Lithe used to be in all of my setups for about a year and I definitly experienced what Doodle28 stated: When you're at an unsafe pallet lithe can be great and save you, but when you're at a safe pallet it can be unpractical.

    In general I think all of the exhaustion perks are good, they all have advantages and disadvantages, so in the end it depends on personal preferences and playstyles.

    I also think it's a little strange that you act like you know better about perks than the rest of the community when you don't seem to know that iron will is useful for more then immersive plays.

  • Member Posts: 428

    i hope you didn't mean that you use them together

    also sprint is definitely better than lithe

    you can get a fair distance from a gen when killer is there

    fair distance after a rescue

    also you can save it for after you've vaulted

    sprint burst definitely has more advantages than lithe, i don't see how anybody can disagree

  • Member Posts: 489

    It is actually the worst perk on a GOOD survivor.

    it is actually the best perk on a BAD survivor.

  • Member Posts: 428
  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Dead Hard and Sprint Burst are the most versatile though. Lithe requires a vault, Balanced needs a drop, and Head On needs a locker. So these 3 are map dependent while DH and SB are not.

  • Member Posts: 479

    Please do not think about that as a personal attack or something, I just wanted to discuss.

    Balanced Landing:

    First of all you can't even use balanced landing on every map and lithe you can use and every map, so straight up your opinions are well shi t...

    Yeah, I agree Lithe is useful more often than Balanced Landing, but there are also maps like The Game or Hawkins Laboratory where there are almost no windows and Balanced Landing is more useful on them than Lithe.

    Second of all this perk is hardly ever used when your not attempting to do so, think about it how often do you jump of a high area in a chase 1/10 from what I've seen...

    That's true, but when you have BL you usually want to drop from high ground, so...

    When do you watch another teammate get Chased and there running to a hill to jump off during a chase hardly ever...

    That's because you do not see BL being used, after its nerf it's not used that often anymore.

    Third, balanced landing has a terrible limit of use where as lithe you use pretty much every game...

    I think we talked about that one.

    Last thing, there is no barrier inbetween the sprint boost you get for the perk meaning you gain less distance or less chances of Escaping if that's what your hoping for, lithe on the other hand has an area that you can vault through meaning that when your sprint boost is active you have further to run because the killer has more to get passed...

    It's usually enough to get to another looping spot and sole distance you gain is already a huge waste of time for killer.

    Head on:

    First of all, ######### is your problem here how is head on better then lithe...

    Well, 5 seconds of stun is quite long and in this time you can gain similiar distance to this from SB. Also ever heard of going into locker, then stunning killer with DS, then going into locker again and using Head On on stunned killer?

    Head on is for stunning the killer and hardly making distance but the one thing I'll give head on is that it's good for saving unlike any other exhaustion perk which I give props for...

    So you just said Head On is used for different reasons. Also I would argue 5 second stun does not let you gain good distance.

    There's not much to say against head on since its a very different perk to lithe but the chances of using it are dimmer then lithe's that's all I can say really...

    If it's very different, why compare it at all?


    How this is better then lithe I have no idea where you got that from...

    Adrenaline is meta perk since this game has been created, how is Lithe better than that?

    First of all, Adrenalines usage is 0 to 1 there is only one usage to it and it hardly ever happens and even more hardly ever pops when your downed which makes the usage of this perk the worst of all...

    Why then killers complain about this perk so often and never about Lithe?

    Lithe has more use throughout the game then just the end even Tho Adrenaline has the advantage of the heal...

    Again, ask killers which perk they think is stronger and more annoying.

    That's all I gotta say for adrenaline...

    Dead hard:

    This one I can actually understand because of the debate ( that will happen when my opinion is live)...

    Dead Hard is an equal one to lithe you get a little boost...

    Dead Hard's boost is way smaller, but you usually use it to get to the loop and avoid hit to waste even more killer's time. You can still get hit when trying to use Lithe (but if you are not hit you can gain decent distance tho).

    First of all, the advantage with lithe you get far distance and can move to a whole new location but with dead hard your stuck in one place with that perk giving you the hopes of running it longer...

    Lithe in situation like that also wouldn't save you, and DH can help you to get safely to another loop when Lithe doesn't guarantee that like I said before.

    Dead Hard on the other hand easily takes the more usage one but only by about half more then lithe...

    Only about half more times?

    Last of all, Lithe isn't a needed perk dead hard is, dead hard can only be used when in bleeding state and lithe doesn't need that risk factor to it...

    I'll give you that, but if we talk about one-hit killer abilities you need to remember you can still get hit when vaulting the window, just like healthy DH user would.

    Infact lithe when getting hit on the window/pallet gives you a hell of a bigger boost...


    Thats all I gotta say for dead hard a comparable one...

    Sprint burst ( last one):

    Your beloved sprint cra ppy burst let's explain why this overrated perk is worst then lithe...

    You can use it whenever you want, you don't need any stupid windows for that. Also you can 99% your SB and be able to run freely just like with Lithe.

    First of all, lithe and sprint burst have the same usage pretty much but sprint burst is a needed perk which lithe isn't lithe is more of a chilled perk where you like alright let's move here, so stress is what I'm getting at to cause you making terrible decisions...

    I think SB gives you more freedom in that case because when killer is nearby you can just outrun him with SB but with Lithe you need first get to the window.

