Killers Dont Need A Buff

I've been playing this game for almost 2 years, on PC and PS4, and never experienced playing against a killer who I felt was an easy win, not have I played with a killer in which I felt they were too weak.
Yh they do
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I can agree with that, sound can be a little bad some maps, sound that sounds good
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How so? I cant think of a killer, that if played correctly, that needs a buff
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Work your way up to rank 1 as a killer without using what you feel is your top 5 killers. Then come back and let us all know how balanced killers are.
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I think Demogorgon needs a buff/rework, i feel like some killers need nerfs instead of buffs, Doc & Freddy for example are Ez mode when playing as Killer right now, from my experience.
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You're right.
Survivors should get nerfed.
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Leatherface needs a buff. He's literally a worse Hillbilly. He even has mostly the same add-ons.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies were too awesome for Bubba to be so copy-pasted and boring.
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You should think harder, I can name two major candidates.
Clown is, well. Not in an ideal state. He can stop loops. That's... That's it.
Leatherface is good at instadowning and that's it.
All Killers can perform well under the right circumstances, because the basic M1 Killer setup can still wipe a Survivor team that makes too many mistakes, but some Killers very clearly require Survivors to make too many mistakes to perform well. LF and Clown make me think of Demogorgon, Freddy and Pig who make up for an eeeh ability with supplementary powers that help them get results, but LF and Clown are missing said supplementary powers.
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If I wanted I could, I've never had an issue playing killer, my problem is it gets boring playing for 3 hours getting 4k's every match, its stale for the killer after a couple matches honestly
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I feel killers are fine for now, Demogorgon I dont see a lot of so I feel a rework would help, i dont seen a way to improve the Demogorgon without changing perks or abilities
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I dont agree, survivor requires teamwork or a good player who can loop the killer, most of the time playing solo or duo makes the game so hard against a good killer, I feel they are good
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I guess so, I usually play with music on so it doesnt bother me as much, but I feel the devs should look into it
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I feel that, but honestly he probably needs just a speed buff or something minor, if played correctly he can be a worse version of the Billy but still be pretty strong
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Clown I can kinda see, but honestly him being able to stop looping for the most part is really good, again I feel his perks (besides bamboozled) need tweaking and his power as well, but nothing major that would break him, and talked about last post above this one
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Sure, Clown can stop looping. So can Freddy, who can teleport around the map and delay Survivors. So can Doctor, who can easily find hiding Survivors. So can Nurse, who makes walls irrelevant. So can Spirit, who can make any loop unsafe and mindgame Survivors. So can Hag/Trapper, and their traps are far more versatile than just for stopping loops. So can Deathslinger, and he's got a neat hat.
Many other Killers have anti-loop tools. Most of them either have better ones, or other tools on top of an anti-looping ability.
As for LF a "worse version of Billy" is kind of misplaced. He sacrifices all of the map pressure (which is the best part of Billy) for slightly "better" instant downing that takes longer to actually pull off. Against solid Survivors who know how to pressure gens, you cannot put up a fight as Leatherface. I can when playing Killers like Trapper, but not as Bubba.
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Okay that's where I disagree, his strength is his chainsaw and perks, running BBQ makes the game that must harder, plus he has an insta down, what more do you want him to have? If you decrease the time after downing a survivor then you take out what I assume is a throwback to the movies, and make it almost impossible to save that survivor since his chainsaw can do major damage to survivors who play like a medic. Gen rushing can be delayed and almost stopped in some cases with the perks the killers have now, and with toolboxes being nerfed of makes rushing gens harder. Personally, playing against LF that knows what they are doing makes the match hard, he has good base perks, and a insta down, plus is decent speed. I just dont see how he needs a buff because people choose to play a killer that takes no skill and not LF
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Imagine that situation. You are clown and you start in the corner of a map like for example Temple of Purigation. You cross antire map to reach your first survivor.
Chase starts for a single survivor that left the gen that's done in 30-40% already. You chase him for let's say 40 seconds because they somehow ran out of loops. 3 gens pop and 1 other is almost half way done.
How to apply pressure from this point on? You can pop the gen nobody is working on or use it on other gens.
And don't try to say that I should just use other killers. Most don't have 1 shot ability or map traversing power.
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Oh sorry, mainly was talking about Gen speeds.
Give something else to do for survivors. Would also make the "not getting chased" part interesting!
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Your not actually wrong, but at the same time you are. While most killers actually do need some severe updates to their upkeep with the way DBD has evolved since release of any specific killer. A lot of issues are reoccurring bugs, map sizes, broken loops, and semi infinite loops and vaults which are a guaranteed spawn.
I'll always feel that the map designs are actually the biggest core issue of DBD other than the bugs that affect both sides. Without fixing every map at the same time and constantly keep updates on bugs. Really any changes they make are just superficial and will need to be redone in the end after they fix all the maps.
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Actually, every killer needs a nerf, mainly Legion and Haddonfield should be the only playabe map. Perfectly balanced.
