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Anyone else find the game extremely unsatisfying lately?

Member Posts: 7,779

I can escape, die, 4k, 0k - It's all pretty boring and uninspired, at the moment.

I think I'm just tired of the gameplay loop - Nothing ever really changes.

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  • Member Posts: 4,188

    My friends came up with a new gamemode: Hide and Seek, and this really shifted how the game operated. It made a new experience, and make survivors afraid. It was great to play as both sides (although some maps are bad for it. Looking at Yamaoka).

    The point is, when messing around, this game can be real fun. Problem is the game forces you to not mess around.

  • Member Posts: 16,670

    I have not seen much difference since the Ruin-Nerf. In fact, for me it is a little bit more annoying, since I had no problems with Great Skill Checks, but have now problems with leaving a Gen. But overall, the consequences of the Ruin-Nerf are smaller than many people expected.

    And hey, Survivors are now losing their Add Ons when escaping. And this was purely to give something to the Killers, there was no logical thought put into it. So far about "biased".


    I like the game, but at the moment, I mostly play in the evening with a friend. And this is more socializing than actually playing. In fact, there are two things bothering me with the latest Chapter:

    The Add On Change, because now escaping is even less worth for me. I dont care if I escape or not, but now its just not rewarding, in my opinion.

    And Breakable Walls. When I read about it, I was really interested in the implementation, I thought it could give a strategic aspect to the game. But nope, the implementation is poor, I just hate the Saloon Map when playing Killer and Survivor. As Survivor, the Killer can make mindgameable Structures worthless to use and as Killer I have to break certain walls to have a chance.

    And I feel when the Breakable Walls are implemented into other Maps, I might play less, because it is just a bandaid, but really, really poorly designed.

    What gets me most excited are the Archives (really looking forward to Tome 3) and new Killers, but I hope they will slow down on new releases and start working on the game and dedicate ressources to it so that they only release new Content every 6 months and use the free timeframes for Balance and technical Stuff (mainly Dedicated Servers).

  • Member Posts: 1,640

    Hell even the survivor animations

    They literally have -male survivor -female survivor just recently did they start making animations for the lobby when holding items

  • Member Posts: 476

    I been having no fun. Been trying to play a bit since I'm home with a broken foot and the virus is spreading like wildfire throughout the country. 1.5x bloodpoint event seems pretty sweet. Coming back from a long break. Usually that gets me really interested in the game again. But it isn't. I play like 2-3 games a day before I'm burnt out. I've been doing well. Winning most games as killer and that's somewhat satisfying. But every once in awhile you get into a game with survivors that all have 5k hours played and it's the most unenjoyable experience ever.

    Would be nice if you still lost rank at reset. You'd think after taking a couple months off you wouldn't come back and have to play the most unenjoyable games ever. I don't even care about SWF anymore. I just can't believe the amount of players that have that many hours played. They've got the game down to a science. Really don't understand how they enjoy it still. But it's kinda annoying.

  • Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2020

    I feel like i'm starting to get there.

    The only incentive I have to play killer is for more Bloodpoints. If I had everything unlocked on every character, then i'd be playing Survivor a ton more.

    Killer nowadays, in almost every game, you have to sweat your ass off and can't have a 'lax game at red ranks. I'd probably say 1 in every 3 games I get at least a 3 Man SWF in my lobby and it's not fun to go against at all. I had a game today where I was playing Doc and went up against a full 4 Man SWF ( - all of which were Rank 1 and I couldn't even get the right angle to stop them going through the god loop. And then of course you have Solo Survivor, where a lot of the time you're matched with bad teammates. Maybe 1 in every 10 games do I actually get a decent team.

    I don't even look forward to new chapters they bring out anymore, because along with it comes mostly mediocre perks, and a mediocre killer, and as we've seen with Gearhead, that had potential but then decided to nerf it. So what's to look forward to with this game anymore? Every patch they bring out I always assume they're going to nerf something killer-related, because that's usually what happens. I think it's genuinely time they start work on some new gamemodes.

  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited April 2020

    This is how I'm starting to feel.

    I've only been playing a month but already it's getting into a ho-hum boring repetition where either I run into a SWAT Team who run circles around me using every exploit in the book (this team I just played was four people with flashlights, looped every chase, and had the gens done in mere minutes and of course, they're a bunch of ######### about it with the clicking of the flashlights and teabagging at the end game) or I absolutely dominate the team because I'm playing against four toddlers who somehow managed to get the game running.

    There just isn't a lot of "Wow, what a great game" and the infrequency of those are really making the shine wear off of this game. I have enough Auric Cell thingys to get the next rift without having to pay but it very well could be my last one if I or this game doesn't figure out how to respark competition.

    EDIT: Two months I guess now that I look. I joined this forum about a week after I started playing, which was Feb 8th

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    They literally aren't biased whatsoever but alrighty. People love to forget the good things they do and only remember the bad things they do.

  • Member Posts: 617

    Lol, apparently I change the word "is" to "are" and my post now requires review.


