Noed Rework


this is the first time im actually making a thread about NOED

so everyone is running noed since the ruin nerf what is fine.

but what isnt fine imo is when a killer plays very awful gets just 1-2 hooks but at the end gets rewarded with 2-3 kills.

Survivors get punished for doing well this is just dumb imo.

well killer players will say "destroy totems" that is true BUT why am i forced to do 5 totems just to disable a perk of a killer and not reward him with that? just because the killer is to lazy to learn how to play and get his hooks i need to run the entire match around the whole map and find the totems? also there are maps where finding all totems are a pain & also as solo player you dont have a notification of the totem count so you cant really cordinate with people to know who did what.

now people will also compare Noed with Adrenaline, yes both are end game perks, both are strong perks how it supposed to be but survivors need to do something to get the adrenaline.

the killer can just stay AFK the entire match and get rewarded without doing anything.

my idea here is, what is actually a very good idea imo.

1. change noed from being a hex totem.

2. for every hook a killer gets noed will get 10seconds of use after all gens are done.

that way the killer actually needs to work for it and will get rewarded if he does well and punished if he does bad. so when a killer gets 8 hooks he would get 80seconds before noed is deacitvated and 80 seconds for the endgame is very good imo.

and they could also change the endgame that you cant 99% a gate anymore.

once you let the lever go on the gates the progress decreases every second.

i think this is a very good and balanced idea.

i play killer too but i will never use noed because its a very bad designed perk and rewards you for doing pretty much nothing.

when i get kills i wanna deserve it and not getting free kills for doing bad and punish survivors because they played good.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    If survivors only got 2 hooks on their side AND didn't bother to do totems, it's completely their fault that they got NOED'ed.

    In those scenarios, they had a bunch of time to look for 5 totems. And unless they add a "2nd" objective (cause totems are supposed to be a 2nd objective but they suck at it) then im gonna be against NOED nerfs tbh.

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    If a killer is having a bad game and gets noed it’s fine but when each side is equal and the killer gets noed and kills everyone then it can feel unfair

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    but then killers who play bad all game can’t have their free kills.

    What you actually expect killers to have to work for kills? In dbd? Lmfao

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    NOED is fine in its current form. if you dont want to be 1 hit at the end of the game, do bones. theres counterplay so use it

  • Kleer_mi1k
    Kleer_mi1k Member Posts: 46

    There are multiple perks to find totems.. There are maps... Utilize them

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Yout don't have to do all 5 totems if you don't want to, just spot them for later when noed triggers. More risky tho