Game is beyond stale for killers



  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    "DONT WORRY ABOUT RANK" -- maybe I don't like seeing "Entity Displeased" every game when I try experimenting"

    ermmm yeah, and at lower ranks you have PLENTY of room to experiment and do well....

  • LaBPedro
    LaBPedro Member Posts: 22

    I actually hate the game so much as killer.....rank 12, and consistently against rank 1 and 2 every game. Consistently 4 escape, consistently tbagging at the gate and wait for you to approach so they sprint burst out the exit gate. FFS, if the gates open, leave. You've sprinted through the gens as fast as you can, so why fart about now the game is done.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    It is gonna get even worse then that ! It is really problematic because the way some killers are designed does not fit new maps or new perks. Then they make these super strong reworks which is great but some killers are not like them but they can't change the perks or the gen time because those other strong killers I mentioned exist and they are strong with these gen times and current maps. And this inconsistency in design is what cause all that. Look at the new killer. In general hes cool but give him a big map and he can't do much. Now the devs can't rework all the big maps because of him and they can't increase the gen times cause Billy, New Doc, Freddy, Spirit exist and also small maps exist. I think they have to apply some "help" just to certain killers on ceretain maps to help them get going but it so hard to tell what help exactly

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Its the same in other multiplayer games isn't it. Every game has a meta.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828
    edited April 2020

    the difference is meta in another game is used because it's efficient (but other viable options exist), meta in this game is the only option you have unless you want to have a consistently bad time

  • j_mebih
    j_mebih Member Posts: 2

    You guys say it’s stale but I’m a 50/50 and Killers are way too OP can’t even get ######### done most of the time because everyone camps and/or tunnels all game maybe if all you purple ranks and up would stop camping and tunneling you’d have fun games. I play killer a lot too survivors aren’t even that bad, in red ranks maybe but other than that stop complaining y’all are so OP and always in power it’s irritating that y’all say it’s stale when survivors are literally stressed because all the OP people making the game more bs than it already is.

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478

    This game would be a lot better if everyone sweat a lil less. It's supposed to be a fun hide and seek game that niether side should win on a constant basis. But it's turned into people saying I have to do my job. Not a job, it's a game. Each side is constantly trying to make the others game miserable as possible.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Compared to killer at high ranks, it really is!

    Unless you have sprint burst, then it's a run in the park!

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I feel you here. It is constantly the same builds, same few killers, same basic strategies.

    I keep asking on these forums and very few killers have responded. But could we accept less kills if we could still pip by winning chases, getting hooks and protecting gennys?

    It may allow us to try different killers and builds and not feel bad by depipping.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    There's usually one person that spits this drivel. No one asked or mentioned getting a 4k every game. OP literally just wants to be able to try new things and not get basically punished for it. Should we be annoyed that survivors want to escape every match? And ruin isn't a crutch. It's a tool to slow down gens so that we don't get smacked with three gens popping in less than a minute.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Dropping rank might not even help at this point. You can get red survivors at any rank now. I was getting them at rank 18. Also have seen red killers go against a team of low ranks and greens on occasion,so idk. It's really rare to see a match with everyone the same rank, anymore.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    "I dont like seeing entity displeased when I experiment"

    That's where I lost legitimacy of your post.

    A made up entity in a video game is regulating your fun because you didnt appease the made up video game god? FOH.

    Play it and enjoy it or dont, but dont use "I feel bad displeasing my master" ######### as an excuse for you not having fun or not doing well with fun builds.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I understand where you're coming from, but you having disabilities means you know you have limits. You know what you can and cant do, and can choose what to partake in. I'm not trying to belittle or argue the fact you have disabilities, just trying to explain it in another light.

    Let's say someone has physical disabilities preventing them from running/jumping at 100%. Now, say they REALLY enjoy playing basketball, and are a pretty good shot. They know that even though they enjoy it, and may be half decent, that the hand they were dealt means they likely will only ever reach a certain peak of skill/career with that. They know they cant be a professional NBA player, but it doesnt ruin their love of the game. And it sucks, and is horrible that someone cant do what they enjoy to the fullest, but we cant drop the bar or change the core of something that requires skill to assist those who arent able to fully participate as intended.

    It still comes down to the rough "git gud". And yes, that can only go so far when outside factors are at play, in specific situations. But when the talk is about the overall balance, skill cap, potential, mechanics, etc, using outliers such as disabilities and internet issues, or any other variable in the discussion of "the problem was you didnt play optimally" doesn't really help the conversation.

    Now if we were talking about how to make the game more accommodating to the disabled, that would be something else altogether.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828
    edited April 2020

    or maybe.. because it literally means "you lose"

    you see what you want to see

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Just gonna add here if anyone's feeling frustrated, Project resistance literally dropped this morning..