How many youtube/twich channels do you know that main a specific killer

I ask this question because I am curious to find more channels dedicated to specific Killers.
So for example Umbra Is a huntress main
But I want to know as many channels that main a specific killer that enjoy the character and the challenge that is brought with them. So is there clown mains? , plague mains? , Michael mains? .
I know it's pretty obvious that they are but I just want to see someone new and someone who is a master to their killer through thick and thick. I might already know some people that might get suggested but put them down anyway for others to see.
Thanks for your time :)
What exactly is a pacific killer? I'm genuinely confused, that seems like a rather self-contradictory term.
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I suggest changing pacific to specific. It’ll save you from trolling.
He might be toxic but I watch a guy named Tur Jay. He mains nurse and huntress and can make some good plays.
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I think he means specific killer and like they only player 1 killer.
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Right, thank you, that makes a lot more sense now.
@OP I don't personally know any of those, because although most people do have a main that they play whenever they can, I've never encountered a streamer who exclusively plays a particular killer.
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Sorry for the confusion, I've had no sleep haha and I know that killer mains are good at what they do no matter who they pick but I know of trapper mains, Doc mains and even legion mains but i get what your saying.
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Scorpions on Twitch mains Pig and is really good with her. Otsdarva plays every killer in the game at a really high level, but he does seem to love Trapper and Legion a bit more than most. He's my favorite for learning killer as he plays with all kinds of killers, perks and add-ons while still wrecking people in most of his games.
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Lol no worries, happens to the best of us! Admittedly, I don't follow a lot of streamers on Twitch, so there are probably a lot out there that I don't know about.
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Does anybody know any oni mains?
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I love to know of any Oni mains as well. I've wanted to main him from the jump, but have been grinding for a few good teachables so I won't have as rough a time learning him
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I thought Scott jund was trying to but I could be completely wrong. But that what I mean. I love to see people main killers we barely see because of how weak they are.
I know clown is weak but it doesn't mean I don't want to see a clown main trying to make good of a terrible situation haha
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Thanks for the suggestion but I already know fungoose. However to anyone else who hasn't seen fungoose then definitely watch him, PC or console you will definitely learn something from him on both sides but mostly killer. He has great patience against survivors who think they are gods among men haha
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TheEntityslefthand is a Trapper main.
Ralph and Umbra main Huntress.
There's a Youtuber called Stalky boi who mains Myers.
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when Ayrun plays Killer he plays Hillbilly 90% of the time.
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Bubba main now!
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Ralph, the huntress who almost never M1s. Man he knows every sneaky spot to slip a hatchet through.
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I never heard of Stalky Boi and now I know of a Myers main now haha I often see Michael when playing, he definitely isn't rare but I've never seen a youtube or streamer main him. So thanks for that.
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Not even Oni wants to play Oni.
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What's wrong with Oni? He looks super fun. I don't have him yet, though.
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I know that iWilliamz is a really good spirit main, but he used the "r" word in one of his videos and that turned me off of his content.
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I'm pretty sure Scott Jund counts. He's put a lot of time into the Oni since his release even though his number 1 is still Huntress
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I had a looked at that iWilliamz and I know people play spirit, it's not uncommon however I never seen a spirit main and I actually learnt some tricks from him.
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No he's an Oni main now, he says so in like every stream these days.
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Otzdarva is a Trapper main.
Ohtofu is a Billy main.
Scott Jund was an Oni main.
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Try big brain oni main on youtube
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I was a dedicated Nurse main, now I'm loyal to Spirit. I feel like I'm begging for veiwers and subs when I say this but you can follow my channel for Spirit content.
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Spacecoconut does main hag if ur intrested in that one
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My personal fav Puppers loves Myers and Billy.
Are there any Xbox killer mains around?
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Zubat has been playing killer for the past week or two.
No offense, it's a bit dull, he's only been playing Deathslinger.
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Scorpionz, mainly playing Pig, but also playing other Killers (even tho, quite rarely). Really good Killer, way better than others with more Viewers.
Also, ArchdruidDrey is a Doctor Main, probably the best Doctor out there.
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I'd like to see Oni Mains who explain well how they play them. At the moment I have problems with baiting to dash right but go left. I know you have to use A,W,S and camera very well with him.
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Scott Jund is an Oni main. For those that really want some high level Oni content, he has a YouTube video of fifty straight Oni 4k’s. It’s eight hours long and perfect for my low stress Oni moods.