moris shouldnt be in the game.

they end games way to fast and dont take skill at all. I play killer and ive been doing terrible but still gotten 4ks because of them. they dont help the killers rank but they hurt the survivors rank.its braindead no skill and WAY too powerfull.
Doesn't take skill either hiding all game with urban evasion to then press M1 in the hatch with a key to have a free win.
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LOL yeah, that's a real comparison. 🤣
How dare survivors be immersive to survive. The nerve of those people!
Also amusing coming from someone repping a killer with Franklins. LUL
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Remove/rework keys before touching moris. These are both equivalent in the fact that they both allow early wins for both sides when the other side may have a advantage. Like the devs will do anything about any of these.
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I like having moris in the game due to the horror element, but I almost never use them due to the things you just said.
It would be cool if they were reworked so you had to meet certain criteria in order to use one (not just getting a hook) and if they were a little more rare in blood webs.
I feel the same about keys. They need to be way more rare, IMO.
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But Survivors dont even need a key for that!!! Hatch spawns for them anyways, how dare you imply those poor poor crouch potatoes gotta waste their hard earned bp on keys! Just kidding. Survivors dont gotta finish all gens, they only have to be the last one standing for a free chance at escaping, and even a closed hatch is still a fair chance for the doors.
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i completely agree they both need removed or seriously reworked
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making a item rare isnt the way they should nerf it they need to give keys some criteria and increase the moris maybe to two hooks or atleast two downs
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Ebony Moris should only allow kills after 2nd hook. Keys should take the same time to open the hatch as a gate, without saving progress if you jump off. Ebony Moris still save you time and a hook as killer, and keys simply create a 3rd gate the killer would need to protect.
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Hmm two topics next to each other, Mori's shouldn’t be in the game and how do I get mori’d, how ironic
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I lol @ all of these key counter arguments because it doesn't come close to how easy an Ebony Mori can be done.
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Removing the offering? Yes. Removing the animation? Hell no.
Rework/remove keys first. Keys and moris are outdated items that need dev attention
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You realize half the "counter arguments" are killers saying "we'll give up keys if you give up Mori's" right?
The difference between Mori's is they penalize killers for using them, while keys reward survivors for using them.
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This is why the devs taking their own game so serious is ridiculous.
You can hardly consider this a videogame when one side can take an offering that pretty much guarantees them the win making it pointless for the other side to even try playing.
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Penalize them how?
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Mori's, particularly if they are being used after the first hook, which is the only time they would be anything other than an alternative way to eliminate a player on death hook, will almost always end in a safety pip, due to a lower devout (less chances for hook actions), malicious (less offensive hits), and chaser (less chases over the game due to early death of survivors) scores. As the saying goes "didn't entertain survivors enough, no pip for you".
Keys on the other hand reward a survivor with 5k BP for the escape, along with a large boost to their survival score, and doesn't impact their ability to pip or double pip in the slightest as they can still do generators and then use the key at the end if they so choose, or they can even save it for another game if they didn't need it. Keys can be used to bypass a good killer 3 gen allowing up to 2 people to escape which is really the only time a 3 gen for a killer is truly effective anyway (3 survivors alive it's 50/50, 4 survivors it's a losing war of attrition unless the survivors are potatoes or the killer is a god).
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Key's are not fair too but ok...
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I probably will not ever understand the pipping obsession, because to me, it's about did you do what the game intended for you to do and that's either kill, or survive. So if the killer kills everyone, the job is done. Same for survivors escaping. That said, killers should get a bonus at the end for a quad kill. I thought they did, but I guess I was wrong on that.
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Sadly BHVR doesn't see it that way.