I always tunnel through DS

If I have another chase and another hook, but the next person I go for still has DS for some reason. I just tunnel them out of the game and don't let them leave. I will never reward someone for using DS. If I get stunned, they're dead.
Nice flex.
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Ironically DS exists to stop behaviours like these.
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The ironic part is that getting DS'd pisses off Killers and makes them more likely to commit to you because you're injured and obviously not on first hook.
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That completely ruins my entire existence. I am very scared and devastated by your statement.
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Most killers will tunnel the obsession or Laurie ds or no. Ds is not the answer to tunnelling.
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If I get hit by DS I'm like "well it's gone now, nothing to lose so might as well keep going for them, they're injured and still close to me anyways"
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As someone who uses it purely for an anti-tunnel purpose, I feel like killers have themselves to blame for this one.
Part of the reason I never tunnel deliberately. If it's been 2 minutes, and you're the only one I find, too bad. You had your chance.
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So killers should feel guilty about trying to accomplish their objective as fast and efficiently as possible. Nice.
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If it takes you two minutes to find a chase mid-game, the gens are done and everyone's escaped.
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...........if you target me directly off hook, then YES. Like I said; intended purpose. I didn't spend twice as long in a lobby to be deleted in a 10th of the game time.
And not at Rank 15! Rank reset did a number to my killer, and I've been grinding Surv Archives.
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Yes, let's pretend you wouldn't tunnel someone to death if it wasn't for ds haha.
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Doesn't piss me off. I slug them or take the stun. If i slug them it means they have to recover or a teammate has to waste time picking them up.
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Then don't... "click, click, click" the flash light at the killer.. don't run aggressively around the map leaving tracks to lead "DIRECTLY TO YOU"... don't fast vault... play immersively.
Then the killer will be less likely to notice you and you won't get "deleted in a 10th of the game time".
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The 5 seconds stun give so much distance from the survivor that usually i give up chasing him...
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Yes because when a killer is chasing someone who is injured in a dead zone but comes back to your hook in a safe zone as soon as you get unhooked despite you not doing anything to them except hold shift, w, and press space every 20 seconds being immersive will be so helpful.
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you never reward someone for using DS? They don't ask you to reward them, the perk is soely meant to be anti-tunnel perk. If you still catch them after them using the perk on you, you earned that hook. You telling people that "you don't reward them" for using a perk that is designed to get away from tunnelers, it just sounds like you got some personal problems that has nothing to do with the game itself.
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I play stealth until a chase, I don't know all the god-loops/infinets in the game, I don't run a meta build unless Self-Care and Botany Knowledge are now meta, and I DO NOT. EVER. ANNOY. THE KILLER. Unless they are easily triggered by half-decent running from a not total potato.
Why does every killer on here assume I'm one of "those" survivors?
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exactly! that is what i have said in another thread, killers seem to be more detirmined to kill you if you have ds! ds doesn't always works as anti tunneling perk :(
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If you want to counter DS just slug and count 60 seconds in your head :/
Also you mentioned "If I get stunned, they're dead.". Are you sensitive to being stunned or something? It's practically inevitable unless you're good with pallet mind games but if getting stunned is such a problem to you then bring enduring.
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If someone DS's you once you've hooked a different person or if they run at you after being unhooked and jump in a locker, they can't really expect much else. Better make good use of those 5 seconds I guess.
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Oh, and its so fun when they DC cause missed DS skillcheck...
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Honestly, there is absolutely no reason to not just eat the stun from DS, it's actually quite pointless for it's intended purpose.
Think like a high rank, try-hard killer for a second.. In any given game where an obsession exists, even a beginner killer will assume DS, but the problem is you can't ever assume how many DS's (this was a part of the "huge" nerf to DS that everyone forgot made it even more annoying, since it used to only work for the actual obsession who couldn't change during a match in the older days).
