Is this not OP?

Literally nothing we can do to escape when he can just kill us instantly, this shouldn't be a thing at all. 3 gens done and then he just kills us one by one, no one being hit once.
This Build is far from OP. It is really hard to get this to work, you have to (almost) fully stalk 4 people with both pink Add Ons. Sure, he can kill everyone then, but it takes a lot of time to do.
(And you can counter it by jumping into a Locker)
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You should feel pride that you were part of that mans Evil Incarnate attempt. But yea, go in a locker.
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Also they are both ultra rare add ons. You won't run into that often.
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I mean.... it takes a while to build all that stalk.
Unless your team was just feeding him. but that may be a player quality issue and not a balance issue.
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So after 3 gens are done in most games nobody has been hit at all usually?
He forgoes hitting and hooking to stalk, which takes way longer to gut EW3 with this build, to be able to catch you and insta kill you. Hes also slower with the addons.
So hide in a locker, dont let meyers stalk you, and stay away from him. Most games someone is hit at least ONCE by the time 3 gens are done.
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If you're good it should be hard enough for that Myers to get to EW II let alone EW III with the way higher Evil requirement. And, as people are saying, lockers stop him from doing a Mori with Tombstone addons.
It should also be noted that you gave that guy their Evil Incarnate achievement if they didn't have it already, so thanks for your service. No clue why they brought Remember Me and Blood Warden for an Evil Incarnate run but to each their own, I guess.
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@Aven_Fallen @Mattie_MayhemOG @hex_genrush that's true, we didn't realize that locker would stop it, but we didn't even know that this was a thing. Thanks for the advice
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@Lexilogo he wasn't going for the achievement as he proceeded to invite me to a party and said "you should've expected me to have this setup" so he was just running it to run it.
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If you fed michael you deserve to get tombstone. Sorry but using those two add ons guaranteed a loss for the player. You can jump into a locker and quickly do gens. He can only grab when he right on you.
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No offense, but if a Myers can get t3 with both pink addons that early into the match, the problem is the survivors, not the killer
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Two of his perks didnt even get any use that match. He had Blood Warden and Remember Me, meaning only his two other perks were being used.
The problem was of your own ability, not the enemy
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After 3 gens worth of him stalking and not hitting anyone? Yeah, you SHOULD have expected at the very LEAST the Fragrant Tuft of Hair.
I see at least 3 survivors who did very little in that game. At least 2 of those did practically nothing. 3k and 5k points? Also, why not show the ranks?
This is obviously a survivor skill/awareness issue. Did you just do gens while he was stalking you? Did anyone try to distract him? Were you even aware of when he was stalking you? Why did it take so long to only do 3 gens?
I've gone against this build several times, and in most of those matches the killer hasn't even hit EW3 until we're on the last gen, if then. Head on a swivel, block line of sight, distract while others do gens... this is pretty basic stuff.
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Ah yes, the Tombstone Build, get a 4k and Entity Displeased or your money back!
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I don't know how you only have 5k points, when it should've taken the entire game for him to get his T3, you must have been feeding him way too much. Can't call it op when you feed them like that. Also hop in a locker or vault something. They can't tombstone you when you're on the ground
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Its actually better to run Judiths Tombstone without the Tuft of Hair because you can usually at least kill 1-2 people with your first Tier 3. Tuft of Hair is really only useful if you are trying for the achievement and even then survivors will just jump in a locker to prevent you from getting it so its not worth it anymore. Its better to just use Tuft of Hair and Judiths Tombstone in their own builds.
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I have the feeling in this case OP means Overly Potato, referring to the survivors who clearly fed Myers.
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I don't know if anyone's mentioned this but the tombstone also gives Myers a speed debuff. It makes a big difference trust me. Loops become way more frustrating and frankly all a surv has to do is run straight most times and they will escape.
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For those saying that we just fed him, yes, he was just fed. We told him "don't let him stalk you." And they said "I don't care if he does."
