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Lore Dive: Ace Visconti

icemancat Member Posts: 150


I felt like looking into the backstory and lore on one of my favorite characters and my personal favorite survivor, Ace Visconti. I definitely believe that despite the small amount of backstory we were given, there is much more to Ace than we originally thought. So, I’m going to attempt to theorize all of the different things that have to deal with Ace to maybe shed some light on how he may be one of the most important characters to learning about the game’s lore and other characters as well.

REMINDER: In no way is all of the information confirmed. I’m just theorizing possible background that Ace could have been involved with. 

General Background:

From what we can gather about Ace from his brief paragraph of background, we know that Ace grew up in a low-class home in Argentina. Some time after growing up, we learn that Ace would begin gambling along with scamming, smooth-talking, and seducing different people to be able to achieve moving to the United States and become a high-roller in the casinos. As life was smooth sailing for Ace, he eventually lost a significant amount of money from gambling and never quite managed to get his lost money back. It then reached the point where Ace accumulated too many debts with a certain group of people who seem to have bad motives. When those people came to collect Ace’s debt, Ace was nowhere to be found.

From this background, there are a couple of key events that could have connections with other people and events in The Entity’s Realm. While there are some theories that I believe have a lot of potential, I feel the best one to review first would be the one most known to the community: The Mystery Behind Ace’s Ring

Ace’s Potential Marriage

Based off of Ace’s appearance, people have noticed that Ace is wearing a ring on his ring finger on his left hand. This caused people to question whether Ace was married prior to being captured by The Entity. Various speculation soon came to the devs attention when someone asked them “Why does Ace have a ring on his hand? Is he married?” (Thank you TheBretzel for providing this question on your post here To which the devs responded “He looks like a divorced kinda guy, not necessarily a married kinda guy, but who knows? Also, he's probably not that trustworthy. He's got a troubled past. Maybe the ring is just a chick magnet.” This kind of reinforced the idea that Ace could have been married, but there is still one more thing that I feel many people glanced over: The Unique Wedding Ring addon. This addon is described in game as “An engraved wedding ring that emerged from The Fog and resonates with an indescribable and incomprehensible energy.” While some people believe this to be the wedding ring of The Nurse, I believe that it could have been the spouse of Ace. Here’s why. 1. This addon can only be obtained by a survivor; not a killer. This addon is used on a key which is a survivor item that is used to open the hatch to escape the trial instantly (I’ll get back to the hatch and keys later). 2. The appearance of the ring has 3 perfectly cut diamonds. This kind of ring would probably be expensive. We know that Ace used to gamble a lot and managed to win a solid amount of cash back then. Therefore, he probably had the money to afford it at the time. 3. If you take a closer look at the ring, you can see 2 letters engraved in the ring, “S & J”. People may now say that the ring belonged to The Nurse, but what some may forget is that The Nurse’s husband’s name was Andrew. I believe this ring was either stolen by Ace or Ace is not his real name. After all, the developers from that stream did state that Ace was not a trustworthy person. However, I believe the next piece of evidence that this was the ring of Ace’s wife may be the most important. 4. If you were to only allow every single survivor to run solely their unique perks, Ace is the only survivor in the game to be able to naturally obtain a key with the wedding ring addon from a chest thanks to his unique perk, “Ace In The Hole”. Of course, this all sounds bizarre, but it’s not out of the question that it could be true. 

Now that this marriage theory is complete, it’s time to move on to the next one: Ace Potentially Escaping Death For The First Time.

Ace Escaping Death Part 1:

This segment will cover how I believe Ace could have ran into a potential killer that is now in The Entity’s Realms in his past. SPOILERS FROM TOME 1 OF ARCHIVES REVELATIONS. In The Archives, players are able to unlock an entry from The Observer about other potential survivors and killers within The Entity’s Realm. The killer in particular I’m talking about is the one from Arcus 1672. In Arcus 1672, there are various parts that could strongly connect to Ace’s character and backstory. I’ll start from the beginning.

 “…He stands framed in the doorway with flowers. A stupid smile on his dumb face.”

The only survivor we know who currently smiles is Ace. We also know that Ace used to seduce women back when he used to go to casinos. Perhaps the flowers are an attempt at seduction. Also, that “stupid smile” is what some people in the community could have commented on as well.

“Lonely soul made the trip for a wife. He thinks he'll get everything for a ring. Her land. Her farm. Her savings. Won't happen. Won't go as planned. Not as he planned, anyway.”

This could refer back to the ring theory with Ace potentially stealing the ring to give to this new woman. It is also stated that the man in the memory planned on acquiring her property and money, however, things didn’t go according to plan.