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I second the legion nerf
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If you cross the entire map to find 1 survivor you should work on being able to actually find one in under a minute, most if not all killer have a way to damage and stop/slow down loops, if you think killers need a buff because of a bad spawn and you're inability to find a survivor before 3 gents get popped then sorry to say no buff is gonna help, and I'm not saying okay a different killer, I play Legion so I feel it
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Ohhh my bad, I like that idea but bot wure what could be a good way to have survivors do more then gens
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You're on crack
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You don't see the games imbalances at low ranks. At low ranks the survivors are complete potatoes and make killers look stronger than they are. Rank 1 is where you start to see the issues.
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I partially agree. Some like Clown and Trapper need reworks rather than buffs, all the old maps need to be redone to be more neutral and some of the larger ones need to be shrunk a little and the devs need to take 6 months to a year on focusing on improving the games code and ironing out bugs and improving connections.
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You too
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So are you saying the game should be balanced for rank 1 but 2-20 should be on their own? Because you act like being around rank 5-10 means nothing, I've faced rank 5 killers and survivors and had no issues killing the survivors, but trying to survive is a little difficult
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If you think killers need to be buffed to the point where they can 4K with only teachable and no addons then you're crazy my guy, if that were the case then you shouldn't be able to mix perks and have addons. Addons and other perks are meant to help you play better and improve, the teachable are supposed to give you some nice starting perks while you just start playing killer
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How so? Because I feel the game shouldn't have a killer 4K every game or 3K every game for it to be balanced? At this moment I think it needs but fixes and some map changes, and it's good
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The game is no where near to be like that. 4 good survivors can manage to all escape against a good (player) killer that is not Nurse or spirit, the only killer that possibly 4K is nurse, still hard tho. So pls stop saying that the weaker role doesn't need buffs
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The whole game needs a buff.
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Anyone who thinks killers need a buff isn’t very good at the game. Killers win most games now and over the past year we’ve seen it shifted into their favour in certain ways.
Sure some killers could use a few tweaks but in general killers as a whole do not need any buffs.
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sadly some people wont stop complaning untill survivor will die when they look at them
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On which rank are you playing if i may ask? I'm just curious, because the game is really balanced in any ranks except red and brown.
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How killers can be "winning" all game and still have lower red rank ratio than Survivors who are "losing" all games ? (In this assymetrical game the norm is for one side to win the other must lose, with some exceptions) It just doesn't make sense to me, if killers would be 4k'ing every time I presume there would be more red rank killers than red rank survivors which certainly isn't the case.
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Can someone please explain why anything that could benefit killers are always met with this same response "they just want easy games" "they won't stop until Survivors start the trial on hook" "killer mains only want easy 4ks" if this was actually true the forums wouldn't be flooded with well thought threads looking for balance.
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I think the problem is it's not the killer's skill, it's the survivor's skill that determines the outcome. The game is designed to depend on one side making a mistake. If both the killer and survivor's play well, the survivors will win because there is 4 of them. No killer can pressure all 4 at the same time.
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EEEEH? What?
Real my post first instead of responding first. I didn't write I suck at finding a survivor. I say that by the time you get first hook 3 gens get done.
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Most survivors still suck as ranking up is piss easy.
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I feel you're comparing a good player to a 4 stack SWF, which is possible, but most times its duo and 2 solos, or 4 solos that dont play together and get down, it's usually 1 guy that does all if not most of the work, what il saying is that a good player would be able to stand up to a group of 4 randoms. To say no killer can 4k is a flat out lie
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How so?
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That's how I feel most killer mains are, I feel if Killers get buff to the point where anybody can 3k or 4k at rank 1, that the game with die because it wont be fun to play survivor
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No problem, om Killer I've gotten to rank 10, and survivor I got to rank 8, most of the time I quit playing killer at that rank because I get bored, a few days ago I started playing Killer again and got a couple 4Ks in a row, but that was at rank 20-17, the weird part is sometimes I end up against purple and red ranks for some reason? Maybe it's a bug in matchmaking?
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I think he means its more Killer sided in most games, and it is but isnt, honestly I feel killers are strong, and some are kinda lacking that 1 perk or tweak to make them fun to play, I love playing Legion but I feel it's useless to use the power anymore besides to catch up to a survivor
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And how many times do you see 4 survivors hit all skill checks, evade the killer, and take no hits? Cause I've never seen that, unless you face a 4 stack SWF it's almost impossible to have 4 escape without the killer playing like a bot or missing every hit
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You also didnt read, you said by the time you cross the map to down a survivor 3 gens are done, personally never had that happen on survivor or killer. I suggested if you are having that issue you should get a survivor closer to you and if take you 3 minutes to get 1 survivor on his 1st hook you need to play Killer and get better
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Its piss easy? What? My guy I've had games where I do 2 gens and heal 2 teammates and I never see the killer and dont pip, I've had games where the killer is on me the entire game and dont pip, playing survivor requires you to save teammates, do gens and run the killer around and even then if you go down once you get a max of 1 pip
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No neither side needs buffs/nerfs other than moris and keys
People just need to shut up whining and play the game
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Honestly I'm not whining, I like to ask people why they think Killer buffs or why survivors need nerfs or whatever is a hot topic because it shows how much they know when they talk about a buff idea that's absurd or stupid