I keep getting disconnected and getting Penalty

Every time I play I get disconnect and get penalty so many times not fair need to fix that I don’t want to get banned for that reason
Why would you keep playing if you kept being disconnected ? LoL
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sooo fix your internet? update your router? port forward?
You are a detriment to the team while your connection is so unstable that it disconnects you, thats why the penalty is there, fix your internet.
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I haven't gotten disconnected often enough to receive that much of a penalty yet, but it isn't always about the internet. I have no issues with my internet with anything other than the PS4 dedicated servers. I can stream Sling and Netflix without buffering. I can play hours and hours of any other online game without a single second of lag. The moment I start playing DBD I have constant lag, and some disconnects.
I have only played DBD on PS4, but I have played lots of other online games. The only one that has ever given me any issues is DBD. The dedicated servers BHVR implemented on PS4 players are horrible.
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That isn't an option at times. A few years back the power cables to my house corroded and made me have VERY unstable internet due to unstable power. There was no "fixing" my internet as I had to rewire the power lines coming into the house.
But that still doesn't make you wrong. I knew my net was crap, so I didn't play online till I got everything repaired.
If you are unable to play online in a stable manner. Don't play online. It really is that simple.
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Then stop queuing up.
It's either the games bug, which means it's going to continue to happen and YOU cant fix that.
Or it's your internet, which means it's going to continue to happen unless you fix your net issues.
Either way it ducks over your teammates by tou leaving. The bans are in place for this. It sucks, even if you dint do it intentionally, but it still ruins the game.
Or it's that you DC on purpose and making excuses, but that seems highly unlikely considering how normal and non ranty your thread is.