“It didn't for all the other lonely souls who answered her classified ad. She peers at his eyes and thrills at his ignorance.”

This reveals that this woman likely had several victims before this current person. Also, his “ignorance” could reveal that if this person truly is Ace, he is oblivious to what she has planned. 

“His long, dumb face. His false sense of superiority. He wrote her a poem. How sweet. She'll cram it down his throat when he's convulsing on the floor.”

Once again potentially referring to Ace’s smile and his lack of the current situation. Also, the poem could be another attempt of seduction on Ace’s part. Also, the second half of these sentences confirms this woman’s true intentions.

“She takes his poem and asks about his money. He has it with him. Packed his savings in a bag and made the journey for a new start.”

This is probably the biggest piece of evidence that the man could be Ace. This can be referring to Ace’s significant wealth from his past scams. However, the fact that this man has his savings packed and journeying for a new start perfectly mirrors Ace’s backstory with how Ace eventually moved to The United States; serving as a very significant and potential piece of evidence that Ace could have been involved with this killer. 

“He'll get more than he bargained for. Way more. To the bank with his money. To the pigs with him.”

This is implying that the worst has yet to come for this man. If this truly was Ace in this memory, then we still have yet to find out how he managed to escape from this person. However, maybe one of Ace’s perks can help us understand a possible clue for how Ace survived this encounter if this truly was him. 

“Paying attention is what kept me alive through the years. That, and my good looks of course.” -Ace Visconti “Ace In The Hole”

Although this is very vague, one possibility is that Ace could have finally opened his eyes and got hints that this person’s intentions were to kill him. Once he found that out, he would have made his escape. While we still don’t know about whether for sure the man was Ace, it is a solid possibility that it very well could have been him based off of the evidence that I reviewed.

After this encounter, Ace would have probably tried to forget that as well as he could. He most likely continued going to casinos to gamble, but may have lost a significant portion of his belongings during his escape from the killer from Arcus 1672. From Ace’s backstory, we learn that Ace does end up collecting too many debts from some shady people and eventually escapes another potential death for the second time, demonstrating just how lucky Ace really is. While this next segment of my theories may seem the most questionable, I still believe that Ace could still have a connection with this certain group of people. This group of people are the same people that David King worked for after saving his friend Donnie.

Ace Escaping Death Part 2:

SPOILERS FROM TOME II OF ARCHIVES MANCHESTER MASH-UP. From what the players are able to learn from David King’s backstory, we learn that when David goes to see his friend Donnie, Donnie has to pay off some money or else he will get killed. This is seen in Memory 343. 

Donnie owes money and can expect a bundle of lead in the face if he doesn't pay.”

This could potentially be a similar scenario that Ace could have been involved in. While we don’t know the specifics, these people that Donnie works for seem to be the kind of people similar to the people that Ace made bad deals with as we see in Ace’s backstory. However, there is more to cover in David King’s memories. In Memory 345, players can learn the following:

“His debt is paid if you work for me. He straightens up and brushes his jacket. Smiles. Always bet on King.”

This is a fair piece of evidence that this “debt” could have been a similar kind of debt to what Ace may have had to pay off. However, because Ace had no more money, he had to escape. Whether Ace escaped from that same group of people is unknown, but we do know that this may have been a possible encounter that Ace had to deal with. Also, it is possible that Ace was captured before David joined Uncle Brass’s group, therefore, the likelihood of David King knowing Ace before he got captured is slim. Although we know Ace escaped from whatever people came after him, it’s how he escaped in the first place is what makes this mystery so great.  This brings me to my last segment on the potential of Ace’s lore: Entering The Entity’s Realm.

Ace Getting Captured:

From what I can gather from Ace’s general background, nobody knew where Ace went after the people came to collect Ace’s debt. It almost sounds like Ace just vanishes from the world. Obviously, at this point in Ace’s life, the people coming for Ace could be prepared to kill him. This brings us to two possible ways that Ace could have been captured.

  1. Captured By The Entity: The Normal Method

This would be The Entity’s regular method. As we know, The Entity selects survivors based off of how much hope they have as seen from Benedict Baker’s journal Entry 17 “Perhaps it feeds off our hope as it seems to offer it to us before crushing it cruelly at the last second.” After reading more information about The Entity and how other survivors were captured, the criteria for if The Entity will capture the specific survivor generally comes down to these points:

  1. The survivor has a significant amount of hope. This is good for The Entity since it solely feeds off of the hope of survivors. 
  2. The survivor is lost. The best examples of this are the backstories from Dwight, Meg, Claudette, and Jake. All 4 of these survivors got lost in the woods, therefore, making them easy targets for The Entity to capture.
  3. The survivor is in a critical situation. Situations like these are likely to be scenarios where if it weren’t for The Entity capturing the survivor, they would have died instead. A good example of this is when Adam Francis blocked the impact from a door hitting a girl during the train crash so it would instead hit him. This impact could have killed Adam, so The Entity captured him and is now using him to feed off of the hope from him.

