Fixing DS

I think DS needs a small nerf, and I'm sure plenty can agree. My thought is once a survivor is un-hooked and it activates, the moment they start doing an action like gen repair, or healing someone ELSE, there DS should deactivate, because obviously there not being tunnelled if they have time to do that stuff. Would make it more strategic, and would stop killers who don't tunnel still getting hit with it.
DS needs a small nerf, but I think it should be one thing: If you unhook someone, then DS is deactivated. I think this small change would be fair, wouldn't nerf the perk into the ground, and still allow those of us killers who use the perk strategically (I like changing obsessions without having to have Nemesis. I run STBFL a lot, and I like to eat a DS so I can go after someone i hadn't hooked yet without losing my stacks) to do so. It also forces someone without DS to come off a generator and make a save if someone else has been hooked, and you don't want to lose your DS. Just my two cents.
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That makes DS just worthless unless the killer immediately starts chasing the survivor.
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Isn't that the point of ds though? An anti-tunnel perk, as they call it?? And it's still on the same timer, just no more off the hook and gen rush at end of game with zero consequences for it...
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So if I get unhooked and go to the gen right next to me, which is probably about to be finished soon, and the killer comes back to chase me, I lose my DS for what reason? Its still tunneling.
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Juke the killer or proceed to loop him until your team fix all the gens. Its not like the game last long.
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Thats still tunneling.
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I think tunneling is when you being chased after unhooking. IF you start working on a gen killers is just doing his objective.
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How are you being tunneled when your not running away? So the killer is suppose to walk away and let you finish the gen for free?? 😂
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I like those who willingly dont want understand whats goin on to conspire even more.
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DS should be deactivated as soon as: Survivor went to the locker, Touched gen, Got healed, Was X meters away for some time from the killer.
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Tunneling is when the Killer chases the unhooked survivor right away, ignoring his objectives and other survivors, throwing the game away.
If you just got unhooked and decided to repair a generator, and the Killer came by to check the generator and caught you, its your fault, like the guy above said, he's doing his objectives. If the Killer know the generator is almost completed and you still hop on it(Im gonna assume the gen is near where you were unhooked) its obviously the Killer is going back to protect his objective, if you got caught again in the process, its an poor decision that you made and the Killer shouldn't be punished because of this.
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No it’s only 60 secs you can definitely leave them on the floor for 60 secs. Scared because you have another things to attend to but it’s really because killers are so stuck on one Build you can use deer stalker you might think the perk is unless compared to others. High level killers do pretty well with not picking up survivors until 60 secs passed. And plus you kinda are tunneling your getting DS within the 60 secs they got unhooked that means they even got healed or anything it takes way longer then 60 secs to do a gen about 15-20 to do a normal heal if you was doing anything else In that time DS would be off You let them get unhooked but when you see the hurt person and healthy person pretty sure you go back to the hurt person instead that’s tunneling!
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Please make it to red ranks before you chime in with your half ass opinion. 1. its NOT tunneling when the surv is a moron and gets un-hooked and hops strait on a gen, that's there own stupidity, but behavior rewards them for it. 2. I know allll about slugging, but have YOU ever heard of adren? You can leave 2 down, but once that final gen pops, everyone's back up and running like friggin sonic! DSis broke as hell. It's suppose to be an ANTI-TUNNEL perk, not a get away free in ANY SITUATION perk.
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Oh ffs, tunneling is not chasing you off the gens in any circumstance. what are you expecting killler to do when he finds you exactly? Oh sorry I'll let continue doing that gen!
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Lmao I am red rank
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You have 680 Post all you do is complain on forum when a match doesn’t go your way. Half ass opinion lmao isn’t that what a forum is for dummy to voice opinions your opinion DS should be nerfed because I don’t agree it’s half assed ok buddy
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So you want the survivor to only run and hide and not do anything Ohh ok bet that does make your life easy.
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Decisive Strike makes survivors play very cocky. They are on the hook, they get unhooked, and even if the Killer is coming back, you know what they do? They just disrespect the Killer because they have 60 of invinciblity and hops on an gen next to the Killer's face, and the survivor is like: "Hahaha, I have decisive strike baby killer, you can't pick me up, I have 60 of invulnerability for no work and you will be punished for it even if you didn't tunnel me :)".
A good player will just run to a safe position and heal, and avoid the killer if possible.
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Or just decrease the timer to 30 seconds, BUT the timer pauses when the survivor is in a chase or if you go down. This way it will no longer just be "60 seconds of invulnerability" and will strictly focus on if a killer tunnels you; 30 seconds is short enough to make sure that if a killer hooks another survivor, the DS timer will run out. However, if the killer does hard tunnel, the survivor will be able to rely on it instead of just sitting on the ground for a minute.
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The DS is fine now it doesn't need to be changed.
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Then don't run a perk where that's SUPPOSE to be it's purpose. But no, it doesn't work like it's INTENDED to though. I wish survivors had to deal with all the bugs and BS killers have to. You would whistle a completely different tune. I'm not saying anything the top streamers don't say, and I would take there opinion anyday over most on here, because there practically gods at this game, where most on here are just biased towards there side... Good day.
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I and I’m not saying nothing the top survivor streams don’t say. Point is I play both killer and survivor with great ideas I think the DBD devs aren’t that good tbh but there’s no other game like they in there own bracket. Evolve shut down, Friday 13 I feel like is for kids, it’s one I seen but I think it’s only pc I can’t remember that game you might know of it idk if was the black out club or not
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Care to elaborate? Please explain how it's perfectly fine in the Condition it's in, besides favoring survivors and giving them an escape free card to go work on gens, or sabo a hook right in the killers face? Your not being tunneled because you didn't leave, you stayed there like a moron and you shouldn't be REWARDED for it. That's the dumbest, one-sided ######### ever!
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Predator is gonna crush this game. That's all I played all weekend, and never got bored once. Not to mention RE and the evil Dead game coming. The balance of this game is terrible, and people wanna have fun on BOTH sides. This game doesn't offer that. Predator was fun playing either side, and I had a blast as both.
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Tbh half the time DS is a wasted perk for me my timer alway disappeared by time I need which is why I kinda hate it. I did use deliverance DS and tenacity the killer had no choice but to pick me up cuz I was crawling quick af. But killers make DS pay by turning them into obsession but killers barely run does perks anymore. Obsession perks
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You think predator gonna be good I thought it was gonna get boring quick but I haven’t watch gameplay just the trailer
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I started playing Friday night and couldn't stop until the trial ended last night.. Lol. I had a blast. I think it's gonna do pretty good. Sucks for Xbox players tho, as there's no port for them.
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said the killers who want to guarantee an easy kill. After letting all the generators be done. He still wants to play the game's intellectual. You want to be respected, respect it too.
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Riiiight. Nice troll buddy. Next
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Dang it was trail I’m late. See when I’m survivor I think the killer shouldn’t be able to lights on the door. But killer say they shouldn’t even be able to open door without the gens done when it’s 1 survivor left then complain when they can’t find that find survivor for like 30 mins lol. But when I’m killer I also use the lights on the door and love it. Killers brain are use to thinking all the survivors play together. But the ppl who run solo and duo like me can’t always have good mates. And need the end game hatch. As killer I be right when a survivor escapes and stopped my merciless killer thru a hatch escape. Survivors have it way easy to trophies and survive the only survivor Trophy I need is all 4 survivors get thru which is hard to do duo specially as a rank 3 survivor
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Let another killer cry over the DS. Next..