Didn't remember survivor being so unfun

So recently I restarted playing survivor a lot, and man, is it frustrating. Take a look at this.
This happens every single match. Green ping? Doesn't matter, you're still getting hit after you've vaulted the window. I'm a killer main and haven't changed my mind about the fact that survivors are too strong, but this goes beyond balance. I thought dedicated servers were supposed to improve the game, not break it.
Edit: this video is not mine. Please go check out the youtuber who's behind it, he's a small channel which deserves more recognition!
Im happy to see your only problem is technical issues, im currently disgusted by killer player behavior.
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I don't mind that, as I know what it means to play killer at red ranks myself.
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It's not hitboxes, it's not your connections, nor the killers.
It's their servers.
Predator just released their demo, and while I was playing it I noticed their servers were amazing.
It was a demo, and their servers were much better than this.
We haven't received any updates on their end. We haven't been told their working on the servers, on the lag, ping, anything.
Complete silence.
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Thanks for the information. I read somewhere that Behaviour relies on Amazon-provided servers, is it correct?
Also, I've watched Monto's gameplay of predator, and it looks pretty cool. Might give it a shot when it comes out.
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ok 1. that video was so funny honestly and 2. thats the killers ping not the survivors ping so until they actually get dedicated servers like working correctly this will probably be a thing. In the meantime though i guess just play killer idk there is no just insta fix to this your gonna have to wait
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Waiting until Behaviour actually fixes it? That might take a while. 😂
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Your video is honestly extremely hilarious.
It's worse than mine (in terms of lag and server ping).
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Just to clarify, it's not mine. I just thought of it as a perfect example to prove my point. Go check the youtuber out, he's good!
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sad but true
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It's all good.
There's also an animation issue with the game.
Almost every time you vault, you get pulled back in "neutral stance" and you have to begin your run animation again.
I don't understand why this hasn't been addressed either.
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Playing killer at red ranks doesn't mean you have to facecamp, tunnel and mori spam a survivor for doing their job. Because that's all me and I'm pretty sure @ZoneDymo have faced as survivor
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I watched this video before in the discord yeah, this thing of dedicated servers have been a problem since the priority is still better for the killer, and now there is a problem worse than lagswitch, using vpn.
they basically can be from the other side of the world, use a vpn from there, and the game thinks the player has green ping so there is no penalty for the killer and you can get hit 5 milles away smoothly
Post edited by Angelicus23 on2 -
Mori spam is pretty hilarious, unless it's used to prolong the game. Facecamping is technically not possible anymore, and tunnelling, whilst not fun, is sometimes necessary.
But that's a different topic.
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Damn, that sucks. Thanks for the information.
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They are working on a lag switch for the game, to try to adress this problem. Given its not a shooting game, their base to work is kind new on what to do, as explained by them in the Q&A.
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For similair reasons I find Killer just way more unfun, as survivor you lead where the chase goes, you look for the pallets etc, as killer you just go after them and think "yay a pallet, break, yay this Twall guess I have to left around, a window, a pallet, where are we going next? the cowtree yay...and now what? oh an infinite, ok, other survivor"
its just so..... repetative and cheap feeling idk.
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That more looks like a problem on your end, cause the distances are far too much to be the servers/latency stuff.
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Agree. And they are still "testing" and "looking to data", meanwhile on pc the servers are on like 6 months and on ps4 2 months i think? And it doesn't get better.
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When the dedicated servers on PS4 released it was amazing. Everything felt like it should have. But then a week or so later it started to degrade and now you have what we have now. But I have a question. Every other game that I play has maintenance. Why is DbD the only game that doesnt shut down for a bit for a reboot? I think it is much needed.
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Speaking of tunnelling, I wanted to share a little story about it:
Straight up I went into a survivor game yesterday and this Oni tunnelled to me to death, LITERALLY. So I spectated and he did the same to the other 3 survivors but he just picked on me first to tunnel for no reason. I didn't even loop or t-bag him anywhere; every time I was unhooked he would always come for me, and my braindead survivors unhooked me right in front of him without borrowed time.
I know tunnelling and camping have been labelled as strategies but honestly tunnelling just ruins the fun of the game, especially when you wasn't even toxic to the killer.
EDIT: Normally I would accept tunnelling and facecamping if I was extremely hard on the killer (looping him for a long time etc) but I didn't even get a chance to be chased, 2nd time I was unhooked all the pallets around me had been waisted.
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Going after the unhooked, camping, making gens fast, going for OP loops, etc, all those are strategies from killers and survivors, not toxic behaviour.
Tbag, hook hitting, nodding, pointing, clicking flashlight, etc, those are toxic behaviours.
Toxic is everything that is intended to humiliate the other role. Harsh gameplay is just a player doing the best he can.
Everytime im unhooked im ready to be chased by the killer, and i hope so. "Gentleness" is not a good thing, and usually is payd with toxicity by survivors. You can never tell whomever will tbag at the gate, despite not tbagging during the match.
My kindness is usually let the last escape thru hatch.
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Thank you for explaining that.
A lot of people perceive the word 'toxic' in different ways, whether it's a wrong or right reason. I don't really know what's considered toxic behaviour at this point when it comes to DBD.
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Yeah, i got it. Thats why i rather use "making gens fast" instead of "gen rush". Or "going after the unhooked" instead of "tunneling" (cause the real tunnel is to go straight after one survivor the hole match and ignore all others). But ppl use to think very differently around here.
Have a good day, btw. :D
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"Facecamping is technically not possible anymore"
Yes it is, BT counters camping but facecamping counters BT as the survivor wont be able to unhook safely
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The old face camp made it impossible to even un-hooked them, if the killer stood right in front. That doesn't apply anymore, so there IS no face camping to death when you can still get un-hooked. Also makes no sense how BT works on a friggin chainsaw, but that's another discussion...
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Further proof the devs would rather roll out unfinished, broken, "improvements" than finish working on something before releasing it. Dedicated servers sounds like it shouldve made the game better. But it hasnt. There is now a constant feeling of bugginess and glitchyness playing dbd on either side. Truly sad.
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BT gives the survivor the endurance status effect.
Endurance means the next hit into dying state (no matter what it is) is ignored
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First off thank you for the lols. That video is priceless. Wish it was Ozzyman commentating. Second the whole lag issues are always the killers fault so in a way they do have all the power in a match.
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Thank you.
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The Freddy lunge into dc was the most relatable thing I've seen all week
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Getting hit over a window like that is probably the most frustrating thing in this game. As a side note, this is exactly why I don't use Lithe because it gets wasted like this 9/10 times.
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Take years lol
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Relatable, I always use lithe and I can feel my excitement when I'm about to escape turn into disappointment because I got hit at an unusual angle through the window. I feel you man.
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*Dead hards perfectly*
Downed. With exhaustion.
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This game is great!!!
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As a survivor, this infuriates me to no end. So many times have I vaulted over and took 3 steps, only to have the killer record a successful hit. I wish the devs would hold back on nerfs and patch this up instead.