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Do you think it is toxic to dc when you see the killer has a secret offering?

Member Posts: 69

In dbd, I hate moris. They are boring, have no counter-play and require no skill to use. However, I kind of feel bad for dcing when I see the killer uses a secret offering since it might just be something else than a green / pink mori. Do I feel bad for doing this? What are the odds of a secret killer offering being an ebony / ivory? One last thing to consider: I changed my name to warn killers that any secret offering from them will result in a dc.


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  • Member Posts: 906

    I love how secret offerings are secret. Nobody knows what to expect. Pretty good job.

  • Member Posts: 179

    I don't a problem with moris it's the toxic killer behavior that leads up to it. Camping the hook and tunneling and then picking you up and dropping you...I mean what's the point? If you have a mori and know you're gonna use it there's no need to pick up and drop a survivor unless you're being a prick and going for surroundings viewing angle.

  • Member Posts: 666

    I love bringing the offering that makes survivors start spread out . Especially cause it's a secret one

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    The fact that you disconnect over a secret offering just insinuates the little amount of respect you have for yourself or your teammates for that matter.

    Disconnecting ruins the fun for your teammates. The other survivors are put at a huge disadvantage because of one less teammate and therefore have a less chance of winning. Disconnecting without thinking about the other survivors is selfish and inconsiderate, especially over a mori. Killers also complain about keys, chances are you've used a key in your entire time playing a survivor so it's not just your side that has issues.

    Point is, disconnecting over an offering is just petty and selfish.

  • Member Posts: 464

    I think he means to kill the game before you load into the map which sends everyone back to the lobby which I will do not dc'ing once you are in the actual game.

  • Member Posts: 464

    Had one of those last night. I got hooked. Unhooked. Tunneled. Dead via an Ebony Mori. Then I unloaded on the killer...basically suggesting he make a visit to the ICU (meaning he ending up as a resident of the ICU) among other choice words. He reported me (and god knows what number I am up to on that account) and then comm banned for 24 hours...I think I am either at #39 or #40 for those...I lost count again.

  • Member Posts: 464

    I have no issue being toxic and if it annoys the killer by me doing that I am all for that.

  • Member Posts: 464

    Well I care about PIPS and rank but I care about being bone crushing painful to any killer who faces me much more so if sending a killer back to the lobby annoys the killer...well that's a bonus in my book.

  • Member Posts: 647

    How about the fact that it's toxic to your teammates? You know, those other people in the game besides you and the killer?

    It's not all about you.

    Completely ignoring that it's just dumb to DC when you could easily just die on first hook if you're REALLY that butthurt, why do you feel the need to just screw four people over (yes, I said four, killers gets screwed out of BP and probably any chance for a merciless as well) just because of something that you can't even confirm is going to happen?

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Mmmm not toxic.

    But it's a great display of easily abandoning your fellow Survivors.

    Teamwork is a great optional thing, but if i play with a fellow Survivor who previously disconnected from seeing a secret Offering, i might just be too busy repairing this Generator to help out.

    Y'know, since we're not caring about each other 'n' stuff... 🤭

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    It still gives you a penalty. And the others another queue.

    Seriously, except for quitting when stuck in bug, no one should ever DC. What if you manage to escape the mori? Feels great. Hard but possible and you steal yourself the chance. I bring most of my moris when I clear addons and offerings before I prestige a killer. And I don't play like 15 games in a row with a max of 4 hooks. When I bring them, I use them when I get smashed, to keep a chance up to get anything done. Or when someone is being an idiot. And I encountered other killers doing that as well or just mori on third hook. Killers with map pressure bring the shrouds too, to get into chases quicker and to avoid the typical 3man gen squad, finishing a gen in the first 30 seconds of the game. You just throw these games and punish yourself.

    Once I had a sweaty spirit slugging the second last survivor, sometimes phasing and I noticed she didn't leave the slug. Just expected me to rush in and then stab me in the back during the next phasing. I ran around, found a key, found the hatch, pointed the slug I found it and dropped the key twice, then waved to show her "come here". Then pointed her away from the hatch so the spirit doesnt find it or me. Next phasing, sneaked out of the closest hiding spot, got her up, took the hit, boosted to the hatch and both escape. That scene wouldn't be possible for either of us if the other one just DC'd because of "bored by slugging". It's these kind of situations I play the game for, not the genrush and Mori off hooks ones.

  • Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2020

    I really don't think he is talking about dc'ing inside the game, but dc'ing before the game loads. He leaves, the match gets cancelled, everyone gets sent back to the lobby. No one really gets hurt. No one loses BP, no one loses PIPs, everyone goes back to the lobby and eventually back to the game. Only person that loses something is the guy who dodged the lobby--he loses an offering. Now if it is clear the killer has a Ebony Mori and it is down to just me and one other, I might dc then especially if I am probably going to depip anyway so the other survivor can perhaps get the hatch. And if the killer was going for some achievement where he needed to Mori everyone and I just stopped him from getting that...well so much the better. Not all that concerned about the concerns of killers. I don't care if killers get screwed out of something because I decide to dc.

  • Member Posts: 16,663
    edited April 2020

    This is exactly what Killers are doing. DCing in Loading Screen is exactly the same like dodging a Lobby because a Survivor has a Flashlight (and most likely cannot use it anyway).

    So yeah, they are scared and dont like the challenge. At least someone is seeing it that way.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    i wouldn’t use the term toxic in this case, and it also depends on when you DC?

    during loading so everyone gets send back? This is pretty much equivalent to lobby-dodging killers and totally okay (but annoying for the rest but still- same-y as lobby dodging)

    during the game it’s really damn ‚toxic‘ and one example why dc-penalty’s are somewhat needed.. you could just hook-suicide - the Killer obviously wanted an easy and fast game if he used a green/pink mori, so no reason for him complaining here.

  • Member Posts: 107

    Everyone loses the time it took to queue up and find a match, which depending on if you're solo survivor could be upwards of 15-20 minutes. I don't know about you, but losing 20 minutes of my time because someone wants to lobby dodge because of a secret offering is probably one of the few things that I would consider toxic in this game.

  • Member Posts: 647

    Ah, so basically lobby dodging through disconnection after the lobby ended, yeah that's way different. No complaints on that then.

    I don't know how it works for survivors if they go to the front of the line or not, but I could see them being a little salty about waiting in the queue again if that's not the case.

    Just FYI, you realize you killing yourself to give someone the hatch is the reason killer's slug for the 4k now right? Just sayin.

    "Not all that concerned about the concerns of killers."

    Yes I'm sure anyone who has ever read your username or read your post history is well aware of this fact lol.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Well I dodge keys so I won’t judge you. Still seems weird to me though, I mean, I’ve seen too many first hook suicides to think survivors would really care. It’s obviously more about not letting a killer enjoy an easier then usual game and less about being afraid of Mori, IMO.

  • Member Posts: 464

    I don't think it gives you a penalty for killing the game before the match loads. It didn't before, but hard for me to test that now as Xbox doesn't have those god awful dedicated servers.

  • Member Posts: 464

    We dodged a lobby the other night. Killer had the name like Moriforyou or something like that and pretty sure he did indeed have a Mori. We were loaded back into a game like 2 minutes later. I haven't had any overly long waits as a survivor as of late.

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    Theres no such thing as "Challenge" in a game like this. Everything is luck based.

  • Member Posts: 1,929

    killers scared of a flashlight? is it 2018 once again? toxic blue hair Neas meme again? no pls

    but I didn't said there wasn't a scared killers counterpart.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    To be fair it's more like a killer DCing in the loading screen because of a map offering they dislike or a last second switch than a flashlight or any other item. Items that are there from the start the killer can try to do something about by equipping stuff like franklins, lightborn, a mori or something else. Can't really prepare for a map offering, last second switch or mori in advance.

    But your point still stands - it's a lobby dodge with more steps that both sides do at times.

  • Member Posts: 569

    This is bs survivors want to use all their strongest stuff flashlights keys medkits toolboxes and all the meta perks but run from a mori how entitled and selfish

  • Member Posts: 138

    No counter? Dont get caught, hooked and downed again. That takes no skill? Rage quitters are the black plague of this game. It ruins it for everyone else in the match. I like to play the shroud of seperation, 90% of the time at least 1 person DC's. Their lame time penalty has done nothing to slow it down. They should perma ban people that reach a certain amount of DC's.

  • Member Posts: 720

    This is a lie. Ebony Mori’s are way more common than this. I am seeing them every other bloodweb level at least. It’s quite ridiculous and something needs to be done about them. The game isn’t enjoyable with ebonys. I can understand a green one and yellows are almost useless. But ebonys are too much. You don’t need to go around putting people down because you’ve inevitably found them once. The fun part of the game thrives off of survivor - killer interactions and when there’s something that literally diminishes the amount of times you get those interactions then it ruins the game. Keys are necessary, Mori’s aren’t. And my reasoning for that is because keys allow people to escape when things get too hard to do. There have always been alternate methods of escaping in every survival video game. You don’t ever want to leave anyone feeling hopeless, because where’s the fun in that? Mori’s literally allow killers to down and hook someone then use that person as bait so as soon as they get unhooked they just get Downed and Mori’d. It’s unfair!