  • Member Posts: 34

    Honestly, that would make playing the PTB so much more worth it. Play testing possible mechanics to come would be amazing. Id love to see all the Killer changes they could test out. We need to ask them about this.

  • Member Posts: 617

    The best part is, all their attempts to attract new players are going to completely backfire as long as they keep allowing fully loaded rank 1 (or ex) 2k+ hour players into some guy's third game. It happens a lot, and most folks are going to put with that exactly once.

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    Few more weeks fellas...

  • Member Posts: 536

    Its gun illfonic and that was very very clear from the trial weekend. Fun nostalgia, not gonna be a competitor.

  • Member Posts: 512

    Yep. That's why I switched to Town of Salem and animal Crossing. Sad to say a ######### browser game has more fear and emotion than a survival game.

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    Riiight. I played over 50 matches and didn't get bored once, but okay. I play 4 games of dbd and I'm ready to uninstall it. And gun and illfonic have done better than behavior. Don't forget, f13 wasn't there fault, it got caught in lawsuit hell. They actually make improvements to there game and BALANCE it, rather then just focusing on cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 180

    You can't be serious? The devs have literally said in the past that they prioritize survivor issues over killer, and if we don't like it we shkuld either play survivor or play a different game.

    And if that isn't enough? Have a read of this.

  • Member Posts: 2,246
    edited April 2020


    balance aside, lets have a look at bugfixes!

    DS didn't work against doctor, everything stop and fix that ######### immediately! (how long was it in the game a day?) Basement bug, drop everything fixed within a day or two?

    Sound is broken since when for killers? Nurse has game breaking bugs since rework, one got fixed ( one that affected survivors), stuff people had to pay for is not working like myer's / gf's stalk.

    Clown bugged? LUL who gives a #########.

    Wake up bug and gamebreaking oh yeah we fix it with the next patch, meanwhile if you dare to use the 2 legion addons you will be banned.

    To me this looks biased because it is biased.

    Reality is there are never as many people playing nurse, myers, gf or clown who are affected by these bugs when everybody who is playing survivor is affected by the bugs. So yeah their stuff gets fixed it just would be nice to see them actually repair something else too. This is the devs digging their own grave, you know the amount of dlc they push out and breaking other stuff along with it.

    The amount of bugs/broken stuff just keeps piling on, same as with triage you have to set priorities, probably via the amount of people playing x and being affected by it. Nothing to be angry about it is just business, i can not even blame them for not caring about it because I do not know. Yet they have to see that it surely does look like it.

  • Member Posts: 550

    It's really unsatisfying 90% of the time, but the 10% where it's fun is 100% worth it.

  • Member Posts: 49

    Yuppers. I just sit and stare at the ready button trying to think of reasons to play. I recently got the covid-19 bundle from humble bundle and slowly working through those games.

    Maybe I’ll start playing again when the next killer is released.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    Thank you for posting the update which includes Doctor, who is now an A tier killer. Heaven forbid they word it badly. If they were biased they wouldn't have made Doctor into an A tier killer.

  • Member Posts: 536

    I mean it was new and exciting of course you weren't bored yet lol

    if you think f13 was fine pre lawsuit you simply aren't well informed lol they had to bring in a new third party dev team to get the game to the state it's in. It was a buggy monstrosity with obvious glaring flaws its whole life.

    Predator copied many of these flaws whole cloth lol

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    You just compared a hostage bug in the Legion mending bud to a bug that increases speed of actions. Big difference. Also, why do you mention the basement bug as if it proves something? It forced you to literally DC. It was gamebreaking. They already stated that sounds are very touchy and break easily. I'm pretty sure it was improved in this recent patch because I can hear the sounds pretty good right now. The only sound issue I notice is that sometimes gens aren't quieter from above or below.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    They've been heavily improving the game for killers since 2018.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Cool, the rest is fine then? Take a look for how long they are in the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,303
  • Member Posts: 632

    because the game is imbalanced and nothing is consistent? oh youre a good killer? dont worry youll either go against bad players that rage quit and all die with 4 or more gens left or you will go against a full meta team that do gens and no matter how fast you down you probably arent gonna stop any of the gens... oh youre a good survivor? dont worry we will stick you on a team where no one does objectives and you will be forced to do 3+gens solo while people hook farm, youll also get the least points and someone will hide till you die for hatch or if youre lucky youll get a team that do gens, they wont be perfect but they can hold the action button and the game will be over in a breeze...

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2020

    You're here trying to make an argument about bias when they're banning and fixing bugs that make the game unplayable. There's a huge difference. Also there are plenty of survivor bugs still in the game that haven't been fixed in awhile. They're biased to no side, regardless of what you think. Like I said, people strongly hold onto only the negatives, never the positives. If they were biased killers would be all C tier or worse.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Yeah you try to defend bugfixing with gameplay balance that makes alot of sense.

    Tell me which bug is as gamebreaking as not being able to use your power as killer on the survivor side. These bugs are in the game for a very long time right now but go ahead. Refrain from using gamebalance to argue anything ty.