This is an issue because more than likely at some point in at least some game, after you hook someone you may have a difficult time finding someone before that person is unhooked, which basically resets your pressure to zero if no one is dead yet. Now, imagine you were only 20 meters from the hook as it was unhooked, a gen popped in the distance, and as you turn around to punish the unhooked, the unhook comes running straight past you.
Now, you could choose to ignore them and go look for the unhooked who must be close, but how long will that take you? They are at full health state, avoided MYC because hook rush, and you still have to find them, which is dependent on stage and RNG layout if you even do.
You could also choose to simply slug the survivor off hook. This way you waste their time, punish the unhooked for bad save, punish the unhooked for being bold/misplaying, and can maintain pressure you'd lose otherwise. Seems like easily the best choice right?
Well, this has problems too. First off, you still have to take the time to pursue and down the survivor off hook. If they have SB or dead hard, that's more than likely enough time and distance to make it to a loop, so you'll be wasting the time around that loop as well. If the unhooked had BT? Well, unless you're a literal stealth killer, you also have an extra health state to deal with, possibly on top of DH/SB and DS. But ok, you power through all that, get them down again and leave them on the ground. Mission accomplished! Now you can go for your next chase with the momentum built in your favo... Oh wait, there up because they have Unbreakable... well that's ok because you're on your way to apply pressure and oh it just so happens after all that chase another gen pops, to be expected of course from all the time you've used but that's fine because you're by another gen in your 3 gen area that's 60 % to complete... And there are two survivors on it. You try to chase both off but they circle it like vultures, so you kick the gen and commit to chasing one for a hit to get them off and the gen pops to your back. If only you'd had Pop goes the weasel you probably could have saved your 3 gen, but you chose to slug so you lost that benefit, as well as the pressure, as well as a hook state. You also get called a camper for slugging or something.
So there is no reason NOT to go for the unhooked in a situation where it's the most convenient option, other than social stigma, Survivors calling you mean names like "Tunneler". That's not to say there aren't scenarios where you're obviously being an ass to frustrate and throttle someone (which imo isn't even bad anyway, if people want to think this games competitive, well tilting is part of the competitive environment so be careful what you wish for). Obviously there are also scenarios where going for the unhooked is viable, maybe even the better choice between the two. But the problem is people take getting smacked off hook as a personal thing. Honestly, of the survivor who unhooked you was actually good, you would have been completely safe to escape hook, at least to a fair chase.
Final thought: Many survivors need to get better at understanding hook management. Even if a killer is camping, there is no scenario in which a survivor shouldn't be able to get off the hook and escape for significant time unless the killer is blatantly throwing the game just to tunnel a single player out. If that's the case, you should be able to tell that after a single unhook. Most will gladly allow you to take the survivors place, so understanding when and how to go for a hook save makes all the difference.
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If you got hit with DS weren't already tunneling?
I know there are rare occasions when you hit someone 58 seconds later a get hit with it, but that is rare.
I used to never run it, and still rarely. But if I have those 4 tunneling killers in a row, well I'm putting it on, then going loop you right out the doors!
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I never do, but I'm not petty and I run STBFL so it'd be counterproductive anyway. Then again, I almost never get hit by DS because I don't tunnel to begin with.
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Nice made up rule, you've got there.
Is that from the Killers Rulebook for Survivors?
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Let me pose this question, do you guys think you see "tunneling" so often because it doesn't work?
Why does it continue to work? Because the game is "killer sided"?
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Ya know, some killers tunnel and camp without that happening at all.
Not every survivor is a "toxic dick tip" like you may want to believe they are. Some literally get caught doing nothing, and get tunneled out of existence.
But yeah, damn that survivor for being in game and offending the killer with their existence.
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Because most people on here play one side and assume EVERYONE is like that, and start with the side vs side crap when losing traction in an argument.
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DS is here to slow down process of trying to delete fast someone from the game. That's it. It will not stop it (if Killer realy wants you), it will just give your team and you more time before you die.
