This is a thing again really?
Sooo nerfing all the “overpowered” killer crap and letting every unfair no skill survivor second chance perk being in the game is not enough to show that how much you devs like to babysitt your new (and even old) noob survivor mains? But you still allow this BS matchmaking to happen with new killer players. Fair thing yes. If they gonna have a fookin’ rank 2 give them a rank 2 killer as well for god’s sake. (Which they actually got this time that’s why they got stomped so hard). So babies might think twice next time they queue up with a high ranked player.
I've seen some screwy match making posts, but really? You had one Rank 2 in a swf where everyone else was your rank. You are gonna be fine.
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Also, you are complaining when you 4k'd and obviously killed the 2 first. 😂😂😂 I can't even.
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I don't see an issue. This is actually not bad simply because if this was a new killer, 3 new survivors, and a rank 2 survivor the game actually has potential. You have 4 people playing and the experienced player giving people chances and letting them play.
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What's funny is he's doing the same 'Stick low rank' too so what's his argument? 😅 its be different if there was one around 17 and the rest purple and reds. Like I get this all the time at 13 and that's a good spot cause you're generally getting high ranks without having to be high and you odd time get lows but very rarely. This guy is 17, and he got max points in this game which means he got all red medals 🤣
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With the new matchmaking rank won't matter so in your case you would probably be matched with more red rank.
In this case I don't see an issue as you clearly aren't a true rank 17 much like one or two of the rank 17 survivors looking at the perk loadouts. It looks like a bunch of players who have taken a break and came back for the extra BP's.
It's the true new players BHVR need to look after a bit better when it comes to this scenario.
6 -
A new killer with no game knowledge would go after the rank 2 guy all game while the rest is rushing the gens. That’s why he got only this few poins. He was trying to get my attention all game but only chased him down when everyone else vas disabled. It’s not very fun for a newcomer chasing the same guy all game that you can’t even possibly catch before all gens gets popped.
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Wait, so it's not fun for that one killer who could just figure out not to chase the guy who clearly wants it in a single match, but it would be totally fun for those THREE survivors to get rekt by a level 2. 🤔 Mmmhmmm, seems legit.
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I've never seen that. I don't think your lying, but imho most brand new killers tend to tunnel, camp, and be inconsistent with chases. Due to the current matchmaking I have faced a few rank 20's with either no perks or 1 perk. They seem to chase you, but tend to jump to the next person they see quite easily. Not all just a lot of the ones I have seen recently. Also not all red ranks are toxic like that. Some will do gens and realize your low rank.
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Yes just like it was for a few weeks when they fixed this issue. The low rank killer can't chose to not play against red ranks if they queue up with low rank potatoes, but the potatoes queueing up with the red rank, they do it voluntarily so there'd is nothing wrong with that. Either play in YOUR tier or get dominated by the much better killers its all your choice. Really simple logic.
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So a skilled player getting their friends into the game should either face destruction that's going to deter their friends from wanting to play or just not introduce anyone new to the game? Frankly, that would be a bad business decision by DBD.
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I highly doubt you're a newcomer when all your perks are teachables and all but 1 were tier 3
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"It's the true new players BHVR need to look after a bit better when it comes to this scenario."
That issue is really overlooked. And that's what I'm trying to point out here. For my case it's obliviusly not a problem it's 3 less good players than usuall I can go against them and win all day, but a new player would have a significantly different experience. But the problem is, EVERY team is just like this in these low ranks. Or 2 purples with 2 beginners still the ssame thing.
I haven't heard about this new matchmaking though, maybe it can fix this, but considering that it's Behavior we are talking about, I doubt it.
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No? Im not? I have 800+ hours in this crap. Got deranked for inactivity, so I have to play in the newcomer tiers, and made this post for the sake of real newcommers who have to face these unfair rank matchmakings. Demit....there is no reason for this to be so difficult to understand.
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I don’t see what the issue is? 1 red rank amongst other survivors that are around your rank? In theory, that red rank survivor is at a disadvantage because they are playing with people who are also still learning the game. In my experiences, survivors around rank 17-20 miss skill checks, are scared to do anything, hide when they see the killer even if the killer is right over the other side of the map.....and I could go on. how is that unfair to you as a rank 17 killer?
You’re complaining because you got 1 red rank in your lobby who you killed, you got a 4K and almost a perfect game. Hmm
1 -
The answer is all above, not gonna repeat the same to ppl who won't read the entire story. In nutshell, yes. That rank 1 has nothing to do in a rank 17 match. Imagne playing Siege in bronze while the enemy team magically has a diamond player. That's what this is.
0 -
The Siege scenario is literally called "Quick Play".
This issue also works for the killer's side. Rank 1 Wraith, with pink clapper and purple Windstorm demolishing a team of Ranks 8,9,9,16 is just "normal gameplay".
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Killer mains complain about everything.
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I’ve never played siege nor do I have any interest in it so your example means nothing to me.
and I read the “whole story” as you put it. Doesn’t mean I got to read everything before I commented. I started to reply and had to go do something so yes, other people posted their responses while I was mid replying so I didn’t get to see them all first.
we have different opinions so all good. have a good day
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No. Completely different games, completely different player balance.