I believe that if Ace was captured by the entity, it would be under the circumstance that the people coming after him were going to kill him. Therefore, The Entity came in and saved Ace moments before his murder. While this seems like the more possible method of how Ace was captured, I feel as if there is a more interesting possibility of Ace getting captured.

    2. Tricked Into Entering The Hatch: The Complex, But Interesting Method

This would be a more complex method of capturing a survivor, however, it is a possibility. Here’s why. If Ace knew he was going to get killed, he would try to escape the people coming to kill him. It’s possible that Ace could have been thinking of a way to escape. Therefore, it’s possible that a certain servant to The Entity could have constructed a hatch in the basement of Ace’s home (obviously while Ace is away). A concept of what could have happened could be that the servant constructed the hatch and then hid it slightly under a carpet on the floor, while still noticeable so that Ace would see it. While Ace would be contemplating a plan of escape, he would notice the hatch. After noticing the hatch, he would see that it requires a key. This is where the unique wedding ring comes into play. It is possible that Ace would have been able to take the ring back from the woman who planned on killing him before escaping from her. Ace would then open the hatch and as he would enter, he would pull the carpet over the hatch, concealing his escape route. However, what Ace didn’t realize is that this hatch would lead to The Entity’s Realm where he would forget how he ended up getting in the realm in the first place and forever be trapped in the endless game of life and death that is Dead by Daylight.

Thanks For Reading!

If you made it this far in my lore dive, then massive props to you. I just figured that since Ace is my favorite survivor, I wanted to look further into detail with his lore. I can only imagine what Ace’s Memories in the archives will be like, but I can’t wait for that day to come! Of course, I know that this is all a big theory and that it’s not confirmed, but it was still fun to do. Let me know what you think about all of this! I’ll gladly take feedback! Once again, thank you to all who made it this far in this forum post. 

Take care,



  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    This is one of the best lore analyses I've seen in awhile, and I have to say I am with everything you say!

  • icemancat
    icemancat Member Posts: 150

    @PapiQuentin_ @CheersTC

    Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you guys liked it!

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    Some of these connections and conclusions seem like leaps. That said, I don't have anything to disprove your theories and I love them a ton, so I'm going to believe them until we learn otherwise.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Feel like the J in S & J would stand for Jack. Sounds like a fake name Ace would come up with, since it's the name of a card.

  • End_of_Slayer
    End_of_Slayer Member Posts: 146

    Good theory. Nothing currently is able to disprove anything you’ve suggested, and like Yung_Slug above states that Jack could be another name he used because of a card. Very doubtful that his real name would be Ace, but not impossible. Another theory you could have on there is that he didn’t escape the woman. Like you mentioned above, the Entity has taken people from when they’re about to die. And if the people he collected debt from couldn’t find him, he could’ve went missing by fleeing to a different country. (Since the theory of David and Donnie, the only possible way for them to meet is if they are in the same country before he moves to a new life.)

    Speaking of new life, if we are to believe his real name is Donnie and that he’s connected to King. What better way to throw off the people searching for you by changing your name. Maybe to something you know, like gambling? Aces are prominent in a lot of lucky plays for a gambler, so not far fetched that he changed his name to something based on luck. Besides me thinking that whomever was with the woman in arcus 1672 definitely didn’t make it out, I can see most of this theory

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    I just wanted to say Nurse was very poor, so she couldn't possibly have ring like that.

  • SevKwak
    SevKwak Member Posts: 10

    An instructive and interesting reading! I like Ace' character as well and I'm always eager to learn more about his back story.

    I haven't thought of Ace when I read the Arcus 1672 first, but it is a possibility. Although I imagine him younger, naive and certain of his seducing attraction - a stupid smile on his lips - as he came to that predatory woman. A first mistake, something that he imagined being love and fired back instead. The ring wouldn't be for that woman though.

    This experience served him a lesson and he get a little bit more humble which allows him to find someone else, someone really attached to him. The ring would be for this someone, he bought it with the money he owed to the wrong people, the money he should have used to pay his debts. This is the reason why he had to run, vanish from the radar of the group who came to collect their money.

    He kept the ring as a souvenir.