An honest question from a Killer main.

Ok so I'm a killer main. I just find it more fun. I main The Doc all the time. Always have loved him, even before his rework. But I've been experiencing a lot of hate recently. I'm a rank 13 so not terrible, but not rank 1. I've been getting messages lately calling me all sorts of stuff from a tunneler to just a POS. But idk if it's cuz of something I'm actually doing or if it's cuz I'm getting 3k/4k's every match.
So my question is, is this something every effective killer experiences or am I doing something wrong and I'm just not seeing it?
Depends on who you ask.
Killer mains will say no, survivors are salty and entitled.
Survivor mains (that's me) will assume if you are constantly 3 and 4king that you are playing like a sweat with little consideration for someone else's match experience.
Since you provided no feedback on your actual play style could be anything or nothing. Who knows.
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Since you asked I'll tell you my basic strategy.
Step 1: Find a gen that has been worked on a little. Overcharge and Static Blast to find near by survivor(s)
Step 2: Chase first survivor seen. Get a hit off, maybe a down if they sweat a loop really hard but rarely.
Step 3: Repeat steps 1&2 several times, getting hooks when and where I can.
Eventually people start dying on hook. Not tunneling and I never camp a hook but still getting accused when I find hurt survivors cuz of the madness effect Doc inflicts.
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No exact comment. It depends on how you played, how other survivors played in those matches. And the person who comments on this should be experienced a bit so he can decide whether it is a strategy. In my opinion there is a thin line between those things. It seems to me right to tunnel if survivors are salty. If it is neccessary still you may tunnel. It depends on the conditions, players that you played against. I can not directly say that tunneling is bad, salty or I can not claim that you are tunneler, bad killer. I did not play against you soo, I can not really write my ideas about you that I did not experience.
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Sounds fine to me. Probably just salty cuz doctor is frustrating (he has a lot of baseline abilities to deal with as a survivor) and his counter perk is not super useful in other matches so a lot of survivors don't run it. But no, it doesn't sound like it's you.
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Honestly imo doctor is one of the least fun killers to play against. I can't really articulate why, although part of it is that I face them so often. but anyways perhaps other people feel the same way.
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I’m a Rank 1 killer and survivor. I probably haven’t played against . If you’re not on PS4.
just because you are 3k or 4k it’s how you got your 3k/4k
If lots survivors are calling a tunneler constantly maybe you just don’t know it.
A Tunneler is going after the survivor who literally just got unhooked off hook and ignoring others who are literally in front of you.
If this is your playstyle here’s why. This is definitely not effective nor cool. It’s really frown on, but no one can stop you. if it’s your play style you do you, but you will continue to get hate messages.
Don’t get me wrong though there are survivors who will literally complain about nothing and be completely delusional and send hate just because they are egotistically boosted and feel entitled to win. I do experience this.
I’m not a fan of tunneling nor camping it’s not fun, but occasionally I get those survivors. I’ll play a game so fair and still win and the survivor with random scream tunneler or camper when it never happened.
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There are some people who will always message you, just the content of the message depends on how the game turned out. If you won, it's "you won only because you tunneled, camped, used a certain perk/offering/whatever, random insult". If you lost, it's "ez noob git gud learn to play hahahaha lmao".
And if people tell you to not tunnel because you should take the survivors' fun into account: Forget that stuff. The killer is not the survivors' fun provider and I don't see any survivors playing soft because they want to keep the killer's fun in mind.
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I chose The Doc before his rework cuz his difficulty said "Hard" and my stubborn self thought "Can't be that difficult, can it?" So I picked him up and never set him down cuz I had a shockingly good time lol
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He isn't my least fave, but I agree I don't find his matches very fun. Especially depending on the map. Its annoying to get inevitably downed because you can't vault or throw a palette. It's annoying to be constantly moving if you are revealed all the time. It's annoying to not even be able to heal without snapping out of it. He can waste a lot of your objective time while making quick work of chases in the right hands. Like I said, a lot to deal with, even before perks or add-ons.
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How can you stay at rank 13 with constant 3K or 4K when you don’t camp or tunnel?
I play doctor myself and around rank 12, I get pips left and right even with 1 or 2K (I only play Killer rarely and then comes rank reset so I don’t get really high). And apparently I am super lucky because I have never been accused from survivors of unfair/toxic behavior or anything.
But then I play survivor and the insults are coming, mostly from killers... and I never teabag/flashlight click or anything
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I'm not so much bothered by it as much as I am just tired of getting the messages. And I play fair but I like to win, so this thing where the killer let's the last survivor get the hatch, yeah nah. I'm gonna get the 4k if I can and if they get the hatch then best believe they worked for it.