As for ranks, I'm 7, there's a 9, a 11, and a 15.
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Are you memeing?this is far from op
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If that is the killer's plan from the start I'll dc before he ever gets a chance to mori me. And penalties on Xbox for that.
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Just FYI, not just lockers counter this build but also visual awerness. Using the pink tombstone addons causes change in Myers's hand position. It goes if I remeber corectly from closed fist facing inwards to open hand facing outwards. That way you can tell that he's using this pink instakill addon just by looking at him once.
I may not be fully precise so if you want to be 100% sure go check the wiki, I'm sure it's better explained there.
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Not over powered on the least. The time and patience it takes to get those add-ons to pay off is crazy. That Myers worked for it.
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Firstly you don't seem to understand how those add-ons work. Yes the Tombstone allows you to kill healthy survivors but it takes FOREVER for the killer to build up enough stalk from all survivors to do so aside from the fact they make him incredibly slow. The only way I could see him pulling this off is if you just let him. What were you doing teabagging him at a dropped pallet letting him build his power up? Further more ok you think it's op. There's a lot of dumb Op stuff on both killer and survivor side. Stuff happens it's a game. Move on.
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If the game is not done by the time he gets that,just take the L and move on.
Install lightshot, so we can get rid of 2005 pics ty :)
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Either weak bait or a main survivor that never played Myers once. I'm going with the first
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Stop crying
You guys were either too slow and most likely teabagging in front of him.
By the way the add ons require that he stalk all survivers fully.
Smh cry babys are starting to take over
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Hop into a locker if you know your about to die.
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i wish it was OP, i might actually try get that achievement, but due to DC`s ,the mount of time it takes to stalk rank 1`s vs how quick they do gens or just the fact the hatch spawns and the last person has a huge chance of finding it or can just sit on it while im killing the 3rd person and just escape as it opens straight away after a mori so.. very weak add-ons you just dont see many hooks
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Yes it is op. Especially if you're playing solo. This is why communication with other survivors is extremely important and needed. But yes to answer your question it is OP
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Maybe you just suck.
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It is alot hard to make it work and trust me as far as op goes Iridescent head hatchets is probably the most op of the bunch
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This build is op on killers that know how to run it. And there are killers that know how to run it.
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Them being ultra rare means almost nothing.
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Yeah, i hate all the people saying get in a locker, because this is the most bs achievement to get. The survivors can just say no, and then it's impossible to ever get the achievement. Also, it's hard enough to do anyways, and if you do pull it off, you get rewarded with a depip, a black pip if you're lucky. It takes such a long time that if the survivors know what they are doing, all 5 gens will pop before you get it
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Actually it does. Unless they pour points into that one killer, they won't have a stock pile of those add ons for long. I main trapper and I rarely have any bloody coils. That Michael was running 2 ultra rares which makes it even less likely to have a supply. Most killers don't use only one killer. It's often boring to play the same killer every single game.
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It's the rarest trophy I've earned on PS4 DBD (0.3% of players) and it was pretty damn hard to pull off even with old Ruin,.. Very circumstantial. Far from OP, in fact, Scratched Mirror Myers is probably worse.
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Hahaha, you make it sound like stalking as myers is hard lmao. The amount of reward you get from these adds ons compared to the risk is nothing. Stalking doesn't take that long and if you get lucky and they all spawn together you've effectively won as myers. Hiding in a locker?? That's the best counter you can come up with? That's not a counter that's choosing to either ######### or get stalked. I see why this tactic works as you simply deny his ability to stalk. Firstly, that's called toxic play. Second in the big picture. Your letting him kill you at that point. So either way you die and give him the edge.