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you make a lot of posts trying to bait survivors
nobody cares man, move on
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This has happened to me numerous times. Randomly the Killer decides that I am the one they want dead, even if they had chased other Survivors before me. I usually conclude that it is one of two things: 1. I am REALLY bad in chases this makes me an easy target, and since they really want a Survivor out of the game I am the best choice or 2. They had a really bad game and want to pay back these random survivors for what those other random survivors did.
Sure, fine, whatever. It doesn't happen that often but it is frustrating when it does.
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To bring some more actual reason to discuss:
I look at DS like it's a resource. If the survivor that just got unhooked jumps in a locker, i take the DS to get it out of the box of resources survivors got against me as killer. If he just leaves, i go do killer stuff, breaking pallets, patrolling gens, chasing other people.
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imagine being this sad over a 5 second stun that's negated in 13 seconds if you just stay on them...
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Which is just petty. If I have DS up (which I never actually use) why would I not use it? It's ridiculous to me that people expect either side to deliberately handicap themselves. Tunneling feels scummy, but if you have no other targets it's understandable. If I get caught at 59 seconds it would be silly not to use DS.
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That is one thing I have noticed heavily on here. A thread will either be all agreeing with you, or just calling you trash and wrong.
To me, people who play both sides should have the most respect on here, but it seems like they are the most ignored.
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Yeah, and when we speak up, people immediately label us as "_____ main" based on whatever side our comment seemed to favor. It's unfortunate, because if people really did try both sides for a while, or even TRY to see how it is to play thay side, actual conversation and change can happen. But that's rare here...
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And you're the reason why the devs are giving more second chance perks to survivors and you know what, I don't mind.
Thank you for being the reason why survivors are being given even more second chance perks.
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Funny thing is that you also get a better sense of balance and work out that certain strategies are actually unhealthy for the game.
This game is pretty balanced for the most part, but could use a few small tweaks. And overhauls for some killers. The community just needs to stop rampantly exploiting certain perks.
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I will do the exact same thing. Otherwise I very much bounce between survivors.
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I just eat the stun so I don't have to deal with it later. If someone else is near, I'll go after them. But if you're the only Survivor I see, tough luck. You're going back on the hook within the next 30 seconds.
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DS exists for tunnelers like you. Do not kill DS users, please bud. I'm scared.
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I hate killers who tunnel but if you use ds and the killer can still get you then you deserve to get hooked and I'm a savior main
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Becasuethey dont have a proper argument so they just say that you click and teabag. I made a post a while ago about tunnling and half the replies said that its because i teabag or clicked because they dont have a argument
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I've said similar things before too. I don't bring items because I a) don't think I need them b) don't want to use them against a Franklin's Demise and c) know that they tend to aggrovate certain killers
Some people just have zero respect for others.
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The word you’re looking for is insanity. Literally doing the same thing again hoping for a different outcome
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That's your choice, if you can manage it.
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DS pushes me into more tunneling towards that survivor, I try not to tunnel but when a survivor literally runs in my direction with a ds he is begging to get tunneled
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Eating DS early is currently the best play, as it removes "impossible to kill" scenarios from the killer's endgame (IE doors open, DS active).
To further exemplify, you'll even see that "good guy" Killers like Otz are doing it far more often, these days.
It's literally solid play, while simultaneously promoting the very thing that the perk is designed to 'counter.'
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Half the time if I “tunnel” I don’t actually know I’m doin it till it’s to late as I don’t camp I tend to breaks pallets hit gens and look for other survivors. If someone gets unhooked and I go back and both are injured I have no idea which scratch marks I’m chasing. Most of the time they are almost gone so can’t look for both if I follow one and it leads me to who was just unhooked it’s make little sense for me to leave them alone to go find someone else who could be all the way across the map by then. If they happen to unhook when I’m right their and can see both I know who I’m goin after but not every “tunnel” is just that sometimes you have to guess and it might not be right. Btw lvl 7 survivor and lvl 11 killer
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Going after someone with DS and then eating the DS is about as inefficient as one can get. It will typically lose you the game.