Borrowed Time.

DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117

More specifically, BT against things like Oni's Demon Strike, Leather's Chainsaw and Billy's saw. I.e Attacks that do 2 states of damage at max.

Borrowed Time. 35 votes

I like the full immunity to damage. I like not being chainsawed downed after unhook
Seiko300OnryosTapeRentalsVolantConch1719LALYTHIAxEaFichteHiroalaenyiaAhoyWolfFicktaDetailedDetrimentPlantCollectorSebaOutbreakPainaSrxErick4inferjusPrettyFaceKatePapiQuentin_[Deleted User][Deleted User]Joelwino 26 votes
I don't like it. It's too op.
Demogordon_RamsayAwkward_Fiend 2 votes
"sad killer noises as survs get away from your chainsaw. "
AcromioYucchiCheersDeadbyDeathGardenStrancolFilledPizzaAzgarthus 7 votes


  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    I like it

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited March 2020
    I like the full immunity to damage. I like not being chainsawed downed after unhook

    It's an anti tunneling perk. It really doesn't bother me all that much as a killer (even when playing one of the chainsaw bros) because if a survivor makes a truly unsafe unhook than it's really just a hook trade. And hook trades are (for the most part) only ever beneficial to you as a killer, the fact that people feel slightly more secure going for unsafe unhooks while wielding BT in their back pocket only encourages them to make such plays and that's honestly fine with me.

    As a survivor it helps me finish the altruistic dailys or archive challenges quickly and easily. Outside of that I don't really run it too often because I play mostly solo (although if I am with a group I sometimes play with then I'll be more likely to run it) so you'll see me running perks for myself. As a solo I'd take Kindred over BT 10 times out of 10 and it'd probably be a lot more useful too, helps me get unhooked safely (more or less) but also helps me as a solo to know whether or not I should halt the gen rush because everybody else is occupied. Also gives me tabs on where the killer is so I can easily stealth around them.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    I don't like it. It's too op.

    Meant to click option 3, fatfingered it. :p

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    I like the full immunity to damage. I like not being chainsawed downed after unhook

    It's a good perk, it prevents Survivors from getting insta-downed against a camping Killer for instance. I don't think it's too OP since the rescuer must be within the Killer's TR.

  • Yucchi
    Yucchi Member Posts: 251
    "sad killer noises as survs get away from your chainsaw. "

    You add a great 3rd option that conveys the 1st one way better and expect me to not click that?

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    I like the full immunity to damage. I like not being chainsawed downed after unhook

    It is an anti-tunnel perk. I am not picky about what kind of BS tunnel it is preventing. A tunnel that should not have happened in the 1st place.