''VPN and mobile data abuse''

I was playing recently and I stumbled upon killers who use this ''techniques'' to create latency to get dedicated' hits on survivors and devs still have no comments on this situation. -Your Thoughts on this? Do you think they need to make killers have 100 ping max to be able to play? and the old region matchmaking sorting? This will lead to longer queues but at least you are not leaving the match frustrated by how it went...
yeah it's quite bs
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They should just let survivors see the killer's ping to fix this but they probably won't because queue times are already bad enough.
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I mean, its so rare its a non issue
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The game was fine the way it was, the killer could lagswitch midgame and it only happened once every 20 matches but what they do now out of ruin nerf frustrationg they just lagswitch and you go back to the old times but in ''most of the matches''.
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Where are you from? cause I'm not so lucky my statistics to be fair 60% playable and 40% partial lag
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Apart from that, it goes preeetty far to experience some lag and claim the killer is abusing VPN or Mobile Data...
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I'm from EU too but I played on data 1 match when I lost my internet connection and I had the same bs hits like i fail but 1 second later its registred as a hit. In my case I have limited data but some people have unlimited and they can abuse the system like some bubbas in the fog.
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for me those type of players should be banned just like they did ban lagwitchers before servers
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Well you should check out the devstreams before accusing people of doing something to cause lag on purpose.
This has everything to do with the dedicated servers, the devs dedicated an entire devstream about this issue and are working on a fix for it, know that if you got hit, you got hit, you simply did not see how far the killer actually was from you due to lag and hte server favors the killer for hit registering.
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I've watched the stream but they were just justyfing this servers (this was before VPN boom and data player) this is pretty much recent maybe a week or so. The thing they offer to predict survivor movement how is that suppoused to work? you either go left or right it's up to you to chose not let computer fake movements plus this wont fix hits through windows where you get stuck for a lifetime vaulting a window and then you are also teleported back. There's times i'm getting hit with spinechill and resilience because freddy's arm is the size of a continent...
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You can clearly tell when someone is using a VPN (or they have terrible internet) though. It's not just regular dedicated server hits. You can drop a pallet on their face and get hit like 3 seconds later, you can get hit from several meters away, sometimes without even seeing the killer. Going against killers like this used to be an instant dc for me since there is no reason to play and it is common enough to be a problem in my opinion.
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I can tell too, but since you acknowledge this midgame it's kinda pointless and if you dc we all know what happens...
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They won't. The trend the devs are following is to increasingly hide in-game information. Ping to killer is gone. Ranks are gone in the lobby and soon in the tally screen. MMR will be hidden, if it will be real at all. They'll probably hide survivors' names and profiles as well.
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mobile data doesn't make any difference, just worse internet, which is bad for the internet.
I can understand VPN to get green ping when they shouldn't have it bu, mobile data??? absolutely no, that is just worse for the killer
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Check this out I have no words...
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okay im just saying i have two internet sources. my main unlimited internet that has a router and my mobile hotspot.
my router makes games unplayable and im so happy my phone service finally offered a 10gb hotspot with my package.
my router has a normal ping of around 1000 while my hotspot is close to 100.
i know most people have pings around 30/40 but no one else offers internet here. my hotspot makes games playable. and i almost never get bs window hits. in fact sometimes i swear my attack should hit but it doesnt. its really noticeable as huntress. when i throw a hatchet but it gets eaten by a window/pallet.
maybe its a switch thing but its extremely easy to just dodge hits by moving slightly left or right. and while you can be hit during the vault its rare to actually be hit through a window. infact i personally have never had it happen.
as survivor i dont really notice tbh but as killer the most recent example of maybe a bs hit was i was hag and i lunged at someone and as the animation was almost done it registered a hit. im assuming it was just the very tip of the hitbox but im not really sure.
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kinda followup like yesterday i forgot to switch to my hotspot and i literally had to just exit the game since teleporting around randomly isnt helpful for killer LOL
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While no action should be taken as BHVR haven't made a statement about it, this kind of behaviour should be punished in my opinion. You're purposely making the gameplay experience for survivors reallllllly bad, no matter the excuse of "experimenting other regions."
Strange how they're also coincidentally "testing" other regions with a killer known to already be pretty BS due to latency.
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Bruh Coconut? he is a really good ######### huntress,but he shouldn't be using VPN-s to test anything. Luckily devs I think said they are gonna make it so the servers decide whether the hit connects or not instead of the killer,not sure bout that tho.