    Second of all, the sprint boost on lithe is better then sprint burst, sprint burst only gets you away from the killer with no barrier to it meaning that the killer can catch up faster...

    But to use Lithe you first need that barrier when SB does not need anything.

    With lithe the killer has to go around the vault or go and vault the window with an extra sprint boost to catch up with...

    True. Unless he downs you before you use your Lithe, for example during your vault animation.

    That's all I need to say...

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Lithe + Dance With Me + Iron Will + Quick & Quiet = HACKER!

    I've always enjoyed Lithe. Since there are such a vast amount of windows and vault locations, it just seems to be the better pick over BL. And it works better with other perks.

  • Member Posts: 479

    This combo is great unless killer has eyes to follow you.

  • Member Posts: 897

    I dont like to use exhaustion perks. No one is good. Only Head On is funny. Yeah, vote me up.

  • Member Posts: 144

    Dead hard got ######### by dedicated servers and I mainly use Lithe now :)

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited March 2020

    Dead Hard is when they have the item you’re looking for at the store.

    Lithe is when the store tells you you can go online to their website and get it there.

    Very different consumers looking for where they prefer to shop at.

    They both have their disadvantages and advantages, I don’t think neither one is better than the other, only in certain Specific situations.

  • Member Posts: 98

    I honestly hate the community's opinions so I tend to fight against it, Iron Will seems to be a highlight everyone Tho which, interests me

  • Member Posts: 428

    well i thought sprint burst was better than lithe anyway :)

  • Member Posts: 871

    Lithe can be used in all maps

    Balanced Landing can only be used in some maps

    Lithe is better than Balanced Landing

  • Member Posts: 428

    sprint burst is no1 top, then lithe then balanced landing, nobody should say anything different

  • Member Posts: 489

    It is.

    Sprint burst is the best exhaustion perk in the game, the amount of play making abilities that perk gives you is insane.

  • Member Posts: 59

    Okay, here's what I don't understand about Lithe; If you're at a window you're already safe. There is no need for a sprint burst and sometimes that sprint burst leads you nowhere or you can't even make it to the next pallet anyways. A lot of the time Lithe can ######### you over by being to fast in chases making a small mistake huge. Like if the killer moonwalks you run far as ######### and sometimes messes up looping. You also gain way more distance with sprint burst at the end of the game because of the amount of usage you get. Sprint burst is also really nice because you get to use it at the start of the game, And what about hook saves? There are a lot of hooks that aren't near pallets and windows that can proc this perk. I definitely think that this perk does shine when it comes to unsafe pallets though, but then again dead hard can do the exact same thing and if you are healthy you aren't really in much danger because you can already get a sprint burst on hit. I would rate this perk as the 3rd best exhaustion perk under dead hard and sprint burst. Sprint burst is better for coordinated SWF's and Dead Hard is way better for solo queue. Other than that Head On is nowhere even near as good as Lithe because good killers check lockers to keep saves from happening, It has really really low usage, and the last one being that you don't gain nearly as much time as any of the other perks save you. Head-on can be really good though if you're in a SWF and is actually semi-viable for locker jukes and locker saves when looping with friends.

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    *equips Lithe*

    *immediately gets taken to Hawkins*

  • Member Posts: 59

    One's that have a high skill ceiling. For example Decisive Strike is very strong but only if you are able to hit the skillcheck which some players are unable to do. Another one I have in mind is head on. Head on has to be used smartly so you don't get grabbed and it also takes knowledge on the killers play, sometimes killer bait out Head on's or sometimes your timing is simply messed up.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    quit nerco'ing threads dude, no one wants these month/year old threads back at the top of general

  • Member Posts: 59

    Yeah but to be honest I still wanted to reply to this dumb ass post. It annoys me a little that people can be this dumb and I still want to leave my take on it if any new visitors look at the post so they don't get guided to using ######### perks. If a new survivor saw this post he would start running dance with me+Lithe which doesn't work against basically all killers because they aren't brain dead. Also ######### you I do what I want. If you're so stoked about it you shouldn't have made an account for DBD forums because you knew this ######### would happen and also you can just change you're notification settings or just ignore the noti if you don't recognize the name of the post. So please solve your own ######### problem so I don't have to rant like this. By your logic you're wasting my time with your notification dumbass.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    you should try making new threads instead so that you won't ever get mad at someone calling you out for your bad forum practices again

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    >gets the game a map with barely any vaults pepehands

  • Member Posts: 59

    Umm sorry but didn't I just say that I could care less about what you think hint hint:"Also [BAD WORD] you I do what I want", and no I'm not making a whole other thread just to reply to an old one especially when this is an unpopular opinion and didn't need a thread in the first place. Have you never been on DBD forums? Have you not seen all the stupid ######### on there? No one needs anymore of that and it just makes good ideas get buried never to be seen because someone wanted to rant about Lithe and talk about the perk to randoms who's opinions don't matter to them because they don't know each other. Also I'm not really mad but I do type aggressively to demonstrate my point and put more weight on it. You obviously replied meaning you're focused on what I'm saying(See how that works?)

  • Member Posts: 745

    U know, It's not about doing a special move. It's just their to survive a bit longer. I play BL, SB or DH if I want to play an exhausting perk. But you shouldnt judge people for perks they like to use.

    I personally love my perk build with Bond, Open Handed, Kindred and Plunderers. At the end it is just preference.

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