Myers add ons need to be reworked. (the ult rares) his adds ons are insanely powerful while not changing anything bout how he plays, look at huntress and her hatches, she loses all but one but it can insta down you. High risk and reward as you need great aim to make it work. Trapper, the self setting traps is actually extremely versatile! As you can set and forget, keep a path blocked as it will reset constantly. But myers? Cool I can down people for days it's just a bit harder to get to that point? And insta mori? Again. I see no downside to that (can't remember if it increases stalk needed tier but if it does...) the extra stalk has a cap since there's only 4 of em, yeah I can see stalking All survivors to be a lil tough, you always get one slippery bugger. Yes in high tier games the survivors would be more aware but all you're doing is slowing it down to the point you should be able to escape by that point. In normal games, he will get to that point. Prob around mid game.
The stalking isn't hard, nobody on this earth can atest otherwise. To give away such a power ability so easily is op. It doesn't really require any skill to get to. Just luck and being a bit sneaky. And time is something he can buy himself, either by using perks to control gens and build that stalk or by being aggressive. My main issue is with the infinite t3, as waiting it out doesn't become an option. Looping is alot harder due to his longer lunge, overall. He ain't fun to fight.
Edit: the mori add on I care less about, mainly because outside of infinite t3 it's stupidly risky to do. As yes, you'll get a kill. But then getting the rest is alot harder since they're now hiding plus further stalking isn't gunna be easy. But the infinite t3 is what bothers me and needs changing. You can get it surprisingly quickly. You can prob get it by the time the second gen is done (depending on how quick the survicors are with them and how quick you find survivors. But I'd say 2 minutes is all you really need if you find them decently quickly.
Infinite t3 grinds the game to a halt, as standard tactics don't work anymore against t3. You have to actively deal with it, slowing the game for everyone, it's just NOED without the hex drawbacks or active condition (why some people take both of these I don't know, how lil faith do you have in yourself???)
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tombstone makes Myers much, much slower. that makes him a lot more loopable.
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As killer you literally get an ultra rare add on or a mori everyone bloodweb.
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No it's not op. This is actually very hard to pull off against survivors doing gens. I've tried it about 5 or 6 times and only once did I get all four. Most of the time I reach tier three all gens are done and I only come away with 1 or 2 kills.
The purple tombstone piece is actually myers strongest add on. Simply because you can level it up quickly and the first survivor will almost never suspect you have it giving myers an easy quick kill. But after you use it once all survivor will know you have it and jump into lockers next time you reach tier 3. But having one survivor out of the game quickly already helps tremendously.
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Why do you need so many words, just to show that you have no idea how this game works and why the Achievement for this build is one of the hardest to get?
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These future comments about it "Not being OP", thank you, I realized that from the first 5 messages. My god.
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One of my worst mistakes was feeding a myers by commiting to a gen. I thought i was blocked from his stalk and the gen was 95%. I popped the gen and he got tier 3. Thought trading a hook for a gen was a good idea. Got hooked and waited for tier 3 to go away. And waited. And waited. It never did. He didn't have the insta kill but permanent tier 3 when only 1 gen is done is pretty much the same.
I never underestimate myers anymore.
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I can assure you that Tombstone Myers (both ultra rare) is not OP. It may be stronger on lower ranks with more inexperienced players, since they do not know how to prevent Myers to stalk them properly. But the higher you get in ranks, the more ineffective it becomes: You are really slow, even in EWII (~105% (normally 115%) speed without PWYF) and need a lot of time to stalk. Most times all the gens will be done, before EWIII is triggered. And even then, you can try to dodge his Mori by hopping into a locker, repairing a Gen or vaulting.
And most times the Killer will depip if he does this, because he has hardly time for hooking people.
Just be proud that you were part of his Evil Incarnate Achievement. I needed 6 attempts to get it btw :)
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How in the hell did you guys let him stalk you that much? Between the world's longest stalk requirement and his lower movement speed how did you guys allow this to happen. I'd argue you guys caused your loss more than he did.
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No, it isnt OP. That takes effort to build up. Don't attempt to start a survivor wildfire and get another viable build nerfed into the ground.
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They have been taking over since they started crying about Legion.
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I am glad I play on PS4, because that limits the ability of someone DCing because they dont know how to play against a build.
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Not op