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Tiny UI and skill check circles on 2K & 4K Monitors

Zensunim Member Posts: 157

I'm linking my old bug report here:

The core matter is that the UI in 4K doesn't have scaling. Can you make it so the UI has a proper 2K and 4K sizes so I can play the game at 4K without issues?

Score/perk notifications are way too tiny, skill checks are tiny (and impossible vs. the Doctor), and it's generally unpleasant. I have to set my resolution to 1080p before launching the game every time I want to play DBD and it's really annoying.

I understand not properly support uncommon resolutions like UltraWide or multiple monitors, but 4K and 2K are pretty standard these days.

7 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated


  • Zensunim
    Zensunim Member Posts: 157

    Also for those people that say "Turn your Text Scaling up", if you do that, the resolution is no longer real 4K and you get mouse input issues as well.

  • Laneday
    Laneday Member Posts: 4

    I was playing with the same issue the whole time. My mouse clicks didnt work first few clicks. Since I'm using 1080p and changed to Fullscreen, its gone. 4K now on Fullscreen would cause these mega tiny Interface like in your pictures. I don't believe, that there is no way to scale them up again... Like in the Config or somewhere...

  • Zensunim
    Zensunim Member Posts: 157

    I couldn't believe it either. I asked the devs/CMs on their streams and they said that's just the way it's always been and other players say it's been like this since the beginning. This bug hasn't been acknowledged by the devs yet and it's about to be my 1 year anniversary of when I first made the video reporting this bug before (about mouse input issues), so I'm not holding my breath that it'll get fixed anytime soon. But then again I only got 2 votes.