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Toxic no

    If you do this just stop queuing up plz

  • Member Posts: 569

    So survivors get an easy out but not killer i swear you entitled survivors are the worst part of the game

  • Member Posts: 769

    I personally don't D/C when I see a mori as it probobly means the killer is bad and keeps getting steamrolled. So I just let them have their little win.

    However, as moris are way more OP compared to keys, I wouldn't blame someone that does.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Ebony moris aren't a challenge, they're an instawin for the killer unless they play horribly.

    I don't dodge the loading screen because sometimes it's not a mori, sometimes it's a Cypress, sometimes the killer is very, very bad, I don't want to put myself and everyone else through lobby sim again, etc. But I will absolutely throw a bit of exit gate BM if the killer somehow manages to lose with a mori.

    Also I don't think OP was talking about DCing in game. That would actually be pretty bad for your teammates, but that's not what's being talked about here I think.

  • Member Posts: 977

    How is it a great display of abandoning your fellow survivors? If you dc in the loading screen the moment it shows the mori and it just kicks everyone out of the lobby. No one loses pips, no one loses items and there's no DC penalty. It's essentially no different than a killer lobby dodging.

  • Member Posts: 309

    Killer queues are instant, you're not bothering anyone but other survivors.

  • Member Posts: 109
  • Member Posts: 1,480



  • Member Posts: 88

    Even worse. At least your teammates have a chance of winning versus not giving them anything at all PLUS the loading screen. I feel dead inside every single time it happens because I have to go back to queue because someone didnt like how long it was taking to load in or it might've been a red mori. Notice the might've. I bring in yellow more often then not, and people have the grace to only dc when they're getting mori'd if I bring in a red. The only reason I'm typing this right now is because someone didn't want to face a hidden offering when most likely yellow. Give the teammates a chance, don't dc on the loading screen, and don't waste everyone else's time just because you don't want to face a possible mori.

  • Member Posts: 195

    It depends. If everyone bring a bloody party streamer and killer brings a mori. I instantly close app. Again it depends on my mood of the game.

  • Member Posts: 7,669
    edited April 2020

    DCing in general is toxic imo, unless there is a good reason for it, such as irl problems, exploits or cheats.

    but just saying "ugh player X brought character / item / offering X i dont like" is never a valid reason to DC.

    Edit: yeah your name change is gonna achieve the exact opposite of what you want btw. now they will be bringing a secret offering just to see whether you'd actually DC or not and make fun of you if you did.

  • Member Posts: 138

    Doesn’t matter to me what a killer brings in if the Mori me oh well keys can make the game easier for survivors yet wouldn’t leave to them either. I play to have fun if I get a killer with a Mori and die first I still could have fun in the game and hopefully helped at least run them for a bit to help my team. If I leave them I wait for another match as a survivor which is a lot more boring than at least playing. I’m not the best survivor or killer but the games about having fun maybe some ppl need to not take it so serious and enjoy. Same reason I don’t dc when I get tunneled or camped I hang in as long as I can to help the other survivors which makes the game better.

  • Member Posts: 119
    edited April 2020

    Not toxic. They need to nerf moris. It isn't fair. End of story.

    Edit : check my thread on how to DC without consequences btw.

  • Member Posts: 453

    Honestly, when I see 4 survivors in a 4 man SWF or bring in 4 toolboxes, or 4 flashlights, or even a key. That mori is being put up instantly, and its always nice to see the survivors attempting to bully quit when it seems like it won't go their way. It hilarious and depressing as you see a bully squad wanting to bully, but can't take the same treatment from killer.

    But to answer your question, yes, you are toxic for DCing without a valid reason (aka no "killer brought something I don't like").

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    dcing should be for emergencies only...

  • Member Posts: 662

    then why do i see them on every bloodweb? on a lvl 50 killer of course. but at max level i get them on every single bloodweb. they are not rare.

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    Sometimes I'll bring a shroud or a cypris and pretend I have a normal Mori by swinging at them and nodding just to see if they'll DC. It doesn't happen often but oh boy when it does it makes me chuckle like I was a kid again. To add insult to injury I'll even farm with the rest of the team because of the DC. It seems only right. :D

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I rather get mori then hook 3 time. Only time it annoying is when I'm being tombstone I'm just baffled by my teammates. If killer have to deal with items then I'm sure survivors can handle being DOA.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    It's not specified if this DC is during the loading screen or the match.

    My comment was written assuming the DC was made during the match.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    Going to close this because we do not support DC'ing and we are not going advertise DC'ing on our forum

    When you DC you ruin the game for 4 other people, if the killer has a secret offering - it's part of the game, same as if a survivor has a key. Just because you particularly don't like playing against that offering or don't like playing against a particular killer IS NOT a reason to DC, just play the game!

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