This game run like ass on console!!!

That's right! It does. I play on xbox one and this game runs like absolutely trash. Let me run down the list of issue I have had. The load times! Good god , I have never played a game like thai that the load times take this long! I spend more time in load screens than playing a match. And if in lucky enough to even find a match because half the time I get toned out do to the piss poor connection. And to make matter worst half the game shudders while play due to the god awful frame rate. So is their any plans to fix any of the glaring issues?
Welcome to Year 3 of console players asking for DBD to run better than PS2 games. I hope you have this game through Xbox Pass at least.
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every game runs like ass on console
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Im on Ps4 and have had no issues with frame rate and all, even with doc and plague.
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The base Xbox One is very weak and outdated hardware. That's just how it is. However, the Xbox One X version looks and plays much better. It's almost night and day.
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DBD is not a graphically intensive game. I could barely handle looking at the choppy framerates on my Xbox One X and went back to playing it on PC.
Then you jump over to Apex, which has graphics so good it's almost like real life, and the framerate is smooth as butter. It's just a bad port.
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State of Decay, Halo, and Far Cry all say hello.
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Apex is not exactly lifelike. The graphics are good, but not too intensive to render.
I'm more impressed by the 4k enhanced games I can run like State of Decay 2, which is stunningly beautiful.
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A. they still are capped at 60 fps so they run like ass
B.Youre literally only referencing games made in house by Microsoft so of course they run decently well Mario odyssey and Zelda look great on the switch but you don't see anyone praising the graphics on any other game.
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A. 60 fps is fine. Even when I played on PC I couldn't tell the difference.
B. Invalid. Just because Microsoft made it doesn't guarantee it runs well.
Want some other examples? Apex Legends, Overwatch, Destiny 1/2.
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all your examples look like ass on console also of course you cant tell the difference you don't play pc every day. There is no arguing that games run like as on console most are capped at 30 fps and drop frames all the time
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I'm not going to argue any further; it's obvious you have your mind sen and are unwilling to accept my opinion.
That's what this debate really is. Opinion. You may see the difference, but I can't. I think PC is just as good as a console of the same price. (Obviously an ultra expensive thousand dollar PC is going to perform better than can console, but that's besides the point.)
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I didn't say it was a graphically intensive game. However, DBD is a GPU resource hog which both Xbox One and Xbox One X simply lack. I also have it on PC and can run it at Ultra with zero issues and don't experience any choppy framerate issues on Xbox One X. Game runs fine.
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You are playing on a console, what do you expect? Getting 60 fps on a 4k resolution? That console has the same hardware as a 300 bucks 2015 pc.
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The game is poorly optimized on consoles unfortunately. It's even sadder once you realize this is a full game. At least Predator: Hunting Grounds can use the "it's a beta" excuse for its horrible optimization.
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I'm on PS4 and I agree. Frame rate crashes anytime anything happens and people have learned to take advantage of it in order to get as many free Dead Hards as they want while you watch your weapon slice through their pixels to no effect.
Also grabs are still broken.
2 - you are have stupid?
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I have no problems on x box one and I still have the day 1 addition yes there will be lag or frame rate drops that happens with every game the only time I lag is when I get connected to a killer who had bad internet since dedicated servers hot taken off agian
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I'm having nothing but issues on this game on the XB1X...I don't expect a 4k 60fps gameplay experience but if you can't even optimize the game to run at a steady 1080p60 on "the worlds most powerful console" with the Unreal Engine (piss easy engine for hardward to run) then i don't know what the hell they're doing.
Still no dedicated servers when they got turned off over a month ago because they were so garbage.
Now i just put up with lobby errors and being dodged every time i load into a game so i'm lucky to get 2 games an hour as Survivor.
Hate playing Killer for the simple fact Demogorgon stutters on pretty much every map. God help you if you get Red Forest or the new Lery's.
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God help a survivor who gets hit by Franklins Demise though or Sloppy Butcher... D:
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It was worst btw. It really is bruh™
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######### are you talking a bout? this game is not some high tec marvel no other game has these issues get your head out of your asss!