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I'm rarely around my hooks when they get unhooked so if I find the guy that was previously on the hook it's almost always a coincidence. And I hit whoever is right in front of me if I find more than one, usually not paying attention to who I hit exactly, just whackin' and shockin' whoever I can
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Yes, don't listen to them, I have 2 things what I want to tell to you
1, The rank means nothing, only that you're spent a lot of time to the game, of course a rank 1 is better than rank 20 and you're see that too, but as you progress through the ranks, you will see people getting more salty, toxic. So that is your choice that you can bear them or not.
2, People can't say that like you're tunneling and camping, because the survivors need to fit to the killer's tactics, so just ignore them, they are sad because not they won.
Playing with the doctor is a lot of fun, I'm understand why you not tired of it haha
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I'm very casual, I play like once or twice a week. Maybe 3 games max. I got to rank 13 on Wednesday, haven't touched it since. And that's been maybe my third or fourth time playing since rank reset
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What a broad topic you are opening up here.
Dead By Daylight survivor play is seen as different things by different people. When you don't play Killer the way they expect you to, you'll receive negative feedback after the match. Generally, it's a bad notion to spoil the fun (Iridescent Heads on Huntress for example, or face camping) and try to give them a fun time. Other than that, who knows, man? I've literally had someone complain about me downing them with Bubba's chainsaw. "That weapon is cheating, using it makes you trash" kinda thing.
As far as tunneling goes, I feel the term is used too lightly. For example, if you are injured and are running away from me with another survivor who is fully healthy, then I'm gonna hit you, the injured person. It's just a better strategy than hitting the healthy guy who is gonna now have a speed boost and start looping me. That is not tunneling. Tunneling would be me getting you, hooking you, and then either camping you so you die or then chasing you down to the exclusion of all else for the sake of a mori or another hook.
But they'll complain about it no matter what you do. If you don't go and hook everyone at least once before hooking them again, they'll call it tunneling. Sigh.
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Nah fam. Tunneling is simple. If someone gets off hooked and you jet right back to the hook to down them, you tunneled. If you camped, you camped. You can camp, and then tunnel...if ur bad at camping. But a tunnel is what it is.
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Kills do not ensure you pipping up. Interactions with survivors and your efforts as a killer to slow them down weigh more than forcing a survivor to die. You can pip up with no one dying as long as you were hooking consistently and rotating your victims.
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Based on your description of your playstyle, it just seems like the Survivors are salty that they couldn’t escape or because they don’t like Doctor. Remember, the Killer is not there to make sure the Survivors have fun. If your playstyle is working for you (and obviously not utilizing any exploits/cheats), then keep it up.
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I'm not gonna lie, it is definitely a more logical strategy to hit an injured survivor over a healthy one. But for me it comes down to who is closer to me if/when I find a group of survivors. I'd be lying if I said I haven't taken the easier down but I rarely race back to a hook to try and rehook someone. So I think most of my messages pertain to people being mad that they lost. But it can't be helped so. It's whatever
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Nor vice versa by that logic. People need to treat others playing the game like people. There is a responsibility to have sportsmanship and not be a total dick.
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Where in my reply did I indicate I am rehooking someone quickly after jetting back over there? I use Mangled on many of my killers, so its quite common for me to see them still injured even after I've been over on the other side of the map tapping a genny.
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But can I say that this is still a game, a competition if you will, and there has to be a winner. Now in DBD the definition of "winner" means whatever it means to a particular party, be that survivors or killer. I'd say most killers though see anything less than a 3k as a lose. You don't have to be a dick to want to achieve your win but that doesn't mean others won't see you that way because your win is different than their win
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My best advice I can give to you, is to recommend you to keep playing casually, as you see fit. Don't feel pressured into playing a certain way, just focus on what makes the game fun for you and ignore the negativity.
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Never listen to survivors. You are a one man team and you can play however you want. If they are salty it's because they had a bad game and need to blame someone else for it.
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Then that's not really a tunnel. Your comment about chasing a healthy and injured survivor, you would hit the injured survivor, sounds like what typically happens after an off hook. Injured survivor runs. Healthy survivor tries to block. Killer still pursues injured survivor. That's the image I had in my head. 😂
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DBD itself pretty much defined what a win is for both sides in a match, and it does not include everyone living or everyone dying. I think there are some understood in life about what sportsmanship looks like...people should make an effort to ensure people have fun, especially if they have the upper hand. That doesn't mean they give up their win. It also doesn't mean the spit in their opponents face while they down either. I've let ppl in a match go or given the opportunity to heal and reset when I'm way ahead in a match just as I have let someone kill me or died to entity on purpose because I knew I'd pip and they had a rough time. It doesn't take a lot to just consider others and the fact that it's a game and games should be fun.