players who DC make the game <air quotes>UNFUN</airquotes> for killers and other survivors.
No mind changing here 😘
Just had an Ash DC against my Wraith not five minutes in. Then the survivors bm me in post game chat for being 'boring.'
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I wonder how much of life they quit because they find it 'boring' or 'unfun'..
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I nat type DC so I can keep my items, still earn BP etc. when the killer is toxic.
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Ultimate green/yellow rank mood right there
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Ultimate salty killer main.
Sounds like you're just mad over survivors giving you less points by DCing.
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We love a good Decisive Connection perk.
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No, just a rank 1 survivor and rank 6 killer, aka someone who plays both roles and understands the state of the game beyond petty "survivors are op and toxic" and "killers are op and toxic" fisacos. DC'ing is only right to do when the killer has the worst ping and the game is literally unplayable since survivors get hit from 20 meters away every 10 seconds, or when real life issues pop up. Otherwise play the game as intended and don't abandon your team.
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implying you are a team and not 5 individual players...
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I get what you're saying and sometimes I feel bad abondoning certain teams but I'm sure most of them would understand like how I understand if one of my team DC when they get face camped and tunneled.
Certain killers sap the fun out of the game so.. It's understandable.