Cost Of A Players Inventory

Sence our DBD New Update players inventory has been getting low at a high cost. Inventory gets used up alot faster than it used to and it cost way to many blood points to buy, so we say if we lose our inventory that fast we should pay a lower blood cost to keep our inventory at least manageable. It make players not even want to spend blood points it is pointless.
I haven't noticed any issues with affording addons on the killer side, and don't survivors get to escape with their items now even if they deplete them?
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@Jackel "so we say if we lose our inventory that fast we should pay a lower blood cost" you do not speak for everyone. Don't presume to do so.
The cost is the same as it was before the update. If your inventory is running low, then maybe you should try running less add-ons, and such. No, this is not me saying "Git gud" just that if you're using them too much, adjust your play style. Items and add-ons are helpful, but not necessary to play or win.
Also I would suggest you main one survivor, so that your BP all goes to that person's bloodweb, rather than spreading it out over several characters.
" It make players not even want to spend blood points it is pointless."
No, the point of the bloodweb is to spend your points on it. That's the grind of this game.
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The addon change for survivors was unnecessary imo. Just punishing good players.
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I don't know u so don't act like a DA u won't get treated like one, I speak for those I do know.
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When you don't specify whom you are speaking for, then that means you are presenting as though you speak for everyone. Don't be vague about it, and such conversations can be avoided.
Since you only focused on one aspect of what I said, I'll take that as you have nothing further to add to the topic. Good day to you.
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Survivors not using any bloodpoint bonuses seem to average about 13,000 bloodpoints per game. This alone should be enough to afford an item and offering per game. But if you're truly struggling, you can increase your bloodpoint gain significantly by running WGLF, tossing on a bloodpoint offering, and possibly running Prove Thyself if you need even more. If even that's not enough, you can bring Plunderer's and Ace in the Hole into the game to just give you free stuff mid trial as well as allow you to keep your addons when you leave the trial to stock them up.
If you're a killer, it's really not that hard to average 25,000 bloodpoints per game without bloodpoint bonuses if you're specifically playing to get bloodpoints. And I think most killers run BBQ which doubles that meaning the majority of the bloodweb per game with just that one perk.
I don't see how anybody would be struggling to bring a loadout into the game unless you're the type that only uses greens, purples, and reds and can't keep up with bringing those into every game anymore now that survivors lose addons.
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You seem like one of those people that are only after one thing starting trouble or to show everyone you are the big bully . You option means nothing to me. I don't know you do not contact me again.
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The main issue I have is that the majority of the addons arent worth the cost now. Even BNP dont seem to do much (esp compared to what they were), some key addons are a nice bonus but again, not worth the cost and likelihood of being tunneled regardless of key quality.
While I do like that its balanced between killers and survivors both losing their addons, I feel that killer addons actually do something but survivors dont. I think the addons need to be re-evaluated (be it cost, rarity or function).
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That is still an abysmal amount of bloodpoints for survivor, especially when you consider that WGLF is significantly harder to get stacks for than BBQ.
I'm not saying you're wrong about being able to afford an item every game (not that you need to do that since there are chests anyway), but getting addons for all the various items and progressing characters through the levels is an awful slog if you mainly play survivor.
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You have a good point, I get what you are saying. What my question was that before you could use a nice high end toolbox and it last threw the game if used correctly, but now the new update and using the same toolbox don't last but maybe 2 gens if you lucky.
And talking about the cost of such inventory is costly, they could lower the blood points to match the inventory, and your not guaranteed you will get nice gear. I went threw blood web after blood web on just to spend alot of blood points and really not get good gear.
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I understand some addons are crap. But comparing killer addons which are supposed to be 4 times as powerful as survivor addons to survivor addons and then complaining that survivor addons aren't as powerful in comparison is ridiculous. This is an asymmetrical game. If survivor addons were as powerful as killer addons the game would be even more of a survivor sided joke than it is now.
However, I'm fully in favor of some kind of system that allows you to toss 3 addons/offerings/items you don't want into an RNG generator for a new addon/offering/item of the same or greater rarity. Some killers have addons that are even crappier than any survivor addon.
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I''m in no way advocating that survivor addons should be made 4 times stronger. But if, as you say, they are 4 times weaker - should they not then be 4 times cheaper?
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Only if they make 4 times less bloodpoints. But they seem to average out around half as many.
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First of all killers have for the last 4 years pretty much lost every single add on they have had, and survivors have kept their item (power) and add ons if they survive. I'd say it's about time for the game to catch up to the survivors. This means you have to be judicious of what add ons you use in each match, some times it's not worth it to bring them and sometimes it is, up to you how you play. at least NOW you keep your item (power) each match if you survive. Your choices are: use your blood points on one survivor and max out your holdings or spread your points on multiple survivors :)
Speaking about a brand new part.... you get 25% progress on a gen by hitting the two skill checks. that's still very substantial on TOP of the box adding to the gen at the time as well. I'm sorry you can't bring 4 BNP's and get 4 of 5 gens done in 10 seconds over all. Survivor add ons do a great deal of things and can be very detremental to the killer's game as theirs is of yours. also the killer has one set of powers that the survivors learn about almost imediately. Seeing a trapper's trap, seeing a pig's RBT puzzle box, seeing the clock around your avatars at the bottom right for freddy, hearing the spirit's phasing, hearing doc's and oni's terror radius, hearing the nurse blink, hearing bubba and billy rev their chainsaw. Yet the killers can't know what power you have nor have any real indication of what add on's you have as you can change your power out.
There is a great deal of things a killer doesn't know about survivors and the survivors gain a great deal of knowledge on first seeing something example: Claudette having a tool box, what tool box is it? what add ons are on it? now that's one example of the fact all a killer knows is the claudette may be going to do gens or they might sabo hooks. Now take trapper: Survivor sees a trap and it's very dark they know the killer now (trapper) and one of two add ons a tar bottle to make traps darker. what next? you watch the trapper set a trap at the shack window and then suddenly around the corner he sets a second trap without reloading, and following a short time he sets a third trap this narrows his other item to a stitched bag (purple) especially if he hadn't picked one up before or a yellow bag. so now all the survivors know everything about the trapper and he knows you have 2 tool boxes, a medkit and a map. not much information at all.
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You put something out on an open forum, I responded. Don't like it? Fine. You don't have to. I'm not bullying you, or trying to start trouble. I put forth what I felt was constructive feedback to your open discussion, and rather than respond to that, you focused only on my correcting your use of the word "we" since you do not in fact speak for everyone. So can we get back to the topic on hand?
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I will spell it out since you are having trouble or don't understand what DONT CONTACT ME AGAIN..........MEANS
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Nice necro. I'd moved on and forgot all about this and you until you responded to it again.
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People seem to forget... Killers have an average of 20 add-ons that they need to deal with and typically gain 2x or 4x the amount of bloodpoints that a survivor gets from the same match.
Survivors not only have 18 different Items, but they also have 55 different add-ons flooding their Bloodwebs; making it difficult to get the same add-ons they like on a consistent basis.