Three gens, two minutes.

Down one person, one pallet gets dropped, three gens pop. One toolbox. What was I supposed to do?
Nothing...nothing can be done. Since the Ruin nerf gen pressure is now all but gone. Only thing you can control is how long to chase someone and what aura reading perks you can equip like Discord and Mechanic etc. Maybe place your upside down portal in a good spot near a gen cluster?
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Heh. I would, if I could get time to put it down. I love killer, but if survivors know how to spread out, it's over.
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"gen pressure is now all but gone". The Killer is responsible for pressuring the Survivors, not a Perk. The pressure is not gone, if you take too long while chasing one Survivor, sure, the others will do Gens. There is nothing else they can do at this point.
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It really has gotten bad. I feel bad for killers even when I'm playing solo survivor. There's nothing they can do.
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I can get that, but I can't do multiple across the map. The chase lasted about half a minute ona single loop.
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just pressure gens baby killer ever heard of pop and corrupt and thrilling and play civilization
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Unless you have corrupt by chance. Good thing that only lasts for...two minutes? Huh. That's how long it takes to finish them.