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Any good perks to use on the shape (Mike myers)

Started to main the shape (Mike myers) and practising lots of different perks with my freinds but it seems I can't find any perks to definstly stick with need help!

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  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Aside from general good Killer Perks like Whispers or PGTW, those are Perks I think are decent for Myers:

    Enduring-->My go to Chase Perk, either alone or with Brutal Strength. M1-Killers are good with it, since it allows eating Pallets.

    Monitor&Abuse-->Michael has a really small TR when in Tier 2 so it helps to sneak up.

    Infectious Fright-->Myers can benefit from it, also good with Monitor&Abuse. Allows for some Snowballing in Tier 3.

    Corrupt Intervention-->One Perk I like a lot on Myers, because it closes the Gap between myself and the Survivors at the start. Them running around and not working on Gens is nice, but I like even more that they (in general, unless you get a Spawn in the Middle on Resting Place) basically run in my direction at the start, because especially the early game is crucial on Myers.

  • Member Posts: 927

    It really depends on what add-ons you use. @Aven_Fallen provided pretty good perks, though I might substitute Spirit Fury for Brutal Strength if you aren't going to use them together. Good build to go with your typical add-ons.

    So, I'll aim for the atypical add-ons. Scratched Mirror and Boyfriend's Memo. Boyfriend's Memo specifically to make up for the decreased lunge of always being in tier 1. As for perks, I tend to aim for slowdown perks, so Dying Light, Ruin, and Thanatophobia work rather well. Ruin, probably the least though, because of your decreased mobility. PGTW and Overcharge are pretty good too. PWYF works pretty well, too. Especially if you end up on a larger map and need more speed. Sometimes I'll throw in Franklin's or Devour Hope just to change things up a bit or if toolboxes get annoying. This build works best on in door maps, so throw in an offering for Gideon Meat Packing Plant, Hawkins, or Léry's if you have one. Haddonfield and Springwood work pretty well, too. Your objective here is to ambush, not chase, as nearly every loop becomes an infinite.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Monitor and Abuse for SURE!

    I'm All Ears might be a good one too, since you can then read the auras of people and get a sense of the mindgames that they will try to pull.

    Discordance is also good for finding more people to stalk, but Surveillance is also good over the cource of the entire game.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Thank all for helping me with this seems quite reliable

  • Member Posts: 47

    My go to daddy myers build is monitor, infectious fright, pop, and either bbq if I need points or corrupt intervention. For addons I run one of the faster stalk addons with a dead rabbit (4 meter tr in t2 outside of a chase, 46 meter tr in t3 in a chase for more infectious value.)

  • Member Posts: 144

    Infectious fright! And its in the shrine this week!

  • Member Posts: 179

    I play Myers ALOT and the ones I normally run are...

    Moniter and Abuse : Great for stalking and lowering your already small TR

    Dying Light: Works good for early game momentum of slow down on genrush but you really gotta stick to to your non-obsession targets (some tunneling required. #noshame)

    BBQ and Chili: As if I need to state the obvious

    And pending who I see in the lobby and what items I'll either go with NOED or Thanaphobia for my last perk. Usually the former since its a nice insurance plan for downing people during EGC.

  • Member Posts: 63

    BBQ, M&A, Infectious Fright and Enduring/Pop.

  • Member Posts: 954

    Some of my faves apart from the usual perks Pop+Trilling, BBQ, infectious, Monitor, enduring, and spirit fury are Bamboozle and brutal strength which are really good to counter early dropped pallets and loops. Save the best for last is really good on him, you can prevent loosing 4 tokens with a tier 3 on the obsession so you only loose 2 tokens. Corrupt is probably the best perk on him because you only have to patrol a few gens and it gives you more time to tier up. Surge and I am all ears are decent on him, not the best but pretty useful. These are some neat perks on him maybe fire up is good on him because gens be flying by fast so it’s really up to you to decide what kind of build you want. Hoped this helped :)

  • Member Posts: 190

    Dark Devotion's really good on him. Pop EW3 on your obsession to slug them and enjoy 30s of Undetectable while you sneak up on the others for easy insta-downs.

  • Member Posts: 800

    Can confirm, dark devotion is underrated on Myers. Tier 3 no terror radius Myers can be terrifyingly strong.

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