  • Member Posts: 583
    edited April 2020

    So many companies advertise their PBE as a testing grounds, but seldom actually make use of it.

    And even though they advertise it as such, people don't take it seriously, and instead use it as their "I have everything unlocked" account, sometimes taking it more seriously than their main account. But devs don't make the two servers different enough, instead opting to make tiny tiny changes here and there while keeping the game pretty much the same. Which shouldn't be the case at all. Even when there's nothing to test, they should be advertising the pbe as an experimental mess, that only people who won't play seriously and who will actively seek to break maps, break character builds, etc.

    That way they don't end up splitting their playerbase with a "main" server and a "slightly ahead of schedule" server

  • Member Posts: 998

    Have you read that dev update about the doc? Sure, the changes turned out alright but look at the wording.

    Changing ruin didn't change much for many games but reasoning behind it just sounds stupid. It was used a lot... and no perks from survivors are appearing in many high ranking games? Really?

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    They were on a decent track for a little while there (mostly because they hadn't screwed anything up big time), then they took a complete 180 and nerfed Ruin.

    At that point, there was no doubt left. The devs revealed themselves to be out of touch and biased.

  • Member Posts: 578

    I play just about every day, but only do like 4 matches (I play survivor at night mostly, so I wait up to 15-20 mins for matches). It's not as fun as it used to be though, they really screwed up the matchmaking process. Along with terrible killers purposely deranking to get victories against lower ranked survivors, it might just be a matter of time before the number of players decrease.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    This. Especially when stupid annoying features like auto aim (which hinders more than helps) still exist.

  • Member Posts: 742
    edited April 2020

    With my 3.5K hours I think I'm quite done with this game now, haven't even played for weeks. Tbh im not really proud of that amount of hours, should have already stopped at 2k at least. This game just became the most repetitive and frustrating mess ever and the core game hasn't changed since 4 years, no new games modes, nothing. The high amount of toxic people, hypocrites and whiners in this community is just annoying and literally kills the mood completely. In the end the players are the real problem which is just sad. There are many other and much better games out there that really deserve to be played and actually keep providing fun.

    Post edited by megdonalds on
  • Member Posts: 1,117

    "Yeah you try to defend bugfixing with gameplay balance that makes alot of sense."

    Gameplay balance would literally be a factor if the devs actually were biased, so yes, I will use it as an example as to why they aren't biased.

    Here's a fun bug for you on the survivor side. Not being able to do anything at all! This bug has been around for quite a while. You can't vault, can't do a generator, can't drop pallets, nothing. That's pretty game breaking.

    And like I said, if they were biased, game play balance would be directly impacted because of said bias. So it definitely can and should be used.

  • Member Posts: 93

    I don't mind the repetitive gameplay but maybe that's because I'm not a veteran player. What makes the game awful is SWF and gen speed.

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited April 2020

    I'm not sure what I feel, the matches have not been tense, fun, or really even fair one way or another.

    Either I roll or I get rolled.

    And neither of those are fun in particular. 0 back and forth.

    But that's not new really. That's how I have felt for a couple months now.

  • Member Posts: 806

    The players (new and old) have been coming in hot lately more than ever, despite the game having the same mechanics basically from launch.

    I am going to compare it to a few games and don't be alarmed, it's obviously not gameplay wise: It's kind of like Left 4 Dead where the maps and survivors are same, but people still play that. Sure, there's all the extra modes like Realism and whatnot, and also the Steam Workshop to make stuff look super goofy, but DBD got cosmetics for that. Another example of a game that's totally not related to DBD but has had the same mechanic for years is Overwatch. Team and hero based shooter with different heroes and a couple of modes to mix and match up the gameplay. But the goal is all the same: eliminate the enemy team. Dead by Daylight is a survival game with survivors and a decent amount of killers and perks to mix up the gameplay. The goal is the same: As a survivor, you have to escape. As a killer, you have to kill everyone. I will agree to this though: After a long while (im talking years) of playing (which includes you have all killers, survivors up to P3-lvl50), it's completely understandable that you don't have the motivation to play.

    If you want to play something else during quarantine, you definitely can and nobody is stopping you. A lot of people, myself included, have no problems about how the game is unchanged. After all, what you have to do is be appreciative with what you got, and it's a you-problem if you can't do that.

    Maybe I am looking at it this way because I myself was only ever bored of this game once, and when I came back, I got addicted to it and I still am..?

    My suggestion is, if you don't enjoy something you're doing, play something else.

    Good luck and stay safe!

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Have you ever played the game as 4 man swf? 80-90% escape rates is not that uncommon when you are somewhat decent at the game. Balance gets made around solo survivor and not swf. There goes your balance right out of the window, tell me how infinites like the one on sanctum are fine.

    In literally several thousands hours of gameplay have I encountered the bug you write about once. Do we count getting stuck as well? As it results in the same in addition to everything you mentioned.

    So what you are saying is there are not biased they are just incompetent?

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