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I have never gotten teams like that in rank 1. The way the matchmaking works it's impossible. Only if the player count is abnormally low or something but that's definitely not normal gameplay.
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Empty arguement again with no point to back it up. Seriously what are you doing here troll?
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It happens to survivors to
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You being too daft to understand doesn't change the validity of my comment.
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Don't let red ranks play with anything but red ranks. I don't see why would someone disagree with that.
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Hahah it made my day.
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Seems to me its more a problem with deranking. You, as a killer, deranked due to a long period away. And at least one of those survivors (The Rank 17) deranked possibly for the same reason. The Rank 16 is probably a baby survivor though. Looking at his perks, he's got no teachables and just three perks. His friends might've just wanted to show him the ropes. Should he have to face a rank 2 killer because his one friend is a high rank? I don't imagine that'd be a pleasant experience for him. A newbie killer getting one rank 2 in a group usually isn't that bad. If the other three are legitimately closer to his rank (and not, as in this case, people who've gone away for a long time) he might face a bigger challenge, but at those ranks killers have a HUGE advantage.)
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New players should play in kyf to learn, solo, or understand they're going into higher matches with their higher rank friend. Like every other game in existence.
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I've never liked the KYF game mode. And no, new players shouldnt have to face red rank killers to play with one person.
Although in general match making needs work.
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The new match making was talked about in early January and a post made in the news section of this site on January the 27th with more details.
It is being worked on and will use an mmr system. How they determine someone's mmr no one knows the exact details as yet.
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The game is in your favor at low ranks. Ruin, Nurse, Spirit and Freddy were the only perks/killers that got nerfed.
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Corona for you may be fine. Thousands have been killed by it. Memes are a thing, we get it. Doesn't mean everyone enjoys it. Just food for thought.
In regards to the topic at hand. You are making a statement saying ranking is crap, we all know this. What's funny is you are red rank as you have said yourself but you're playing at 17, regardless of the reason this is what it is. Just as survivors are clutching low level while having red friends, killers are doing the same. It's just bad rannking system design.
Your argument is pointless in this case cause you are the killer equivelent of them by playing low ranks so (Babies will think twice when quing with a red rank)... like its hypocritical that's what's funny xD
In regards to second chance perks. Debatable. Slug DS, that way their either wasting their unbreakable or wasting another survivors time to heal them. If you're chasing another, that's 3/4 busy not on gens. BT just wait it out if it's annoying, or use it to get them to waste time mending. Adrenaline you have to manage to survive up to exit stage, its survivors one time use equivelent of Rancor if more than one have it, NOED. Make Your Choice also makes Borrowed pointless cause you're going after the better down.
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Uhhh no if this was any other game it would be mocked. You don't throw supposed high tier players with noobs. Just no.
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THIS is why it's bad. You were 100 points shy of a perfect game 4K. This killer had no chance at all. The first gen was done in under a minute, the next were just as fast while I just constantly looped and pallet dropped him.
Best part is this was my FIRST game today. But this was a 3 person SWF + me.
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Oh boohoo you only got a 4k? Oh no...
Try to let them all escape next time and then take that picture. Maybe then it would mean anything. From what I see here it's just showing how some people here will whine about pretty much anything.
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Yes, you can. Also, this OP stated he is a high ranked killer who was deranked. Maybe that factored into his match.
Match making is broken, for sure - but this is a really poor example of it.
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They knew your personal information, or was supposed to, how? Of course he was uneducated about that cause, I'm gonna bet, they have never seen you before.
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So, why are you crying again? I see a 4 men swf stomp with one red rank opponent and nearly maxed BP.
Do you want survivors to stand still and give you the kills without effort next time?
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4k... but complaining....
"no skill survivors"... because they used perks given to them? Hmm
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O.o just remember smallpox was a better killer then the whole dbd lineup.
300 million in it's last century alone
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Siege is a competitive game whereas DBD is not.
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If you 4K everything is fine OMEGALUL
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True and it on whole another level of sweat with it own toxicity. You will get team killed for using someone else character.
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That's the killer perspective 100% of the time, so it must be true. 🙄
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You sound like the killer who farms when survivors are sandbagging each other
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what? never saw someone saying that, I saw people complaining about something it self, no matter if they 4K or not. You're starting to make me angy by giving excuses for god mode to still be god mode and saying killers are just whiny dumbasses
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What are you even talking about at this point? Lmao
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Im tired of hearing complaining from boths sides. Shut up or dont play the game that simple. Its SWF thats the way its always been. Im a rank 8 survivor playing with a rank 1 survivor buddy of mine and every game I get a rank 1 or 2 killer and I welcome the challenge sometimes I win and sometimes I lose very embarrassingly but I dont complain about it. Also plenty of times as a rank 10 killer playing 1 or 2 rank survivor again I like a challenge not a walk over and yet again I sometimes win and sometimes get my ass kicked. Sitting here saying a rank 2 is unfair when you 4k RANK MEANS NOTHING